Primary 5

Hello and welcome back to everyone. We hope you all had a restful holiday.

The children have been busy this week taking part in a STEM challenge. They investigated what STEM stood for (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) and examples of where each one is used in our wider community.

The children then investigated wearable technology that is improving and changing our lives. Each group chose examples of wearable tech and created a poster to show how it helps people in everyday life. These were then presented to the class.

Next the children got to design their own wearable tech of the future. They came up with some exciting designs which we are hoping to enter in a competition where the winners see their technology made for real.

All children have chosen their Scottish poem and we would appreciate your support in helping them learn it at home. Children can then choose to put themselves forward to represent the class at the competition on Friday 24th January if they wish.

In Numeracy all children will be working on multiplication, division and fractions. The children must be able to recall times tables facts quickly and accurately. Please can you help your child to learn their times tables your support would be much appreciated.


PE with Mrs Ferguson-Thursday.

P5G outdoor PE- Monday

P5M Futsal indoors – Monday

Spelling homework- due every Friday.

Numeracy homework- due every Thursday

Learn Scottish poems.


Have a great weekend.

Mrs Gilmour, Miss Morris, Mr Shanks and Mrs Muir

Primary 2 15.1.19

Primary 2 have been learning about cold countries. We have been investigating the landscape found in cold countries. Children were able to identify icebergs, glaciers, frozen lakes and snowy mountains. We will be conducting a science experiment with ice to see what conditions make it melt.

All of the boys and girls have been given a Scottish poem to learn off by heart. We have been practising these in class but we have also asked the children to practise performing them in front of their family. We will do our poem recital on Wednesday 23rd January in class.

In numeracy we have been using our counting on skills to help us solve missing addends. The children have been working very hard explain their strategies and using the tools in the classroom to help.

The children wrote fantastic stories last Thursday about packing for a holiday. They tried hard to construct sentences properly, use adjectives to describe what they were packing and also shared their feelings about going on a holiday. Super writing P2!

On Monday the children were given new reading books and new activities to complete in their “share it” books. This is due back on Thursday 24th January.

P.E reminders- P2R Tuesday and Wednesday

P2M Wednesday and Thursday


Miss Rafferty and Mrs Muir

Primary 3 9.1.17

Primary 3 have a very busy term and we are looking forward to starting our new topic- Knights and Castles. Children will be learning about the history of castles, their purpose and who used to live and work in castles. We will also be taking a class trip in March to Edinburgh Castle which we are all very excited about.

Children have been sent home with a Scottish Poem to learn for our Burns Competition. Could you please encourage your child to practise this so they can recite it to the class at the end of the month.

Primary 3 are very lucky to be getting Futsal! We have a Futsal coach coming into school to teach the skills used in Futsal and this will commence on Tuesday 24th January for a number of weeks. Could you please ensure that your child has an indoor P.E kit for this.

In Maths we are continuing with learning our times tables. We will be practising our 2, 5 and 10 but also introducing our 3 and 4 times tables. The more practice at home and school will increase the children’s confidence in their times tables. We are also going to be tackling Money, learning the values of all coins and using our adding and subtracting skills to find totals and give change.

Reading will continue as normal up until the February break. We will be doing guided reading in class and writing down pages to be read at home in their homework diaries.

We are sending home our Termly newsletter today along with spelling and maths homework. The newsletter will explain which days the children will need P.E kits and which specialists they will be receiving this term.


Miss Rafferty and Mrs Smith

Primary 3 20.1.16

Primary 3 have been working hard to learn their Scottish Poem. We are looking forward to hearing everyone recite their poem to the class this morning. Good luck boys and girls!


We have been learning about Castles. The children have been learning the different parts of a castle and their purpose. All the children were very excited to hear about the murder holes in the castles……they do not sound pleasant!

We have also been looking inside the castle and investigating the different rooms. The children were then making comparisons with their own homes and rooms. What a difference!

In Maths we have been learning our times tables. We have already tackled the 2x, 5x and 10x!! Today we are going to look at the 3x table. We have some finger tricks to learn to help us remember. Keep practising your times tables at home.

In health we have been creating our very own “eatwell” plates. The children now know what is a healthy and balanced diet is and understand that a balance diet will keep them healthy. Tomorrow we will be creating a healthy meal using the “eatwell” plate.


Homework- Poems, Katie Bairdie, Spelling

Maths will be handed out next week.


Miss Rafferty and Miss Christy

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