All posts by Mrs Gardiner

P1 Fitness Fortnight – Week 1

Primary 1 have been enjoying their first week of fitness fortnight. Here are some of the exciting activities we have completed this week:

-Designed our own sports day banner

-Blindfolded ourselves and took part in a quiz to guess what fruit/veg we were eating

-Created an acrostic poem for the word HEALTHY

-Took part in lots of fun fitness maths activities

-Used our creativity to create a game/activity

-Created our own circuits and then wrote instructions on how to complete the circuit

-We have taken part in lots of fun exercise activities such as Just Dance and Jumpstart Johnny

-We also took part in some mindfulness activities


Today is our virtual Sports Day! We hope you are all taking part and enjoying yourselves. PLEASE REMEMBER TO RECORD YOUR SCORES USING THE FORMS AT THE BOTTOM OF THE PLAN!! Thank you 🙂

P1 Weekly Update

P1 have had a busy week. Let’s take a look at what we’ve been up to…

  • In numeracy we have been revising money. We have been discussing why we need money and where it comes from. We had a go at ordering coins, sorting coins and even set up our own wee shops where we had a go at being the shopkeeper and the customer.
  • For literacy this week we had to plan a movie night for our family. Firstly, we wrote a letter to our family explaining why we wanted to have a movie night. We then created tickets for our movie night and lovely posters.
  • We are still enjoying our topic. We have been looking at dinosaur diets and researching omnivores, herbivores and carnivores.
  • For art, we followed a tutorial on how to draw an allosaurus.
  • We continued with our growth mindset series. This week we thought about what to do if we are stuck and why using the word “yet” is important.
  • For R.E we spent some time reflecting on our year in P1, thinking about what has went well and what we want to get better at in P2. We then finished with a prayer to God to ask him to help us with our journey into P2.

Thank you for all your hard work this week P1. We are very proud of you all.


Primary 1 Weekly Update

Primary 1, we have been so impressed with you all this week. You have been working really hard and we have loved receiving all your lovely pictures.

This week Primary 1 have been working on the following:

  • We practised spelling the common words by completing different spelling activities.
  • We have been revising addition and learning about doubles and near doubles by playing games, listening to songs and completing tasks.
  • We practised our reading and comprehension skills by reading stories on Oxford Owl.
  • We wrote about what we are looking forward to doing when lockdown ends.
  • We researched dinosaur habitats and created our own.
  • We built a flotation device for one of our toys.
  • We have been revising growth mindset. We discussed facing challenges, how certain situations make us feel and what we can do to overcome these challenges.
  • We also practised our handwriting.

Take a look at our lovely pictures!

P1 Weekly Update

P1 have had a short but busy week. We have really enjoyed seeing the pictures of your work  and we are so proud of you all. Here is what P1 have been up to…

  • In numeracy this week, we have been revising weight and volume this week. We used items around our house to help with this and completed a weight and volume challenge on Sumdog.
  • In literacy this week, we have been revising the common words and some sounds that we already know. We have revised these through games and written work.
  • We listened to the story “The Huge Bag of Worries” and then drew pictures/wrote about our own worries and discussed these with an adult.
  • As May is the month of Mary, we discussed who Mary is and why she is important. We then drew a picture of Mary and wrote a short description.
  • We took time to reflect on why we are proud of ourselves and recorded at least 2 of these reasons.

Here is a collage of pictures that we have received this week. Well done to these superstars!

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

P1 Home Learning

Here is what we have been up to this week…

We wrote stories all about our favourite hobbies. We all have personal writing targets at the front of our jotters to help us to know what to focus on in our writing. Well done if you managed to achieve your target!

We have been learning new sounds and practising some we already knew. These will help us to read and write.

We have been consolidating number bonds to 10 by listening to songs, playing games and making fact files.

We followed “Art for Kids Hub” to create some lovely pictures.

We used items and surfaces around our house to create our own rhythms and play along with our favourite songs.

We have been exercising to help keep us fit and healthy.

We have been practising counting to 10 in Spanish.

We have discussed the importance of prayer and learned “Our Father”.

We have practised our handwriting. It is really important that we know how to form the letters correctly as this will help us when we begin cursive writing.

We know that it is very different to how we usually learn P1 but you are all working really hard and we are proud of you. Keep up the good work and most importantly, keep safe and enjoy spending time with your families.

We have really enjoyed seeing these lovely pictures this week. Please send us more next week and we will include them in next week’s post.


