All posts by Miss Alvarez Reyes

P4’s great week (28.9.2020)


This is what our Primary 4s thought about their learning this week:

We were learning about Venn Diagrams. I think it was fun because it was fun go outside. I think learning about this was not tricky but not easy either.

We’ve been learning about silent texts as part of the West Lothian INspire challenge. It was fun because in writing we had to pretend that we were one of the birds in the story.

I enjoyed writing the recount about the birds because I liked the story.

I liked doing the internet safety poster.

I enjoyed logging onto Glow and exploring the different things like the mail and Sway. Our next steps are to remembering how to log onto Glow without any help.

I liked the STEM challenge – making paper aeroplanes and adding paperclips but still managing to make it fly. It was fun!

P4’s busy week

This is what P4 said about this week’s learning:

In Number Talks we have been learning the strategy of doubles/near doubles. I found this ‘in the middle’ because my favourite strategy is partitioning.

We are learning about place value and we even went outdoors to do some games that helped us understand this better.

Our Topic is about keeping safe. This week we have been learning how to keep safe at home. For example, don’t open the door to strangers, stay away from fire or hot things, don’t touch the switch with wet hands, etc.

We also recapped when to use full stops and capital letters. I feel confident with this now.

We’ve been learning some Spanish. We played a really fun game to practise the colours. This game was very exciting to play!

We did some reading comprehension too. One of our favourite activities was creating a drawing about ‘Dragon the Cat’ using descriptive information.

Primary 4’s weekly update


This week Primary 4 have been busy learning lots of things on Teams. In Literacy they have been working on homophones (there, their and they’re) and practised to using adjectives, connectives and different openers to upgrade sentences. They did such a good job with this task that their teachers had a really hard time choosing the top 3 from each class! They also made some wonderful posters, SWAYs and PowerPoints describing the positive qualities of someone they admire. It was lovely to read all the nice things they had to say about their mums, dads, aunties. In Maths P4 have been working on the 6 times table and learned to use the words likely, unlikely and impossible to talk about probability and chance, for example, It is likely that it will rain tomorrow. Some of our P4s also enjoyed learning about Spanish painter Picasso and made beautiful abstract masks.

Well done Primary 4!


Never Eat Soggy Waffles

This week P4 have been learning how to use compass directions (Never Eat Soggy Waffles) and brushed up on their rounding skills (nearest 10 and 100). They have really enjoyed working on their Famous Scots project in literacy and have produced some incredible posters and PowerPoints or Sway presentations. As part of their STEM, some P4s have made videos for the Sky Academy Competition as well as some impressive space rockets and toys for their pets using just some old t-shirts. They kept their bodies healthy with Mr Muldoon’s daily challenges and also their minds, with lots of Health&Wellbeing activities. We are very proud of the hard work that our Primary 4s are putting in every day. Well done!

P4’s short week learning from home!

Primary 4 really enjoyed the long weekend and back on Wednesday ready to learn! This week they practised spelling common words, possessive pronouns, they told us all about their weekend in their ‘weekend news’, did some work on division and explored how capacity is used around us. They have also been busy with their First Holy Communion preparation and joined the P4 Playground group on Teams, where they will be able to catch up with each other.  This is what our P4s said about their week:

– I have enjoyed finding out how many litres and millilitres something holds. I have used this to  work out how many litres of water I drink in a day.

– I learned about VE Day which stands for Victory in Europe. This is when the Second World war finished.

– Have enjoyed finding things in the kitchen cupboards for maths. I know how much is in a bottle now, because I can read the measurements on the label.

– In literacy we learned grammar and spelling which is necessary for good writing.

– I enjoyed learning spelling because I am getting better at my words.


Cushions, inventors, recipes, digital Art and more in P4!

Primary 4 have been working really hard from home this week learning about subtraction, weight, making plurals, using Microsoft Paint to make a painting, keeping fit with the cushion challenge and learning about Scottish inventor Alexander Graham Bell.  This is what P4 said about their learning:

-This week I enjoyed doing Art.

