Primary 7 12.10.17

Hello everyone

We have had a very busy couple of weeks in Primary 7! The children handed in excellent Natural Disaster homework. Mrs Macaulay and I were very impressed with the high standard of the projects and the varied nature of them too! We saw fantastic landscapes, well resourced emergency boxes, descriptive imaginative stories and explosive volcanoes! Thank you for all your hard work 🙂

This week P7 have been completing our Japan Challenges on an area of Japanese culture that they find interesting. The children are completing well researched posters on martial arts, origami, computer games, traditional houses, clothing and even Pokemon! The children will present their poster to a group of their peers after the October break.

The children have also been creating short books for their buddies this week. We have been blown away by how thoughtful, interesting and fun filled these short stories are. Some titles of the stories include: “Jessica the Unicorn Fairy Queen”, “DJ’s Adventure” and “Super Mia to the Rescue!” These have been written and illustrated by the pupils and we can’t wait for them to read them to their buddies after the October break.

Thank you to all who attended our parent consultations last night. We look forward to welcoming more parents into Primary 7 tonight.

Please remember that we are on holiday next week for the October break. School will resume on Tuesday 24th October when Primary 7 will begin another busy term full of exciting learning, challenges and our Enterprise topic!

Have a lovely October week.

Miss Clark & Mrs Macaulay

Primary 7 28.9.17

Hello everyone

In Art we have been making Japanese cups. They are looking good so far. Next week we are going to paint them.

We have also been looking at the famous Japanese painting “The Great Wave” and we have been painting with watercolour paint. They are looking great so far.
In writing we have been writing Haiku poems. A Haiku poem has 5 syllables in the first line, 7 in the second line and in the third line there are 5 syllables. A Haiku poem only has 3 lines. We also drew pictures to go with our poem.

We have been learning about Japanese music and seeing the differences between traditional Japanese music and Scottish music. The Japanese music sounds unusual to us but it is good.

Did you know that in Japan when a shop is closing they play Auld Lang Syne to tell everyone to leave at the end of the day? 🙂

In RME we have been making power points and posters about different religions like Christianity and Sikhism. Today we presented them to a small group of our friends.


Big Homework is due in next Friday 6th October. If your child requires a new homework sheet or any materials to complete their project then they should speak to their class teacher as soon as possible. Remember they only need to pick one of the eight tasks on the sheet to complete.

Maths and Spelling homework is due in on a Friday every week.

Hope you have a good weekend
Kaydi, Nathan, Alistair and Murray

Primary 7 14.9.17

Hello everyone. This week Primary 7 were visited by Yoko and Jess, visitors from the Japanese Consulate. They taught us about the Japanese language. They taught us how to say hello, good afternoon, good morning and numbers up to four in Japanese. They also showed us how to make origami Sumo wrestlers.

Here are some words we learned: Kon’nichiwa (hello/good afternoon), Ohayōgozaimasu (good morning), Arigatō (thank you), Sensei Clark (Sensei means teacher) and the numbers 1-4 (1) Ichi (2) Ni (3) San (4) Shi.

In Art we are making these Japanese Tea Cups with clay. We have also learned what it’s like to be in a Japanese classroom. Thank you Sensei Fox.

As part of our topic we are learning about Global Trade and what type of things you can export from your country. e.g. clothes, games, cars, food, electronics etc. We were teaching others about what trade was like in the Stone Age, the 17th century and now in the 21st century.

In Reading P7C have been reading our new book called “Oranges in no man’s land”. So far it has been a really good book. We answered questions on the 3rd chapter and discussed it with our teacher.

Primary 7 have been really caring buddies. On Tuesday we were reading books with our buddies and we had some playtime with them.

Have a great weekend!
Logan, Patrick, Imane, Nicole and Avinash 🙂

Primary 7 08.09.17

Hello Everyone!

We have been very busy with so many new activities and opportunities. We have had messy hands all week with all the paint we have been using in Primary 1. On Tuesday we went to Primary 1 and made very creative “masterpieces” that we all enjoyed making.

