Daily Archives: March 25, 2020

Music with Gordon this week: Primary

Hi everyone!

We’re all getting used to working in new ways away from our usual classrooms, but we can still have fun making music.

What to do this week

This week,  please join in with the activities below. The more who can join in, the more fun, too. Do the activities as many times as you like.

Activities (links below)

    1. Hello song
    2. Bounce and catch. You’ll need a ball for this.
    3. Tap and clap along to the music on the YouTube video. This week we have a Brazilian classic by Sergio Mendes feat. Black Eyed Peas – Mas Que Nada
    4. Play the video again, but this time play along with some instruments – if you don’t have any, see what you can find around you that can make a good sound.
    5. Time to get up and dance! Move around to HAPPY – Pharrell Williams (feat. Minions)
    6. And now, time to chill. He’res a piece of piano music by the French composer Erik Satie. You may want to play it more than once.
    7. Goodbye Song. Time to say goodbye! Thank you for your music. Hope you had some fun, see you all next time!

Hello Song

Click and scroll down to see the video

Bounce and Catch

Tap and clap and then play along

Time to move around

Chill and relax

Goodbye Song

Groups 9 and 11 – Science Wednesday 25th March

Hi Everyone,

In school last week we made some plans for some topic work whilst the school is shut.

If you were in school you will have a topic sheet in your take home pack. Today I would like you to start work on your topic. Remember that there are lots of useful links to Science resources in this document Science work from home – online

If you were not in school, don’t worry. The first step is to choose a topic:

A wild animal                           The human body              First Aid

Then decide want you want to know. For example, your topic might be dolphins, and in particular you might want to find out how they travel in water.

You then need to decide how you are going to find out the information. Look for useful websites where you think you might find information. (Remember to check the ones on the science work from home document).

If you choose a first aid topic, check out the British Red Cross website for lots of information:


Then make a start!

Keep in touch by replying to this e-mail and I will be here to help.

Enjoy, Sarah

Groups 6 and 7 Science Wednesday 25th March

Hello everyone,

In school we had just started learning about different animal groups.

To recap what we have learnt so far watch this video and then answer the questions shown below.

Say the names of the five animal groups shown in the video.

Stop the video at 0.57. Point to the fish’s fins, tail and gill. Do you know what type of fish this is?

Stop the video at 1.06. Can you spot the pink fish?

Stop the video at 1.54. Can you move your hand or body like a snake?

Stop the video at 2.30. Point to the tadpoles.

Stop the video at 3.23. Point to the bird that can run fast. Do you know what kind of bird it is? Point to the birds that can swim. What type of bird are they?

How do mammals feed their babies?

What type of animal are you?

Extension challenge: If you found that easy watch this video and answer the next set of questions.

What does cold-blooded mean?

What are the main characteristics of fish? (Hint: stop the video at 1.44 and read the words)

What do reptiles have instead of sticking out ears?

What makes a reptile ‘a reptile’? (Hint: stop the video at 3.08 and read the words)

What type of animal do some scientists think birds descended from? (Hint: go to 3.10 on the video and listen carefully)

What does warm-blooded mean?

What are the main characteristics of birds (Hint: stop the video at 4.10 and read the words)

What types of animals are amphibians? (Hint: the video gives the names of three types of amphibian)

What makes an amphibian ‘an amphibian’? (Hint: stop the video at 4.47)

How do mammals feed their young?

What are the key characteristics of mammals? (Hint: stop the video at 5.28)

Stop the video at 6.30 and say what type of animal you think a dolphin is.

Watch the rest of the video, were you right? What type of animal is a dolphin?



Purple Class 25.3.20

Hello Purple Class! Laura and Buster bear hope you are well. We miss seeing your happy faces!

It’s Spring and lots of creatures are laying eggs and having babies! Today we are learning about the life cycle of a frog.

Can you draw a frog’s egg, tadpole and a young frog? We would love to see your pictures!

Sit back, relax and listen to this frog story!

Have good day!

Group 4 and 5 Science Wednesday 25th March

Hello everyone in groups 4 and 5,

In school we had just started a topic about plants and what they need to grow.

For a recap of what we have learnt so far watch this video and answer the questions shown below.

Why is the lady upset?

What did she do to the plants? (hint: she had four plants and she did something different with each one)

Why was this the wrong thing to do? (hint: the plant she put in the drawer could not get any light, what was the problem for the other three plants?)

What 5 things do plants need to survive?

Extra challenge. If you found that easy try this. Watch the video about Spanish Moss and answer the questions shown below.

Spanish Moss does not come from Spain. Where does it come from?

Is Spanish Moss actually a moss?

How does it reproduce? (Hint: how does it produce new plants – spores or seeds?)

What do some people think it is doing to the trees?

Spanish Moss is actually a type of flowering plant known as an air-plant or epiphyte. Air-plants don’t have roots so how do they get the water and nutrients they need to survive?

Is Spanish Moss a parasite to the trees it grows on or is it harmless?

In the video try to spot 4 different places where the moss was growing.

If you need any help leave a comment and I will write back to you.