– It was fun to learn chimney subtraction.

– I can use what I learned about the past tense, for example, to say “I ate a cake.”

– I learned to do kicky upees because I practised a lot.

– I enjoyed finding out how Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone.

– I enjoyed learning about Alexander Graham Bell in Literacy, removal strategy in Number talks and how to draw the world on MS Paint.

P4’s Spooky Week


We have been learning to add and subtract numbers using partitioning – Preston

In topic  we learned to identify the organs and know where they are – Justyna and Cameron

We have been learning about adjectives, verbs and nouns. – Shahzaib

In Health and Wellbeing we made posters about resilient people like JK Rowling or Michael Jordan – Isla and James F

We wrote an acrostic Halloween poem with those adjectives, nouns and verbs – Max

Each class had to make a scary trailer for Halloween – James H and Jie-Rui

We did some spooky division, multiplication – Thomas

We drew sugar skulls and learned about El Dia de los Muertos – Patrick

We learned how to use a (consonant) or an (vowel) – Cameron

Last Day of term!


This week in Maths we did some rounding to nearest 10 and 100. – Julia B

We’ve also been writing stories. We were thinking carefully about setting, character, build-up and ending. – Cem

We enjoyed learning about Saint Bernadette. October is the month of the Rosary and we prayed the Rosary with Peter and Moira. We also went to church to pray and sing beautiful hymns – Alfie, Julia, Isabella P

We learned some Spanish. We played a card game to practise the numbers and another game to learn the names of the animals – Isla.

In Music we practised pizza talking rhythms. – Damian

We learned about the history of football and made a timeline with the facts. – Megan

In PE we did dodgeball and line-tig. – Olivia

We also celebrated the last day of term with a cookie! Yum!!

Visits, Multiplication, Writing and more in Primary 4

We learned the 4 times table with arrays, cubes and a song – Matthew, Julia and James F

We discussed climate change because it was on Newsround. – Daniel M

We learned about the commutative law. – Isla

We had some visitors who talked to us about our learning. We talked about what we were doing well and what we could improve on – Lovisa

We’ve been writing autumn settings. We know a good one should have adjectives that describe what you see, smell, touch… – Roman and James H

In Spanish we learned how to say your feelings. – Dermott

In Music we learned ta-a which is a minim. –Jie-Rui


P4’s been very busy!

Lucas- I enjoyed drawing the patterns in art this week
James F- I liked doing the football strips and the the sports ed topic
Matthew-I enjoyed the bleep test because I enjoyed the challenge and got better at it
Oona-I enjoyed reading and talking about James and the Giant peach.
Lovisa-I enjoyed the Maths where we had to order numbers from smallest to largest
Olivia-I liked the visit to the library because I reading books


Fun at P6b

We did some measuring- we estimated and measured the perimeter  of large rectangles in the classroom. We Made some paper clovers for St Patrick’s day and paper chains. We enjoy reading for pleasure and this week we went to the library. We have been doing research on careers and we are now working on a presentation about it. In writing we did a recount on Frankenweenie and in HWB we wrote questions to ask our parents. By Melanie and Victor


Magnificent Mandalas

Look at are amazing mandalas from P6b .Also we were making a recount of a poem . The poem was called The Highwayman. We were pretending to be Bess or the highwayman and telling the story from their point of view. We also finished our scratch animations about the battle of Bannockburn. We have been learning about Islam and two Muslim people came to our class to talk about their religion.In maths we have been learning negative numbers . We did blether stations about a good friendship. 😀😀



Learning and making 😁

We have been taking part in a drawing and engineering contest.

