Tag Archives: shapes

Tricky Tessellation


Primary 6 have been learning about 2D shapes and putting them together to make tessellations. We also learnt that the artist, M.C. Escher used tesselation to create his art works. We have some feedback from our classmates and they said:

Molly said “It was fun but challenging.”

Rebbecca said “To try to tessellate a cross is really hard.”

Beth said “You can see tesselation in everyday life including slabs,tiles,fabric design,pineapples and many more things.”

This week’s bloggers are Isla G and Ruby

Primary Six are SHAPING up to have a super year!

This week primary 6 have been working on shape in maths! Some of us have been looking at properties of 3D shapes and some have been focussing on how 3D objects can be made up of 2D shapes. We’ve been embracing active maths in the classroom and choosing our own learning tasks to make sure we are all being challenged in the areas we are confident in and supported further in areas we’re not!

Have a look at some of the great things we’ve been getting up to…


Shapes are everywhere !

Primary 1b have been very busy this week recapping 2D and 3D shapes. We went on a shape hunt and recorded our findings. We hadn’t realised before just how many things there are that we use that are made out of 3D shapes. We have been very active with our learning. What else have we been up to ?

We have played ‘Name that shape’

We played ‘Shape Bingo’.

We designed a living things picture using 2D shapes.

We played with the 3D shapes, stacking them and rolling them.

We learnt a fantastic rap all about 3D shapes.

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