Tuesday 31st March

Good Morning Everyone.  Hope you have woke up ready to learn and in a great mood.

Let’s see what the plans are for today after your morning circle


Let’s start the day off with some dancing with our favourite movement and zumba songs

Life Skills

Can you help to do the dishes at home?  Can you count the dishes?  Can you sort the cutlery?  Can you name the colours?


Today I would like you to practice your typing skills.  Can you type your name and your families/friends names?

You can also access some maths/general learning sites and play some games:

The San Diego Zoo website has lots of amazing videos, activities and games for kids


You can access your favourite maths counting game here




Today have a look at the dance tab – Rachel is uploading a dance to learn over the week and is uploading a different part each day – go and have a go – record yourself and send them in to me if you wish.  Have fun



Today we will do a story massage.  I have uploaded a video below on how to do the massage techniques. Please watch before doing this if you have never done a story massage before.

Here are the stories to chose from today

if you click on the pictures they will become bigger.


Sign of the Day

Remember to go to the sign of the day tag to watch Lorna signing – I wonder what we will learn today?


Fiddly Fingers

Complete a jigsaw today as independently as possible



Enjoy the sunshine outside with your family.  If there are any leaves in the garden why not help to clean them up and put in the compost bin?  What colour are the leaves? Are there any flowers in your garden?  If so what kind and what colour?


STEM Challenge

A reminder of this week’s STEM Challenge

Or the next part of the lego challenge


Have a feelings check in

Task for Today: Can you use all 5 of your senses….?  Choose one or a few of these challenge cards and see how you can use your senses:   


Finish off your day with some mindfulness.

After this you are finished for the day!  Enjoy the rest of your day with your family

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