In the drawing contest we had to draw what ever we want and John Byrne  would pick and it’s a Scotland competition and there is only 1st 2nd and 3rd.

in the engineering contest you have to think of something that people mmay struggle with daily and draw that invention then write a letter to Clydesdayl University to  persuede them to make your invention and win. 👍 🏅post by Maisie and Ethan

Thanks for your donations! P4-5 enjoyed their  very successful Bake Sale today!

We also had some great presentation from James, Nia, Zara, Marta, Summer, Aisha and Lilya. Well done!

Here are some pictures of our day.


Presentations, coordinates, writing and Lent

We’ve had a very busy week in P5b. We have written a persuasive letter to the owner of the Scot-Mid to get him to sell more Fairtrade products, we have been learning about coordinates, practised the weather in Spanish with a dancing game and found out about new facts about the Loch Ness and Nessie! Some of the children also enjoyed doing their presentation: Well done Megan, Maisie Freya, Adil and Natalia! We also had time for some fun Lent activities like the skipathon the pinata and the snail trail!


Today Primary 5 took  part in some shelter building activities in Almondell Country Park. In groups children had to find suitable resources to create and cover their shelter. Children work collaboratively to  design and build shelters that were fit for purpose and some even decorated them! As you can see from the photographs I think they have developed quite good survival skills!


P5b’s Titanic adventure

Natalia – I liked when we dressed up and played a character on the Titanic

Adam – I learned that workmen had to be at 6:00 am sharp or they would be sent home by the time keeper.

Maisie – I learned that when the Titanic left Southampton it almost crashed.

Lilya – I learned that the people that worked in the Titanic had 6 minutes to go to the toilet. Once one of them fell asleep and the time-keeper started banging on the door.

Adil – I learned that the smoke from the cooking went through the fourth funnel to make it look like it was working.

Archie – I enjoyed dressing up as a purser.

Marta – I learned that the carpenters who worked on the Titanic took spare pieces of wood home to show their families how nice the wood was.

First Week Back

Today we learned about 3D shapes. I liked it because were learning the names of all the shapes better.  – Archie

We learned about the Titanic, for example that people said it was unsinkable. We also learnt how it was built and what 1st class and 3rd class was. – Victor

I learned that they used silver and gold paint for the first class rooms. – Megan

We did fractions like half, third, quarters tenths. We looked at different ways to represent them, for example in a number line, groups, fraction bar and circle model. – Zuzanna

We did the numbers in French up to 10. I liked it because I like speaking in French. – Lilya

We played a board-game to learn about the past tense. It was good because if you are not sure of how to spell the past tense you can use the game to practise. – Natan

We learned about sleeping: why it is important and what we should do to get a good night’s sleep. – Marta

We wrote winter acrostic poems using the word Snowflake. I think I did a good job because I took my time and checked my work using a dictionary. – Alicja

We drew the Titanic. I found it really fun but difficult too. I was very proud of my work. –  Maisie


Blether stations, Subtraction and Christmas art

In Maths we have been learning how to subtract 4 digit numbers with and without regrouping using the column method. We have used Dienes blocks to help us to understand what regrouping means.

We have also learnt about the past tense and how to spell different verbs in the past tense. E.g.  asked, carried, etc. We have been learning basic greetings and feelings in French and organised a P5 puppet show to practise this.

It was also exciting to discuss our favourite books in ‘Blether Stations’ for Scottish Book Week. Finally, we have started getting ready for Christmas; we’ve been practising our Christmas carols and also made really nice Christmas decorations to sell in the Christmas School Fayre.

Trip to the castle and first week back

We had a fantastic trip to Edinburgh Castle and Holyrood Palace where Primary 5 learned more about Mary Queen of Scots and the history of Scotland.

Every morning this week, our whole school has been working together to focus on our positive values with Rookie Rockstars. The children have been working towards a final performance were they will be singing and dancing songs about bullying and being kind to others.