This term we have been learning about Japan and the culture. Next week we are expecting Japanese visitors who know a lot more than we do. In art we have been making terrifying Japanese theatre masks with gum strip, molds and Vaseline that are beautiful so far.

In Indoor P.E, we have been learning how to play Basketball and also the rules that come with it. In Outdoor P.E, we have been making games to play with our little buddies and also making the rules of it in writing, ( It’s a big responsibility looking after our buddies! )

Recently,we have been challenged by our teacher of a way to display information of a religion of our choice and we have been researching with our own devices to find out more.

So it has been a long and busy week and now we have our break (woo-hoo!) so now enjoy your weekend and we will see you next week! Bye! 🙂


School photos – Tuesday and Wednesday (look your best!)

Outdoor P.E – Monday

Indoor P.E – Wednesday

All homework due in on Friday!

Written By Lucy, Ammad and Lisa


Primary 7 31.08.17

Hello everyone! This week has been very busy in Primary 7.

We have been very busy down in Primary 1 with our buddies and helping them with their first lunchtimes in school. We have to be very patient because some of our buddies take forever at lunchtime!

We have been learning about how to be responsible Primary 7’s and have started doing a display for the hall. We have spoken about all the different qualities you need to have to be a responsible P7 and a responsible buddy.

This term our topic is Japan and in Art we have been making traditional Japanese tea cups. Also in Art we have been learning about the language they use in an art classroom in Japan. Thanks Miss Fox 🙂

In P.E Mrs Ferguson is our teacher and we have been playing basketball. We have been learning about the different passes you can use to shoot in the basketball hoops. We have been working in the new hall for P.E.

We have had lots of fun in Primary 7 this week. Have a nice weekend!

By Luci, Katie, Maddie and Logan

Reminders –
PE days: Monday (outdoor)
Wednesday (indoor)
Maths & Spelling homework due on Fridays

Miss Clark & Mrs Macaulay

Primary 7 Week Beginning 12.09.16


Primary 7 have had an exciting week. On Tuesday we had visitors from the Japanese society. We learned about Japanese food, clothes, games and much more. We enjoyed learning how to use chopsticks and making origami.

As part of the Roald Dahl 100th birthday celebrations we watched Matthew Fitt on Authors Live. Matthew is particularly well known for his Scots translations of Dahl’s stories. He made us think about words we might already know from the Scots language. Some of our favourites included braw, crabbit, dug, and mingin. We discussed some Scots language that we might use at home and also came up with some names for sweeties in Scots.

A number of pupils are not coming to school prepared with suitable PE kit. Please ensure your child has suitable clothing and footwear for doing PE outside.

Next week we will be working on ‘My life so far’ on Friday so please bring it in to school on this day.

Next week:

Monday – Holiday

Tuesday – In service

Wednesday – Children back to school

– PE

Thursday – Residential meeting about France visit



No spelling homework next week

Big homework focusing on an aspect of Japan



Thank you for your continued support

Miss Wilson & Mrs Gilmour

Primary 7 – 9.9.16

Primary 7 have had another really busy week this week.

In science we have been learning all about the structure of the Earth. We focused on the 4 main layers and found out the properties of each one. Next week we will be looking at different types of rock and how these are formed.

We have been learning about internet safety and the importance of telling an adult if something worries us.

For our topic we found out where Scotland and Japan are on the world map. We have been busy identifying some of the main features of each country including rivers, mountains, seas and cities.  We have also been looking at the differences and similarities of land use between Japan and Scotland. We will be learning about some of the key industries in Japan and using our knowledge to create a collage.

Next week we look forward to some visitors from the Japanese Society. Check out blog next week to see what we found out!



Outdoor PE – Monday (weather permitting)

Indoor PE – Wednesday

Please ensure your child brings their PE kit on the correct days



Spelling homework – Due Friday 16th

Topic homework – Due Thursday 15th


Thank you for your support,

Miss Wilson & Mrs Gilmour

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