Tag Archives: challenge

Thinking Thursday Tower Challenge

Primary 2 were given the challenge to work as a team to build a tower that was taller than the table and held one pencil on the top without falling over! At first we thought it was an impossible task. However, we worked together in our teams using our logical thinking skills to solve the problem. We evaluated our learning at the end and we even had a winning group who worked very well as a team creating a strong and secure tower.

Check out some of our towers!

P6 Christmas Homework Challenge!



*Christmas Alphabet – write an A-Z list of all things Christmas!

*Invention – invent a toy for Christmas that every child in Scotland will want!

*Q and A – the answer is Christmas Day… what is the question? Create 10 questions!

*Prediction – write an imaginative paragraph about your Christmas day… 10 years from now!

*Disadvantages – List 10 disadvantages of being an ELF!



Primary Six are SHAPING up to have a super year!

This week primary 6 have been working on shape in maths! Some of us have been looking at properties of 3D shapes and some have been focussing on how 3D objects can be made up of 2D shapes. We’ve been embracing active maths in the classroom and choosing our own learning tasks to make sure we are all being challenged in the areas we are confident in and supported further in areas we’re not!

Have a look at some of the great things we’ve been getting up to…


Glasgow Science Centre

On Monday 1st June, P4, P5/4 and P5 went to the Science Centre in Glasgow.   When we arrived some of us went to the first floor, some of us went to the second floor and the rest of us went to the top floor.  It was a great trip and we all enjoyed the activities, experiments and science theatre show!  We got the chance to have a browse in the shop and buy souvenirs and had our lunch in the large atrium.

Isobel – I enjoyed the large scale hamster wheel on the third floor and it wasn’t as easy as it looked!

Nicole – I enjoyed when we got the chance  to pump the blood to the heart and it increased the heart beat.

Niamh – I liked watching Francesco and Isla trying to eat the cream crackers quickly.

Ehlana – I learned that the body needs to let gas release or you could explode!

Adrian – I liked the challenge where I had to use the air gun to manouver the beach ball through the hoop.

Alea – When watching the show I learned that the amount of blood your heart beats every day can fill 125 bath tubs!

Alex – I liked looking at the real life tornado that re-formed itself.

Madison – I enjoyed holding onto the high bar and timed how long I could do this for.

Ben – The sprint challenge was great!  I got a best time of 1:63.

Lukas – I liked when I had to spin the wheel, whilst standing on the platform and turn the wheel at the same time.  Astronaut use this in space to control the shuttle.

We would defintiely recommend the trip to another class.  It was a great day out, we learned lots and had fun!  A special thanks to our wonderful parent helpers for keeping us safe.





Presentations in P3a!

WOW! I am AMAZED with the hard work and effort of the boys and girls in Primary 3! Two weeks ago they were set a homework challenge… to do a presentation in front of the class about any subject of their choice.

The results were FANTASTIC! We had outfits, trophies, medals, photos, posters, dvds, songs, powerpoints… even a cake! We all learned so much from listening to each other… we learned about countries, hobbies, pets, games, history, animals, football teams and very special people!

At the end of the presentations the ‘judging panel’ gave feedback to the presenter about their delivery, content and style.

Overall the presentations were excellent, it was lovely to see and hear the children talking about something they are passionate about.


From Miss King 🙂

Primary 3 Round Up!

Primary 3 are delighted to finally be able to begin sharing our learning with you!

Please look out for regular updates about all the fun we have been having and all the things we have been learning!

Here are some pictures of some of the things we have been getting up to…

Time to learn about Time!

Primary 5 are learning about telling the time using analogue and digital clocks.  As part of a homework challenge, Miss Crease asked us to design and construct either an analogue or digital clock or a watch.

Aaron – I made a digital clock using lego.  It was really easy to make and my friends thought it was a good idea.

Ben – My clock is an analogue clock and I used things around the house to make it.

Erin – I made a huge watch and I used a paper fastener so that the hands can move.  It’s big enough for a giant to






Article 29

Our education should encourage us to try new things and challenge ourselves.

Primary 6 have just returned from a fantastic three day trip to Lendrick Muir and yet again, the staff made sure we had a fun-filled, action-packed and full-on range of challenging activities.  These included everything from working as part of a team to develop our search and rescue skills to overcoming personal challenges such as climbing jacob’s ladder and learning to ride a bike.  We even managed to squash in a bit of inflatable and circus fun and get the staff to dress up and act out a murder mystery for us to solve.

Here are just some of the photos taken to give you a flavour of what a great time we had.  Hopefully, in the very near future, a CD will be available with all the photos on it.

Primary 5 Playground Clean Up!

Article 24

We have a right to live in a clean and safe environment.

This week p5 have been out in the playground clearing up all the litter as part of our task from the Eco Club! We had a challenge to see which group could find the most rubbish as there was quite a lot! Please remember to always put your litter in the bin, help keep our school clean and tidy!

Homework Challenge- build a Roman chariot.

As part of our homework, Miss Woods and Miss Crease have set us a challenge!  We have been asked to design and build a Roman chariot using everyday materials from home.

We looked at photos and video clips of Roman chariots and learned how and why they were used by the Romans.

We have to bring our chariots into school by next Friday 14th February.  Photographs will follow…

If we find this challenge a little bit too difficult, our teachers said that we could draw a labelled diagram of a Roman chariot instead.

Roman chariot