Primary 5b have also worked on their multiplications skills, spelling patterns, reading skills and also investigated bridges. P5b then had to work in groups to design a strong structure that would support Nia’s pencil case for 10 seconds using materials such as paper, cards, straws or spaghetti. All the groups worked incredibly well, showing great cooperation and working as a team. Well done!! Most groups also managed to build structures that were fit for purpose 🙂


Fantastic week in P5

This week we have been learning about the different food groups and how to keep a healthy diet. – Megan

We have also learned about Greyfriars Bobby and have been making Power Points and posters about him. – Freya

We’ve done research and found out some interesting facts about Mary Queen of Scots – Lilya

We were doing a Newspaper Report about when Jesus healed the blind man – Marta

We learned how to multiply by 100 and 1000 and also multiplying by multiples of 10 (eg. 40 X 3) – Daniel

In Art we drew Greyfriars Bobby – Julia

I enjoyed making the powerpoints and learning about Greyfriars Bobby – Maisie

I enjoyed tasting Edinburgh Rock – James

I enjoyed drawing Greyfriars Bobby – Emily

Scottish Maths week in P5b

This week we have been working on multiplication. We have practised our times tables and also used concrete and visual materials to support our understanding. Here you can see some arrays and groups made using different materials like animal counters and Numicon shapes.

Primary 5b also went outdoors for Maths; we used different elements of nature to represent Place Value.

Apple-canos in Primary 5

We have been really busy in Primary 5. We have continued to explore chemical reactions with our apples topic – this time we made an apple volcano using only apples, food colouring, vinegar and baking soda!

We have also started our new topic (old Edinburgh) and learnt about some of its landmarks.

In Maths we have been looking at Place Value: how to read, write and order numbers up to 5 digits while continuing to work on our mental strategies with our daily Number Talks.

We have also discussed and practised using a wide range of connectives to improve our writing and wrote a letter to Willy Wonka telling him about our inventions.

More updates on Primary 6

This week P6 have been working on their comprehension skills; interpreting and inferring from a text. They have been learning about Father’s Day and worked on decimals in our daily number talks.

In Spanish we have been learning to describe someone’s appearance. P6 made powerpoints describing  their favourite celebrities or characters and presented them to the class.

Primary 6 have also worked hard with their P2 buddies this week. They have been teaching them how to use a search engine and write in Microsoft Word.

We are looking forward to next year and preparing for it already. We will soon be meeting our new buddies (P1 next year) and we have been making a poster so they can know some things about us 😀

We are also making excellent progress with the Oliver production and would like to thank Mr McCallum and Mrs Denholm for their work on the stage and costumes respectively. We really appreciate your effort. Thanks!


Algebra, Dramatic conventions and Ascension Mass in P6!

This week Primary 6 have been learning about Dramatic conventions. We have used the script of the Lion King to understand what are the features of a playscript (cast, stage directions, scenes, etc) and why they are important.
In Maths we have been looking at algebra: how letters are used in Maths and solving algebraic expressions with a missing number.
P6 have done their daily number talks to practise adding decimals, learned about the feast of the ascension and had our school mass with Fr Jeremy.
Here are some pictures of P6b playing some algebra games

P6’s week

This week we have been busy with our Oliver rehearsals which are already looking fantastic. Thursday’s maths was revising fractions, using RUCSAC to solve word problems and we also had a go at some maths challenges. We have also been learning about the health issues associated with smoking and the benefits of not smoking. We have learnt about Las Meninas, a famous painting by Diego Velazquez and we did our own modern versions of the painting. Check them out!

Netball, Oliver, perimeter…

This week in Maths P6 have applied their knowledge of how to calculate perimeter and area to design a zoo. They had to design the enclosures for each species, making sure all the animals had enough space to live and it was within the budget.
Primary 6 is working hard on their mental maths: excellent effort with this week’s tables challenge! We have also been working on multiply decimals in Number Talks.
In language we have learnt about colons and semi-colons and we also helped our buddies to spell common words correctly.
We learnt to tell the time in Spanish. You can practise at home using this website

P6 have also been busy auditioning for Oliver and rehearsing the songs. We are so excited about our production!