P1 Weekly Update

We have been learning about half past and o’clock

If the big hand is up the top the time is o’clock

When the big hand is at the bottom the time is half past

There are 60 minutes in an hour

There are 24 hours in a day

We looked at digital clocks, you can see them on your phone

We looked at analogue clocks, some people have them on their watches

We made a P1 Forum

The P1 Forum make decisions

We decided we didn’t have enough crayons in P1

We decided to have a pyjama day to raise some money to buy crayons

We made posters to send home

We have been learning about the 70s this week

Their televisions looked very different

They didn’t have very many channels

We watched a bit of the Wombles

We learned about the music in the 70s

Lots of the men had long hair in the music videos

We all learned the YMCA dance

We learned the oa sound

We learned the y sound


P1 Update

P1 have chosen to update everyone on the on the progress of their cress!

We have been taking care of our cress, making sure it has enough water and sunlight and we are very excited to see that it has grown :). This has generated a lot of discussions around the different parts of plants and why some may have grown more than others.

We will be sampling the cress next week.

P1 Weekly Update

Despite having a short week, P1 have been very busy! Here are some of the things we have been learning about this week:

Cameron- We were learning about an artist.

Nela- The artist used some fruits and vegetables to make a face.

Ava P- His name was Giuseppe (Arcimboldo).

Lena- We planted some cress.

Logan- We put cotton wool in the bottom of a cup.

Travis- We put some water in the cup.

Maya G- We put the cups on the window after we plated them.

Artur- They need the sun.

Kyle- We were putting numbers in the right order.

Amy- We have to start at the smallest number and then go to the biggest.

Zack B- We have been learning the sound “n”.


We have also been learning about our school values this week. Here are some of our values:

Ava B- We need to share to be fair.

Ollie- We have to be kind.

Zara- Be a good friend.

Zak K- Be honest.

Ava P- Trust is one of them.





P1 Estimation

P1 were very excited to find that some dinosaurs had visited our playground and left some footprints. We have been learning about estimation and we decided to estimate how big the dinosaur footprints were. We estimated how many P1s we could fit inside some of the footprints, how many cubes long the footprints were and how many steps it would take to get from one side of the footprint to the other. We then checked to see how close our estimations were.


P1 Dino Fun

Primary 1 have been very busy over the past couple of weeks.

We received a very exciting letter from Pat who is a Paleontologist. He asked us for his help as he had heard that we had been asking lots of questions about dinosaurs. He informed us that there were 14 fossils hidden in St Nicholas and asked if we would be able to find them!

We were unsure of what a fossil or a paleontologist were so we brainstormed some ideas and made a mind map on the board. We decided to go to the library to get some non-fiction books to help us find out. At the library we looked through books and learned how an index can help us to find information on a certain subject. We also found out how to use kiddle and found out some great information from both the books and the internet.

After we knew exactly what fossils were, we headed off outside to find the fossils and we managed to find all 14! We watched a video which explained what tools were needed to examine a fossil. Some of us noticed that the paleontologists were using brushes and decided to use paint brushes to dust our fossils.

Pat then sent us another letter asking for our help as he to know about habitats. We researched what a habitat was and then looked at the differences between our habitats and the dinosaur’s habitats. We then drew pictures of our habitats and created paintings of the dinosaur’s habitats. Some of us thought it would be a nice idea to make a nice habitat for the dinosaurs in the area so we headed outside to collect lots of leaves, sticks and grass for their habitats. We then built them a lovely habitat which we are sure they love!

We are loving our new topic and can’t wait to see what happens next.


Nursery Transition

The Preschool children have been enjoying visiting the Primary 1 classrooms as part of their transition into Primary 1. They have been visiting in groups and have been listening to lots of exciting stories!

The children have loved visiting the classrooms and are looking forward to doing some activities in their new classrooms over the next few weeks. The current Primary 1 will also be joining our Preschoolers during some of their activities to assist with transition.

Take a look at some of our pictures 🙂

P2’s Very Hungry Caterpillars

P2 got some very exciting post at the beginning of the week. We received some Painted Lady caterpillars! We were very surprised and happy.

We are keeping the caterpillars in our cupboard because they can’t be in direct sunlight and they need to be somewhere warm.

We have been checking on our caterpillars everyday and they have been getting bigger and bigger! We are looking forward to seeing how big they are when we come back on Tuesday. Some might even have formed their chrysalis!

Here are some facts that we have learned about caterpillars so far:

Anna- a mother butterfly lays an egg and then a caterpillar hatches out of it.

Freyja- a caterpillar sheds it’s skin.

Michael- Painted Lady caterpillars are black and yellow and a little bit grey.

