Primary 3 2.11.18

Primary three heard our nativity songs for the first time this week. The words are linked below and the music is here too. Please feel free to practise these in your spare time.

Behind the Stable Door

Bustling About

Dozy Donkey

Wake Up!

Grumpy Camels

Gifts of Love

Get Up!


We will also be handing out words for our Bonnie Wee Jeannie McColl song for St Andrews Day. This must be learned for homework over the next couple of weeks.


Primary 3 were introduced to the senses this week. We investigated things we liked to smell, touch, taste, see and hear. Next week we will focus on the sense of sight. We learned a little about the work of Louis Braille in creating the braille alphabet. We will explore this further next week.

We created some fantastic Firework Safety posters in writing this week so please ask us all about the safety rules. We now know what to do on bonfire night with sparklers, fireworks and bonfires.

Please if anyone has lost cardigans or jumpers in the past term, ask to see the pile in Miss Smith’s room. None of them have names, however they must belong to somebody. They will go up to lost property at the end of the week if they are not claimed.


Please bring a water bottle to school filled with water each day.

Please put names on every piece of clothing coming into school for easy identification.

Please bring PE kit on allocated day:

P3S – Tuesday and Thursday

P3MS – Monday and Wednesday



Learn Bonnie Wee Jeannie McColl

Reading books – see diaries

Spelling – Look, cover, write and check words along the line and write one sentence for one of your words. (This will increase to 3 sentences after Christmas.)

Maths: Learn 2 x table, forwards and backwards.

Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Smith, Mrs Smith and Ms Matheson

Primary 4 week 5.3.18

Welcome back after our snowy days off.
We hope you had a super time enjoying the snow and are feeling ready to come back to school.

Our parent assembly is coming up in a few weeks so please remember to practise your words. If you have any lines. Not everyone has a role that can be practised at home so please do not worry if you don’t have words.
I have attached the song words for the assembly if you would like to have a go at singing at home. The links on youtube are also below.

Song Lyrics 17.18


There will be homework given out on Tuesday this week as we were not here on Friday to hand it in.


P.E on Wednesday indoor, PE that is planned on Tuesday as outdoor may be inside due to weather conditions.

Homework is spelling, reading and assembly words/songs

Please make sure all clothing is clearly labelled


Thank you,

The Primary 4 teachers

Primary 3 News

This week we are busy getting ready for our Harvest Assembly and your child has stuck their lines into their diary to learn along with their spelling focus of ‘oa’. Can you make sure your child is writing out their words three or more times in their spelling book. If they would like to attempt putting these words into sentences of their own then they are most welcome. Some children in P3 have been writing three or four sentence with some of the spelling words included which has been lovely to see.

Please encourage further practice of their letter formations using scrap paper as well as their common words. All of this will contribute greatly to their writing and reading.

Below we have attached links to the three songs the children are singing in the Harvest Assembly:

  1. Autumn says ‘Hello’
  2. It’s Harvest Time
  3. What are you growing?

If you have time we would appreciate it if you could get your children to listen to the songs and have a go at singing them too. We will also be having a daily sing along in class so that we get the words stuck in our heads!

Autumn Says Hello! (lyrics) Autumn Says Hello! (score)

It’s Harvest Time (lyrics) It’s Harvest Time (score)

What Are You Growing (lyrics) What Are You Growing (score)

Don’t forget to book your appointment with us for Parent Consultations, a letter will be going out this week.

In P3S we also have an extra pair of hands in class! Miss Brown has been with us for a few weeks now and she is taking on more responsibility in class delivering a variety of lessons. The children have been working very well with her and she will also be with us during Parent Consultations to observe.

One last plea! Could you make sure that children have a jacket for school along with indoor and out door shoes? Temperatures are slowly decreasing and it is getting a wee bit chilly even if the sun is out. Don’t forget to label these too!

Have a great week!

Mrs Smith, Miss Smith & Miss Brown 🙂

Primary 7 04.11.16

Hello to all,

We had a visit from West Lothian drug and Alcohol Services on Monday where the children learned about the dangers of smoking. The children were given a task to research some of the different chemicals found in cigarettes which will be used in their lesson next week.

The children have started a Remembrance challenge. They have been learning about how different countries commemorate Remembrance and the significance of poppies and war memorials. The children have put a lot of effort into their challenge and we look forward to seeing the completed displays!

On Tuesday Primary 7 went to DCHS for a transition morning where they got to experience a range of lessons including PE, Art, Maths and Science. The children had a great experience and are looking forward to their next transition visit.

On Wednesday afternoon Mr Anderson from the music department at DCHS visited primary 7 to practise the song we will be singing at the High School Christmas concert.

Today selected pupils will be attending the Sportshall Athletics event at Craigswood Sports centre. Check the blog next week to find out how they got on!


Spelling homework each night

Maths homework

Continue to learn song words

Both classes will need outdoor PE kit on Monday

PE with Miss Inglis on Wednesday


Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Wilson & Mrs Gilmour

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