It was also an important week for our Language Ambassadors Ieuan and Shaelyn; who have been teaching the children in St Nicholas the feelings in Spanish. You did a fantsatic job. Well done!
Finally, we had a delicious Cake and Candy on Friday and a pupil v. teachers netball. Well done pupils for winning most matches!

P6b’s fun week

This week we started learning about orienteering. We have learned how to use a compass and understanding scale on maps.

In Literacy we have revised how to use full stops and commas and designed an activity for our buddies on capital letters.

In Spanish we are designing a healthy lunch meal to learn the names of different foods. We also learned how to say ‘it’s healthy’ (es sano) and ‘it’s not healthy’ (no es sano).

We have done some Helping hands artwork because Lent isn’t just about giving up things, it’s also about helping others.

Finally, congratulations to the St Nicholas dance club girls that performed at Deans Community High School. Everyone was very impressed with your choreography!

Here’s a picture of the girls dancing for the school and a picture of our mad hair styles!


Primary 6’s busy week

This week we have continued with data handling in Maths. This time we carried out surveys to find out what people’s favourite holiday was and we did this in Spanish! In maths we also did a carousel where we go into groups and do some activities. This week we focused on Venn Diagrams and decimals.

In Language we have practised using a wide range of openers and played a game to practise this.

We have had a really busy week with our lent activities and celebrating Book week too! Well done Grace for winning the ‘Book Worm Competition’, Finlay for winning the Easter bonnet competition and also Sophie Reid for winning the costume competition. It was so hard to choose a winner!

Today we took part in a few activities for book week: we dressed up , played a fun game of Cluedo, decorated our door as if it was a book and also went to an assembly to announce the winners. Yesterday we got to come to school in our onesies and Miss Mckeown came into our classroom and read us Harry Potter!

Finally, thank you very much for your donations and your effort with the costumes, activities, etc!

P6’s big litter pick and more!

In Maths we have continued to practise our number with lots concrete-visual-abstract games and activities.

As part of our P6 Eco responsibilities we have carried out a litter pick and recorded everything. Then, we used the data to make graphs in Excel and interpreted our results. We will continue to encourage everyone to pick up their rubbish, be eco-friendly and we will do more litter picks and see if the litter decreases!

Primary 6 have also  been working collaboratively to practise using connectives and some children have even made up their own connectives questions to test a friend. We also worked collaborately with our P2 buddies helping them to adjectives to describe a character.

In Spanish we have been learning how to tell the time (o’clock)

– ¿Qué hora es? – What time is it?

– Son las (dos) – It’s two o’clock

– Es la una – It’s one o’clock


On Friday we had our Number talks assessment on multiplying decimals and we also made a prayer chain with links for people that need God’s help. Also thank you so much for your lent donations on Friday!

We also learned many things about Fair trade by watching the P2 assembly. Well done to all the P2s for their hard work!


BODMAS, Carnival and more!


This week in Maths we have been learning about the order of operations in calculations – BODMAS and BIDMAS. We practised this with our usual carousel of activities using concrete & visual resources, ICT games, etc. We have done our daily number talks too!

In GLP we have been looking at the emotional changes during puberty and we have discussed how we can develop positive attitudes to our own feelings and other people’s feelings.

In Spanish we have been learning about Carnival in the Canary Islands, which is taking place right now. We learned a carnival song and we are also making posters to promote the event.

We also designed an activity for our P2 buddies to practise WOW words. Our buddies worked really hard and are learning so much! Another one of our P6 responsibilities within the school is to keep our school grounds litter free. We have been learning some interesting facts about litter and we will soon carry our our litter audit for the school.


Zoo, Fitness measuring and Abacus

On Thursday we learned about an ancient calculating tool- The abacus. We built on our place value knowledge and learned how to solve sums using the abacus.

