Tag Archives: malawi

Figure Me Out, Division and Malawi

This week in Maths we have been learning about division and divisibility rules. We made posters to show number talks strategies for division and had lots of fun making these “Figure Me Out” posters too. Can you guess who this one belongs to?

Primary 6 also presented their RERC Power Points on the 7 sacraments and reflected about what makes a good oral presentation (body language, voice, using the visuals effectively, etc.)

In Spanish we have talked and written about our favourite/least favourite school subjects and learned to how to say why we like them or not. E.g. Me gusta la educación física porque es divertida (I like P.E because it’s fun).

Our Language focus this week was ‘Vocabulary’ so we have been using the Thesaurus to upgrade our writing with WOW words. We have also continued painting our Picasso-inspired portraits.

Our Language Ambassadors Alex and Adrian have been teaching the numbers to every class in the school with some very fun games. Outstanding pronunciation and great confidence. MUY BIEN!!!

On Friday we had an Assembly in which pupils from St Margaret’s Academy told us how they are helping to build schools in Malawi. St Nicholas will also be contributing by filling bags with supplies and raising money to buy chairs for the school.

Busy week and lots of hard work from everyone in P6b.

Buen fin de semana!

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