Primary 5 21.5.21


It has been another busy week in Primary 5!

This week in writing the children were thinking about their Best Day. This generated a lot of lovely memories and we had great discussions about feelings connected to this. The children were using the success criteria for genre writing so were thinking about chronology, using time connecting words and phrases, writing in the past tense and including how things made them feel. A lot to think about! We were very impressed with the finished pieces of writing.

In health as a follow on to writing P5B discussed good and bad days we have had. There was lots of interesting discussion about this. P5A were ordering the life cycles of different animals and insects and discussing any similarities or differences between them. Next week we will be looking at key facts connected to our own birth. Eg weight, time etc.

In reading, we are continuing with our non-fiction text connected to our history topic; The Scottish Wars of Independence. This week we continued to focus on the key events that led to the struggle for independence, and the classes were able to pull on all their knowledge they have learned from their topic lessons. The children’s own non-fictions books are looking fantastic as they build up chapters each week.

In maths, both classes have continued to work incredibly hard on division strategies. Many of the children are now able to divide 3 digit numbers with ease. It is important to have a strong grasp of the multiplication tables for division, so please keep practising! Both classes continued to learn about volume this week in maths. P5A had lots of fun making potions to practice measuring volume. Unicorn tears and toad snot were some of the ingredients! P5B were estimating the volume of real life objects.

In topic we have been learning all about William Wallace and how the battle of Stirling Bridge came about. The children have been ordering the events which took place and cheering a Scottish victory! Lots of discussion has taken place around tactics used and how this helped the Scottish win.

In PE we have been practicing the dance for the flash mob. This has been great fun and the children are already better than the teachers! Many of the children became teachers and were able to direct their peers on how to do the dance moves. We then did some relay racing to help practice some of our athletics skills.

A reminder, PE is a TUESDAY AND THURSDAY. Please ensure your child comes dressed appropriately for outdoor PE. Remember we go outside in all weathers so it is essential that your child has a waterproof jacket/sunhat/sun cream with them! It is Scotland after all! If the weather does continue it is essential that every child brings a water bottle to school – remember we can refill during the day!



  • Homework next week- Spelling due on a Friday. Look, Cover, Write, Check and sentences using spelling words. This will be completed in their spelling jotter. Health-create a birth fact file. This will be assigned on Teams.
  • Please encourage your child to practice 2-10 times tables and number bonds to 100 on a regular basis.
  • The children have chosen a book to read for enjoyment in class and it would be appreciated if you could continue to encourage your child to read for enjoyment at home too.
  • PE- Tuesday and Thursday – Please remember to provide your child with a water bottle on these days J

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Gilmour, Ms Munro, Mrs Muir and Miss Herd


Primary 5 07.05.2021


It has been a short but busy week in Primary 5!

In Writing, the class have continued to work on the explanation genre. This week the children were explaining how to keep your body and mind healthy! The learners discussed all the different ways we can maintain a healthy lifestyle and spoke of the consequences if we do not look after our bodies.  They then organised all their ideas under different subheadings for the completed writing piece. The class were very enthusiastic to share all their healthy living ideas and wrote several pages! It has been wonderful to see the progression in the children’s writing since the start of Primary 5!

In reading, we have continued with our non-fiction text connected to our history topic; The Scottish Wars of Independence. This week we were focussing on how people lived in the 13th century and were looking at the differences between living in the countryside or a town (burgh). We looked at how food was gathered, how clothes were made and what houses looked like 700 years ago! The class were shocked that people shared their homes with their cattle and chickens, and no one was very keen to switch lives with a 13th century Scot!

In maths, both classes have been working incredibly hard on new division strategies. These are new skills to most learners but the children have made some excellent progress! It is important to have a strong grasp of the multiplication tables for division, so please keep practising!

In Health, both classes were learning about differences between male and female and the idea that we can sometimes tell the difference between them by looking and sometimes not. The discussion generated a lot of questions and comments.

In PE, the class have continue to work their running skills as part of an athletics block of lessons. We focussed on moving at different paces, quick stop and starts and transitioning between a slow and fast pace. We also looked at a good form and posture which makes running longer distances a lot easier. A reminder, PE is a TUESDAY AND THURSDAY. Please ensure your child comes dressed appropriately for outdoor PE. Remember we go outside in all weathers so it is essential that your child has a waterproof jacket/sunhat/sun cream with them! It is Scotland after all! If the weather does continue it is essential that every child brings a water bottle to school – remember we can refill during the day!