Liam- the caterpillars form a chrysalis.

Zofia- the caterpillar has 6 true legs at the front of their body.

Alicia- they have hooks on their true legs.

Niamh- they have false legs at the back but they still use them to move around.

Lucia- they breath through spiracles. They are circles and they look like holes all over their body.

Lara- they have spikey hair called setae which protects them from birds and spiders.

Catherine- they eat a lot.

Thomas- they have a big mouth.

Matthew- they form a J shape when they are ready to make a chrysalis.

Here are some pictures of our caterpillars :).

Special Visitor

Primary 2 were very excited to have a visitor in their classroom today. Mr Hay (Michael’s Dad) lived in Africa for a while, so came in to share his experiences with us. He took us on an amazing safari where we saw lots of different animals including; hippos, antelopes, elephants and leopards.

Mr Hay told us lots of interesting facts about the animals that he had saw on the safari. He told us that elephants walk on their tip toes, elephants in Africa have big ears to keep them cool and many many more!

P2 all loved going on our safari adventure and thought that Mr Hay was fantastic!



Magic Carpet!

Primary 2 were very excited to receive a letter from The Genie (from Aladdin)! The Genie wrote to us to ask us for our help and  told us that The Magic Carpet is not feeling very well. He asked us to make a new one which Aladdin could use until he gets better. We each got a square of paper and have used patterns and bright colours to decorate our squares. We will post a picture next week of our new Magic Carpets once they are finished!

We used our imaginations to go on an adventure on our own Magic Carpets and landed in some magical places! We then used pencil to create a detailed drawing our of where we had landed and then very carefully coloured them in. They look fantastic! We are excited to see what we are going to do next!

Image result for genie aladdin


2a Dojo Superstars!

Primary 2a have been trying really hard to earn lots of Dojos! We have been working towards our rewards which we came up with as a class and now have lots of points to use. Some of our rewards included: extra Golden Time, choosing a song in class, bringing a toy to school, no homework pass and wearing your slippers for the day. Lots of us have chosen a few rewards as we had so many points 😊. We are also working towards earning 100 class points. For this reward we have chosen to have a party with sweeties and music! We are going to try our very best to work hard and have excellent behaviour so we can reach our target! Take a look at a collage of our rewards 😊img_2799

Shrove Tuesday

I learned that in Poland they have pancakes on the Thursday before we have them on pancake Tuesday- Freya

I learned that in Wales they kick a can around the streets to remind them not to use their good pots and pans- Molly

I learned that people in Olney have a race for pancake day- Zuzanna

They have the race because there was a woman who was making pancakes, she heard the church bell and didn’t want to be late so she ran to church with her pancake in her pan!- Ruby

I learned that there are 4 countries in the UK- Millie

I learned that Shrove Tuesday is the day before lent begins- Myles

I learned that in the UK different countries celebrate in different ways- Emily

I learned that different countries have different foods for pancake day- James

The Swedish call it “Fat Tuesday”- Ellie

I learned that in Ireland the oldest girl in the family would toss a pancake and if she managed to toss it then she would marry, if she dropped it then she would be single- Clara

I learned that the biggest pancake in the world was 15 metres wide- Mylo

I learned that lent reminds us that Jesus went into the dessert for 40 days- Kordian

I learned that they used up all the eggs, milk and sugar because they weren’t allowed those things during lent- Isla G



Dissolving Experiment

This afternoon P3 conducted an experiment to find out what dissolves in water and what does not dissolve. Dissolving means that when it is mixed with water it disappears.

We got cups of hot water and lots of different things to test. We tested : sugar, coffee, sand, flour, tea, salt, bath salts, gray granules, chalk and bicarbonate of soda.

We predicted whether each item would dissolve or not dissolve by putting our thumbs up or down.

We also gave the water a stir when we put the item into the water. This helped some of them to dissolve.

This is a list of the things that did dissolve: bicarbonate of soda, sugar, salt, coffee, flour, bath salts and gravy.

We found out that the gravy granules only dissolved in boiling water.

This is a list of the things that did not dissolve: tea, sand and chalk.

We also found out that some of the things changed the colour of the water but did not dissolve, like tea.


Recycling Models






As part of our recycling topic, Primary 3 and 3/2 were set the challenge to make a model using junk from home.

We made:

– a little girl

– a rocket

-a kittens bed

-a spaceship

-a candy castle

– a planter

-a pencil holder and a pen pot

-a dragon

– a leaf blower

-a robot and bag

We then showed our models to each other. Everyone has put in lots of effort and all the models look fantastic!

