Gold Class – Thursday 26.03.2020

Good Morning Gold Class!

  1. Morning Circle
  2. Maths – Today’s focus is MONEY.                                                                                                        Follow this link for sorting coins:            Follow this link for using coins to pay for items:                                                                                                                                    Empty out your adult’s purse or wallet…what coins or notes can you spot?
  3. Fiddly Fingers –   Can you strengthen your fingers? Use clothes pegs and squeeze them open and peg them on to different things….you could even peg them to your family’s clothes! How many can you peg on?!
  4. Story – Here’s a story about Patrick…What did Patrick do?!
  5. Sign of the Day – Today’s signs are all about ANIMALS
  6. Music – Have a look at what Connie and Gordon have for you.
  7. Sensory – Can you make a Tactile Road?
  8. Dance – Check out what Rachel has in store for you!

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