Social Studies

Social Studies

Coming up on your TV screens shortly:

Sorry picture is a bit blurry. This series starts on Wed. night at 8.00pm on BBC Scotland channel.

Some Scottish pupils are let loose in the museum in Edinburgh overnight – looks like fun.

Group 6 – you might spot a dinosaur!

Groups 4 and 5 – they might find some Roman artifacts.



Please find below a list of interactive educational websites which most of the secondary pupils have used at some time during their Social Studies lessons:

(Should a website not load on your computer, it might be best to access it using the older search engine –   Internet Explorer.)

  • Sheppard Software” – then choose to access hundreds of educational games, matching activities, quizzes and articles related to school topics.
  • “Topmarks” – then choose to access a huge variety of education resources online. Remember to scroll down the page.
  • “Roman mosaic online” – then choose to access an interactive Mosaic design program, which some of our pupils have recently been using in school. Choose the “simple” menu heading for an easier grid to work on.
  • 3d geography” – then choose to access fun ideas to help with learning about Geography.
  • Crickweb” – then choose to access a variety of subject related interactive educational activities.
  • There are also plenty of educational resources on the “BBC Bitesize” website. Try the Primary Link to begin with and follow the Scotland menu for Early, First and Second Level resources for most subjects.

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