Well done P3 and P3/2



Technology challenge!

001 002 003 004 005 006 008 009 010 011

Primary 3 and 3/2 have been learning about what a sarcophagus is and what the Egyptians used them for. We learned that after the mummification process, the body is placed in a sarcophagus and then put in a tomb.

We then decided to make our own sarcophagus. First we thought about what design we would like on the top of our sarcophagus and drew them on our sarcophagus design sheet. Next we copied the design onto a template of a sarcophagus. Then we cut out our sarcophagus templates and scored along the dotted lines. Finally we stuck all the parts together.

We think they look amazing 🙂

Welcome to P3!

Primaries 3 and 3/2 have been settling into our new area in the School.

We have been learning about Class Dojo this week which is going to be our new reward system. We each chose our own Dojo character and are ready to start using it properly next week!

Our Teachers think we are going to be fantastic workers in Primary 3 and we will earn lots of Dojo points!!

Mrs Canning, Miss Boyd and Mrs McMullen

Wonderful Work!

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As you already know Primaries 2 and 2/1 have been working very hard recently and have made some fabulous  habitats. We were so proud of our habitats that we asked Mrs Brown and Primary 1 to come take a look at them. We then visited each others classroom to see all the different habitats in the three classrooms.

We would like to say a big thank you to anyone who helped us to make the habitats and to Mrs Brown and Primary 1 for visiting.

Everyone has put so much effort and time into all the habitats and Miss Boyd, Mrs Dymock and Mrs Lenoard are so proud of you all! 🙂

Washy Washy Clean, Scrub scrub!

Primary 2 have been learning about the importance of washing your hands.

We watched a video about why it is so important to wash our hands. We found out that if you don’t wash your hands it can make you very sick!

We should wash our hands :

-Before we eat

-After blowing our nose

-After touching animals

-After going to the toilet

-Before cooking

-After coughing or sneezing

-After being outside

We made some fantastic posters about the importance of hand washing which are going to be laminated and displayed in our toilets.

We also watched a video which taught us the song “Washy Washy Clean, Scrub Scrub”. This video showed us the steps that you need to take to wash your hands properly. We then had a practice of washing our hands in the sink with some yummy cola soap 🙂 .

Take a look at our pictures!


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Mother’s Day Song!

In Primary 2 we  have been working hard to make some lovely things for our Mums! We have filled envelopes with surprises for our mums and we have also recorded a lovely song! We hope all our Mums have a wonderful Mother’s day! 🙂

Parable of the Mustard Seed


Primary 2 have been learning the parable of the mustard seed. We looked at mustard seeds and noticed that they were tiny! Mustard seeds  are one of the smallest seeds but when planted, they grows into a big trees! We watched this video about the parable of the mustard seed which explained how the mustard seed was like our faith. All we need is a little bit of faith and God will help our faith to grow just like he helps the mustard seeds to grow! We have to make sure that we look after the mustard seeds to help them grow and we also have to make sure we talk to God so that he can help our faith grow! We also really liked the song at the end of the video :). Primary 2 then planted mustard seeds in plastic cups. Take a look at our pictures!172

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We are resilient!

Primaries 2 and 2/1 have been learning about being resilient. We watched a video of Mr Bump and noticed that when he fell over, he just got back up and tried again! We found out that the word resilient means that we don’t give up when we find something difficult, we just try again! We discovered that different people find different things difficult, but that it’s important to keep trying! We then drew a picture of something that we find tricky and wrote a sentence about resilience. Take a look at some of them!


After we drew our pictures we sang the song Incy Wincy. We noticed that Incy Wincy was resilient because even though the rain washed him away he climbed up the spout again! We then learned another verse to Incy Wincy which was :

When you face a challenge, do the best you can.
We all feel down when things don’t go to plan.
Look on the bright side. Have another try.
Be like Incy Wincy, and keep on aiming high!

Primary 2 are resilient!


Famous Scottish Inventors!

As part of our Scotland Topic, Primary 2 have been learning about famous Scottish inventors. We found out that John Logie Baird invented the television and Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone. We decided to make  our own telephone using paper cups and string and we were able to hear and speak to each other through these! We then worked in pairs to make televisions out of cereal boxes and drew our favourite television show on the screen.  After we had finished making our televisions we presented them to the rest of the class.  Take a look at our pictures!DSCF3627 DSCF3628 DSCF3629 DSCF3630 DSCF3631DSCF3638 DSCF3647 DSCF3651 DSCF3648 DSCF3649 DSCF3651