Tuesday 24th March

Hello again,

You will see there’s a selection of things on today’s timetable so just keep an eye out for lots of ideas coming your way! You can select each category down the side of the blog so if you don’t see it on Silver Class 3 try selecting something different e.g. “gardening” or “Dance”.

Life Skills/Jobs around the house

There is a selection of ideas in your home learning pack but here’s a reminder of things you can try at home:

Why not help mum or dad to make breakfast or lunch today?


I’d love to see what you are getting up to at home so take some pictures or video and email them to your teacher!

Or if you would rather do some building.. here is day 1 of the 30 Day Lego Challenge


Silver class recently made their own caterpillars and beautiful butterflies as part of our “Living Things” topic!

Read “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” if you have it, If not, here is a little animated film of the story:


Fiddly Fingers:

Here are some ideas – it’s amazing what you can do with stuff lying around in the house!



The Silver class planted some Sunflower seeds and had some lovely plants before school closed (as part of our “Living Things” topic. Let’s have a look and see how they are doing!

Wow!! Looks like some of the seeds are growing and we are starting to see some stem poking through the compost! Well done Silver class! Here is a sunflower diary you can download if you like, or you can make your own at home by just drawing what you see in the pictures and telling an adult.


Now let’s have a look at our plants…

Oh my goodness!! When we got these there were no flowers at all. They are growing big and bright and beautiful! I will keep you updated on how they grow.

Health and Wellbeing (HWB)

If you haven’t tried it already – Joe Wicks the body coach is doing LIVE fitness workouts every morning. I’ve also attached some idea cards if you’d rather make up your own routine!







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