  • Spelling due on a Friday. Look, Cover, Write, Check and sentences using spelling words. This will be completed in their spelling jotter. Numeracy/maths assigned on Teams due on a Monday. This will be connected to concepts we are covering in class.
  • Please encourage your child to practice 2-10 times tables and number bonds to 100 on a regular basis.
  • The children have chosen a book to read for enjoyment in class and it would be appreciated if you could continue to encourage your child to read for enjoyment at home too.
  • PE- Tuesday and Thursday – Please remember to provide your child with a water bottle on these days J

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Gilmour, Ms Munro, Mrs Muir and Miss Herd

Primary 5 18.09.2020

Hello everyone,

It has been a great week in Primary 5!

In Reading, we are hooked on our class novel There’s a Boy in the Girls’ Bathroom as we near the end! We are so interested in seeing the big changes in the main character Bradley as he changes from the class bully to everyone’s friend! We have taken part in lots of drama-related activities, including ‘hot seating’, where the children acted out the personality of our characters and others ask them questions. We have some budding actors in our class.

In writing the children have been working on descriptive pieces. We worked on a piece to describe our physical appearance, and challenged ourselves to include as many vivid describing words as possible to our work.  Many of the children managed this brilliantly!

The children have started Tennis, in their new block of lessons for PE with Mrs Ferguson. Most children have made some great progress, and could give Andy Murray a run for his money!

The children have been working hard in the French lessons and are continuing to develop their conversation skills. Tres bien!

In ICT the children have been looking at how to keep safe and talking about our digital footprint. We talked all about the different websites and apps we use, and how much they have changed from last year.

In maths we have been exploring time and shape. In Time lessons we are currently reading time in 5 minute intervals. In our shape lessons, we have been reminding ourselves of all the 2-D Shapes we find in maths and the real-world! We discussed what maths vocabulary we can use to describe a shape, and even made up some Wanted posters with great descriptions of shapes that had committed unspeakable crimes!


Holiday- Monday and Tuesday

The children have chosen a book to read for enjoyment and it would be appreciated if you could continue to encourage your child to read for enjoyment at home.

Outdoor PE- Tuesday

Outdoor PE-Thursday

Please ensure the children have the correct kit for going outdoors- trainers, trackies/joggers, t-shirt and fleece/hoodie. They can come to school wearing their PE kit but a school jumper must be worn during the day. They can then change into their outdoor jumper when we go outside.


Have a lovely September Break, and we will see you next week!

Mrs Gilmour, Miss Munro and Mrs Muir

Mrs Gilmour’s Groups

Good morning to all my groups. I have listed below some activities you can work on at home. You can also access the P5-7 winter weather work which is posted on the BLOG.

Primary 5-Reading
Please practice reading the stories about different families we have read so far. Remember to discuss any words you do not know with an adult.
Here are some activities you could work on-
o Make a family tree of all the people in your family. You can design it any way you like. Try to include name, date of birth and relation to you.
o Interview someone in your family about their life at school-what they liked, did not like, what they did at playtime etc.
You can also practice your phonic book and complete the next new page if you have at least 5 ticks on your previous one

Primary 6
o We have been working on adding TU to TU. Make up some sums and have a race with someone else to see who can complete them first.
o Practice reading the time throughout the day. You could make a timeline of everything you do today- what time you started, what time you finished and how long you spent on the activity. You could also draw a picture on your timeline.
o go online to or and play some games

o Practice reading your Totem book.
o Remember you have homework sheets to be completed this week.
o You can also play the game on the back with different people in your house.
o You could also write a book review of a book, comic, magazine you have read explaining why you found it so enjoyable.

Primary 7-Reading
o Read the pages of War Horse we have discussed in class.
o Complete Literacy Circle homework-Art Director. Remember to write a few sentences explaining what picture you have drawn and the main events.

To all my groups remember to have fun outside in the snow. Take pictures of any snow people you build or be adventurous and build an igloo. Upload your pictures to the BLOG.

Stay safe and warm everyone.

Mrs Gilmour

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