We also wrote a letter to thank the Zoo’s Education Officer for the lovely trip. We learned so many things about lots of different animals and the Cycle of Life.

As part of GLP we have talked about growing healthy, both physically and mentally. We have shared different ways in which we take care of our bodies and we discussed our life milestones with our families.

The highlight of our Friday was our fitness measuring activity (understanding & ordering decimals, using different tools for measuring). We went outside and measured our reaction time, long jump, height, etc.img_2845 img_2846 img_2847

Figure Me Out, Division and Malawi

This week in Maths we have been learning about division and divisibility rules. We made posters to show number talks strategies for division and had lots of fun making these “Figure Me Out” posters too. Can you guess who this one belongs to?

Primary 6 also presented their RERC Power Points on the 7 sacraments and reflected about what makes a good oral presentation (body language, voice, using the visuals effectively, etc.)

In Spanish we have talked and written about our favourite/least favourite school subjects and learned to how to say why we like them or not. E.g. Me gusta la educación física porque es divertida (I like P.E because it’s fun).

Our Language focus this week was ‘Vocabulary’ so we have been using the Thesaurus to upgrade our writing with WOW words. We have also continued painting our Picasso-inspired portraits.

Our Language Ambassadors Alex and Adrian have been teaching the numbers to every class in the school with some very fun games. Outstanding pronunciation and great confidence. MUY BIEN!!!

On Friday we had an Assembly in which pupils from St Margaret’s Academy told us how they are helping to build schools in Malawi. St Nicholas will also be contributing by filling bags with supplies and raising money to buy chairs for the school.

Busy week and lots of hard work from everyone in P6b.

Buen fin de semana!

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Cubism, Division and More!

We have been very busy in Maths this week. We have finished with our angles topic and started focusing on division. We have learned to solve division sums using number talks strategies and using the standard written method.

We have applied our knowledge of paragraphs and practised using more ambitious connectives to create flow in our writing.

We have learned the names of different subjects in Spanish and we are hoping to start using this as part of our 1+2 routines.

We discovered the amazing work of Spanish painter Pablo Picasso and learned a little bit about his life too. We have made our own cubist portraits inspired by his art!

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Chris Riddell, Maths challenges and Spanish Ambassadors!

Primary 6 has had a lot of fun this week!

On Thursday we watched a live interview with author and illustrator Chris Riddell who gave us some advice on how to doodle with confidence.

In Maths we have been learning about angles and we have also reinforced number concepts by using concrete and visual materials a lot. We have challenged ourselves by doing some tricky problem solving in Maths too!

In Language we revised when to use paragraphs- and also understanding the main idea of each paragraph.

In Spanish we learned about the objects of the classroom (lapiz, mesa, lista…) and classroom instructions (Mira, escucha, formad una fila…).

Finally, a special mention for Piotr and Grace, who have been Language Ambassadors for the school this week. You did a great job teaching the colours to all the pupils of St Nicks. Well done!




Time, Road safety, Tenses

This week we have been busy learning about so many things!

In Language, we have learned about when to use different tenses (past, present and future.

We have continued learning about time (telling time on digital and analogue clocks, duration of activities) and we are definitely becoming more confident.

We have done a lot of Number Discussions this week. In Number talks we have focused on the strategy of breaking numbers into smaller factors (multiplication) and we also made posters to show all the strategies we can come up with to solve a given sum.

In RERC we have been learning about the 7 Sacraments and we are making a Power Point to show our learning.

In Spanish we focused on improving our spelling and reading. We have also done some revision of the days of the week, months, weather and seasons. We have also learned how to say “can I go to the toilet” in Spanish with this song


Finally, we organised a short assembly in which we found out who the winners of the JRSO competition were.

Well done to the Junior Road Safety Officers for Organising everything and well done to the two winners of the competition. Summer (P4a) and Adrian (P6b) your mascots were fantastic!!


