Primary 4 7.6.19

Hello everyone

What an amazing week it has been in Primary 4. Yesterday Primary 4 and 5 performed the show “Rock Bottom” to the rest of the school and to say that they did an amazing job is an understatement! So many teachers and pupils have spoken to myself, Miss Donaldson and the P5 teachers about how phenomenal the performance was and we are very proud teachers. We can’t wait for families and friends to see the final performances on Thursday 13th June at 1:30pm and 6:30pm. The children have now received letters home about how to purchase tickets for these events. Thank you for all your support throughout the term, the show wouldn’t be possible without you.

This week was also very exciting as 3 butterflies entered the world in our classrooms! The butterflies drank the juice of oranges and strawberries while they grew stronger and then on Tuesday we released them out of their net and into the wild! The children have loved watching the caterpillars grow and develop into beautiful butterflies and have learned so much about mini beasts through watching this transformation in action.

Our monthly homework challenge has now been completed and it was very successful. We loved seeing the different types of homework that the children wanted to share with us and the rest of the class and we feel that it has been a valuable experience for all. There will be no more homework handed out in Primary 4. However, if your child has not finished their reading book then this should be completed at home and the book returned to school upon completion before the end of term. Thank you, as always, for supporting your child with their homework.

The Carmondean Summer Fair is tomorrow from 11am-1pm and will take place in both school halls due to the weather forecast. Entrance to the school will be via the fire exit next to the large hall. Tickets can be purchased at the event. We are sure this will be a very fun event.

Thank you for all your help and support.
Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Clark & Miss Donaldson

Primary 3 24.5.19

We are well and truly in the midst of our Ocean Commotion topic now. We have been learning about the fish and their adaptations to be able to live in the different parts of the sea. We found out how fossils are formed and why the sea is the perfect place for fossils to exist, with all the mud at the bottom of the ocean and the pressure from the water.

In Science, we used electrical circuits to make our own glowing fish who live in the twilight and midnight zones of the ocean. Some of these fish make their own light, so we used batteries, bulbs and wires to make our fish light up. Can you see where we placed the bulbs?

We had a letter from Peanut the turtle, asking us to investigate why some of his friends were having trouble in the ocean due to something called ‘plastic’. Our freeze in the classroom is overcrowded by plastic packaging and particles too and now our fish are swimming in a rubbish ridden ocean.

We are currently learning how this affects the wildlife in the ocean and how long it takes for certain items to change in appearance. Quite often, plastic stays in the same appearance for hundreds of years.







We were shocked at the effects of the mammals and fish in the sea.


In other news, we are beginning to collect a LOT of school jumpers, cardigans, T-shirts, and parts of PE kits with no name. If you recognise any of these items from P3B, please speak to Miss Smith who will be happy to give them all a home. 🙂

Tuesday of next week is our big Spring clean, where we will be going to the playground to do a big clean up, doing gardening and collecting rubbish.

A quick reminder that the Summer Fair is on Saturday the 8th June. If you have any items for stalls or if you can help out, please get in touch with the PSA. We hope you can come along to support it!

Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Smith, Mrs Smith, Ms Matheson

Primary 4 24.5.17

Wowee, what a brilliant week for us to be going to Auchengillan! The sun is shining and it looks like it will be a great two days!

We have been busy whilst the others are away planning Day for Change. This is a UNICEF charity occasion which Primary 4 are in charge of leading.

We had lots of ideas of what we could change for the day and have decided on “Opposites Day” which will take place on the 16th June.

We will be gathering spare change in the bottles in the classroom and hope to have enough coins gathered to spell out “Day for Change,” in our new hall. More information will follow.

CATERPILLAR UPDATE: Our caterpillars have transformed into chrysalis and are now hanging upside down in our net, ready for the big transformation.


Please bring in show costumes.

Summer Fair is on 3rd June. Please get in touch with Parent Council if you are able to help out at all.

Homework Due Friday 2nd:



Maths – New activities uploaded to Studyladder to work on at your discretion. We are now measuring length and capacity.


Primary 4 27.5.16

Good morning all!

We have seen 5 of our caterpillars turn into butterflies and fly away this week. It was very exciting. They were brown and orange and very bright when their wings were open.



This week we had the dress rehearsal for the show ‘Robin and the Sherwood Hoodies’. The children were fantastic, and have learned so many words and songs, you are in for a very impressive afternoon if you plan on coming to see us. Tickets are on sale for £2.50 at the office and it is first come first served. The show takes place next Wednesday at 1:30 pm and 6:30 pm. Children should be dropped back off at the church for 6:15 to be ready for the evening performance. If for any reason your child cannot attend, please let the school know at your earliest convenience.

We made our mini-beasts from junk this week and boy do they look good. It is amazing what the children have produced by themselves and we have had some fantastic ideas for movable parts. Their research and plans were followed and amended as they worked creating their model, allowing them to see the importance of planning and being flexible in their planning when things do not o to plan.


This weekend is the Summer Fair. It starts at 11 and finishes at 1 pm. I hope to see as many of you as possible for lots of fun there!



Please sign homework diary

Summer Fair Saturday 28th May 11am-1pm

School Show Wednesday 1st June 1:30pm and 6:30pm



Spelling as normal

Miss Smith’s Maths group – Direction homework (see sheet)

Reading due Friday plus an activity

Red – Chapter 5

Blue – p.88 – 101

Green – p. 78 – 92

Primary 4, 20.5.16

This week began with a fantastic trip to Dynamic Earth. We found out how the world was created according to the theory of the Big bang. We also learned about the phases the world has gone through in order for us to have the chemicals and products within the world. This fed into ‘Our Community’ topic as it taught is how coal and gases were formed.






This led nicely to Tuesday where we had a visit from a lady from Library Services. She brought with her lots of artifacts from museums from the shale mining times in West Lothian. We learned about the lights they used down the mine and what it was like to live without electricity. The battery which powered their light in their helmets weighed a lot and we discussed the difference between batteries then and now. We also got to explore fossils in rocks and learned how these were made.



On top if this, our last visitor came into school from the community. His name is PC McMahon and is one of the community officers from this area. He came to tell us how he helped the community and was able to answer questions about what he did. The children asked very good questions as a result of knowing lots of information from Mrs Vance’s visit! We definitely made him think!

We have one last visit as a result of our letters and it is Monday the 30th of May. We will be visiting Morrisons to find out what part they play in the community and to have a little tour.

There is no further progress with the butterflies / caterpillars and they are all still in their chrysalises with no change. Our worms are doing well and are creating lots of patterns for us to follow in their soil. We will probably set them free soon.

STOP PRESS Four of the butterflies have hatched and have been released today (Friday)

Well done to the Deer Park team in sports day today, however we need to find out the results from the infant sports day to see whether they are overall winners or not. Thank you to all the parents who came along to participate, and for the tug of war at the end!


Monday 23rd – Holiday

Tuesday – Outdoor PE Kit

Wednesday – Dress Rehearsal for the show (performing to the school)

Saturday 28th – SCHOOL FAIR


Due Friday 27th : Spelling as normal

Reading pages plus activity:

Red – Ch 3 and 4 of The Karate Princess in Monsta Trouble

Blue – P.74 – 87

Green – P.65 – 77



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