Daily Archives: March 24, 2020

Circle Time

Good morning!

Here is our circle time routine if you would like to do your own circle time in the mornings! 🙂

  • We sing our Good morning song (see yesterday’s blog post!)
  • We then say Good morning to each other
  • We sing the Days of the week song (see Amy’s silly video!) and choose our symbol for the day

  • After that we will sing our Months of the Year song (see video) and share which month it is!


  • Then it’s time for our weather song and choosing the symbol!

  • We sometimes also discuss our feelings and emotions and choose how we feel that day

  • And finally, time for a movement song! Here are some favourites of the Silver class:



Have a lovely morning everyone!


PE with Joe Wicks

Hi everyone,

Up for some exercise? Well every day at 9am the personal trainer Joe Wicks is going to deliver a PE lesson free on you tube. This is an excellent way to keep fit and exercise with thousands of kids around the world, how amazing is that?

Just follow the link and have fun.


And if you miss the lesson live you can still watch it afterwards, follow the link for Mondays 23rd lesson:


Tuesday 24 March

Good Morning Blue Class 🙂

Hope everyone is keep safe.  If you are starting to do some distance learning today then here are some ideas for today.  If you’re not, don’t worry, take time to adjust to what is going on in the world.


Today for dance we will be joining in with some kidz bop kids dancing to dance monkey.  Let me see you dancing boys, girls, mums and dads 🙂

if you then really want to get moving then don’t forget to join in with the boadycoach live on youtube at 9am.


Today for ICT the lesson will be a virtual tour of some of the animals at Edinburgh zoo…

here’s the link https://www.edinburghzoo.org.uk/webcams/panda-cam/


Today the story will be your favourite – Groovy Joe ice cream and dinosaurs.  You can sign up to vooks now for a free month trial for lots of animated books here https://www.vooks.com/ to watch Groovy Joe or you can watch it below on youtube.


Sign of the Day

Don’t forget to be practicing the sign of the day – if you want to send me a video then feel free

Fiddly Fingers

Today why don’t you make some playdough (if you can – recipe in home learning pack) and have a dough disco – practicing pinchng, squeezing, rolling – maybe you can make a model of something.

If you can’t do this then why not help mum or dad use the clothes pegs to hang up the washing.

Daily Challenge 

Today your challenge is to set the table for yourself and your family with with as much or ittle help as needed.  Make sure everyone has a cup/glass, plate, knife, fork and a spoon if needed.


Have a lovely day everyone and hopefully see you soon

Group 5 Circle time – Tuesday 24th March

Hello everyone,

I am trying to decide which Mr Men or Little Miss character I am today.


I think I am Mr Topsy – Turvy because everything feels a bit different today.

How are you today? Send me a reply with which Mr Man or Little Miss you think you are?

The weather where I live is cloudy

The subjects on your suggested timetable today are PSD, PE and ICT, break time, story, sign of the day, fiddly fingers, lunch and then gardening and HWB. Why not stay on Glow and try some of the activities suggested by your teachers. Remember to hit reply and let us know how you are getting on.

I’ll be back again soon with some ideas for a story and for fiddly fingers.

See you soon, Sarah





Good morning everyone,

Hope you are all well and keeping safe.

Please continue to work through the activities in your pack that was sent home last week. I will get additional Language activities to you a.s.a.p.

Those of you who have outstanding work to complete for your National Qualifications (Language & Communication) – this was sent home last week in your packs. Please complete these activities and keep them safe. You can bring them to school when we all return – I will require this paperwork to file, as evidence for the SQA, so it is important.

Good luck and get in touch if you are unsure about anything.

If you do not have any NQ work in your pack – you can relax – you have completed your coursework. Well done!

Thank you all for your hard work in Language!

Take care and enjoy your learning from home. I will be in touch soon.

Laura Leathem (Language & Communication Teacher)





Group 11 24/03/2020

Good morning! chickens!

I’m missing you all.  We are going to have a fun day today.  My boys are up already and want to follow your timetable again.

At 9 am we are going to join Joe Wicks for some movement. You will find it here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAxW1XT0iEJo0TYlRfn6rYQ

Then we will make our beds, dust and tidy up.

ICT will be a virtual visit to Edinburgh zoo.  https://www.edinburghzoo.org.uk/

Then time for some dance at https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=just+dance

We’ll squeeze in a quick time for quiet reading and Lorna’s sign of the day.

Fiddly fingers will be playdough.

After all that we are going to tidy the garden and talk about 10 things we are grateful for.

I’d love to see pictures of your day!