Christmas and more!

This week in Maths we have continued with our fractions topic (expanding and simplifying) and in Language we have done work on antonyms and synonyms.

We have been doing lots of “Christmassy” activities too. For example, we have done some Christmas Art, practised for our school Christmas concert and learned about Christmas and New Year in Spain.

On Friday we had an Assembly to celebrate the achievements of the children attending after school clubs (Zumba and Football). WELL DONE! Also well done to our Junior Road Safety Officers for giving the children of St Nicks lots of tips on how to stay safe.

We finished our Friday by celebrating New year like people do in Spain. We had grapes with the 12 chimes and wished everyone a happy new year by saying “¡Feliz año nuevo!”

P6b Update

This week in Maths we have been learning about fractions (equivalent fractions and adding fractions) and in number talks we have focused on division strategies. We also did a carousel to practise our times tables, number bonds and fractions.

In Language & Literacy we have done work on word class (nouns, verbs, prepositions, adjectives…) and we also applied our knowledge of V.C.O.P to write a Christmas story.

For Wondrous Wednesday we learned about The Colossus of Rhodes and we practised sharing information about ourselves and others in Spanish. We also had a quick games session with P6a to practise the weather and the numbers in Spanish.

On Friday we had the opportunity to see the video of our Jubilee Concert and we had a small party & gift to celebrate our success.img_2409 img_2410 img_2411

Awesome end of the week

This week Primary 6 have practised distinguishing fact from opinion so we can critically discuss what we read or watch. We have explored 3D shapes and their properties in maths and continued to research the work of the Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund in RERC.

We have also been very busy rehearsing the song we will be performing in the school’s Jubilee show and we have discussed different types of art. Finally, we had an awesome Hibernian assembly on Friday and we were lucky enough to take a picture with the real cup!

¡Buen fin de semana!

Final Camp Reflection

We liked…

The leap of faith and the trail bikes (Ollie)

The inflatables because it was good for practising your balance (Kornelia)

Doing the camp fire and the mystery because it was interesting to see the teachers acting out. It was great to make fire with few things (Saoirse)

Everything. It was an amazing experience (Molly)

The food was the tasty. I loved the leek and potato soup! (Rosie)


What we would change/do differently…

I would have liked to make a better rocket for the launch (Sophie R)

I would have liked to stay longer so we could try other activities too, like the bungee trampoline (Adrian)

I would have loved to try archery (Brandon)

In the leap of faith I would have liked to have jumped to the trapeze! (Abbie)


We learnt…

To light a fire (Reyan)

How to make my bed quickly (Oscar)

To face my fears with the leap of faith (Charlee-Marie)

Lots of cycling skills on the bike (Grace)


We felt…

Excited and nervous (Aayan)

Scared and happy that I was there (Abbie)

Nervous to do the leap of faith (Megan)

Excited and scared at the same time (Natasha)

Good (Artur)

The challenge was challenging and very fun (Jazib)

Relieved after the leap of faith (Cole)

Excited, happy and really tired (Molly)

It changed me because

I am prouder of myself for all the things I did (Alex)

I am more confident (Wiktoria)

Yes because I have a phobia of heights and I did the leap of faith (Callum)


Would we like to go to camp again?

I would definitely go again (Alex)

It was a really really good experience (Ieuan)

Yes, you were never bored (Piotr)

Yes, the instructors were really nice (Fraser)

Epic Experience in Camp!

Here are some of our thoughts…

We had been looking forward to the leap of faith and we did really well! – Maria-Victoria

I enjoyed the team challenge – Jazib

The murder mystery was very funny – Oscar

I liked climbing the leap of faith – Artur

I was excited and surprised when they brought me the birthday cake – Blake

I hate heights and faced my fears with the leap of faith – Cole

I did my very best at everything – Olivia

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Primary 6 – Personification, decimals, buddies and more!

