Primary Five: 16.09.2021

Hello from Primary 5,

In Maths this week, we have been working on properties of 2D Shapes. Both classes blew their teachers socks off with their knowledge of quadrilaterals and polygons! We had lots of fun using the peg-boards and rubber bands to create the different shapes.

In Reading, we have been continuing with our class novel ‘The Boy at the Back of the Class’. This week’s chapter discussed the tough journey Ahmet travelling from Syria to England without his family and the children discussed how Ahmet might have been feeling during this hard experience.

During writing, we completed our recounts of Ahmet’s first day of school in England. The children used information from the text and their own imagination to create some excellent recounts. We have begun to look at self-assessing our writing to see if we are hitting all our core and genre targets as we write.

In Numeracy, we zoomed through lots of work on Rounding and Sequencing numbers.

During Topic this week, we followed Amal into Greece and created our own fact-files for this new country. We learned about the key information, culture and lifestyle in the country. We were quite surprised how much foods we eat here in Scotland are actually from Greece originally!

We also finished some great art pieces this week connected to Turkey! The beautiful Iznik designs that are common across Turkish cities are made up of intricate designs and vibrant colours, and the classes did an excellent job at re-creating these.

A gentle reminder about PE kit. On Wednesday and Thursday, please ensure your child is wearing the school approved PE kit (navy blue or black joggers/leggings, white t-shirt and a navy jumper). Thank you very much!

Have a lovely September holiday,
Mrs Jamieson and Ms Munro

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