In Maths this week we have been working on solving word problems, understanding place value including decimals and multiplying decimals.

We have also practised our spelling words in Language & Literacy and learnt about personification.

As part of our Health&Wellbeing, we shared challenging situations we have been through and we talked about good and bad solutions to cope with them.

We spoke about the call of Jesus in RERC: What would he say? What would you tell him? Is it hard to follow Him? How do you do this?

In Spanish we learnt about El Dia de Todos los Santos (The Day of all Saints) and celebrated this special day by making flowers containing a prayer in Spanish for our loved ones that have passed away. Check them out!


We also made paper helicopters in technologies and finished the week by helping our P2 buddies with their reading. 


Primary 6

In RERC Primary 6 has been learning about the parable of the Rich Young Man: who or why do we make sacrifices?

In Language, we have explored figures of speech by looking at the similes and metaphors in pop songs and practised making our own ones too. 

We have made posters to advertise our Tuck Shop products in order to maximise profits and promote a healthy lifestyle. We have used persuasive language and included some nutritional facts of the fruits we sell in our shop.

In Spanish we learnt about El Dia de los Muertos, a hispanic celebration to honour our loved ones that have passed away. We learnt some useful vocabulary like papel, tijeras, corta and dobla by making Papel Picado. 


The end of the week was really fun! Some of us dressed up for Halloween and we had a small celebration in which we made decorations and ghost-treats like these. 

Finally, congratulations to Grace, Ollie, Hana and Ben for their new road safety jobs in the school. Well done!

Primary 6b

This week, we have been discussing how we pray and we have created our guide to a perfect prayer. We have enjoyed designing a reading activity for our P2 buddy (this time we have focused on the “setting”). In Spanish we have learned a rap about the weather. It was really fun!

We have done grammar and punctuation work and talked about how to use the success criteria to assess our own or someone else’s work. Primary 6b knows it’s all about using mistakes to improve!

In Number Talks we have tried different strategies for multiplication and discussed the most efficient ones.

After a lot of hard work we are now ready for the October break!


Primary 6b Update

This Thursday and Friday we have been very busy. We have done our Number Talks (breaking numbers into smaller factors), did a Maths carousel, practised our spelling words with different activities and we played the “Spanish Challenge” to practise the colours, animals, emotions, greetings, etc.

We have finished our Creation art which is now displayed on the gym hall door. Please check it out, it looks awesome!

In topic we have learned about school and childhood in the Victorian times and we made our own Victorian toy. We have also started practising our Assembly which will be next Friday.


Celebrating the European Day of Languages


In St Nicholas we like to celebrate diversity and value all cultures and languages. This week we have been busy learning special songs and games in Spanish, Polish and French to celebrate the European Day of Languages.

Today we shared our learning with other classes. We enjoyed this special challenge!

Primary 7 made games to teach their Primary 1 buddies the numbers in Spanish.

Primary 1 taught Primary 7 how to play “Un dos tres, Calabaza!”

Primary 6 prepared games to teach their buddies in Primary 2 the colours in Spanish.

Primary 2 learned to say Hello in different languages and sang a song to Primary 6.

Primary 3 showed Primary 4 how to say the numbers (up to 5) in Polish. The Polish children in P3 were very helpful! Thanks

Primary 4 sang a beautiful song about the colours in French to Primary 3.


Miss Alvarez

Support your child’s Spanish at home


The children in St Nicholas RC continue to work hard on their Spanish. They are very enthusiastic language learners and they enjoy singing and playing in Spanish every week. Some of the topics we have been covering are Greetings, Colours, Animals and giving personal information about ourselves.

We are also trying very hard to incorporate Spanish into our classroom routines. If you are interested in supporting your child’s Spanish at home, here are some useful websites and apps!

Phone apps:

Spanish School Bus

Spanish Challenge – For more advanced learners


We will keep you updated on our Spanish learning!

Miss Alvarez