Primary 1 27.3.20

Happy Friday everyone!

We hope you’ve had a great first week learning from home. Remember please only do what you can, we know it’s a stressful time for everyone just now.

Today you could do a piece of writing! Here is a suggested activity to do in your castle book:

If I was trapped in a giant’s castle and I had to trick the giant, I would…

Copy out this sentence and then continue the story. You can get creative! This sentence is inspired by the fairy tale, Jack and the Beanstalk. What would you do to trick the giant, remember you don’t want him to catch you? You are much smaller than him so maybe you could tickle his ear, so he starts laughing. This would give you a chance to escape! I am sure you can come up with lots of ways to trick the giant.

Things to remember when writing:
• Full stops
• Capital letters
• Finger spaces
• Sound out the words on your own
• As a challenge: use a connective, for example, and

Please don’t worry if your child doesn’t spell each word correctly, they should write down the sounds they hear. You can say the word slowly to help them hear the sounds.

Once you are finished, we would love to see a picture of your writing posted on your online learning journal.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend when it comes, and we will talk to you again on Monday.

Thank you for all your support and for sharing your learning so far with us.

Miss Cunningham, Miss Christy and Miss Daun

Primary 1 26.3.20

Good morning Primary 1s.

We are missing you loads and hope that you and your family are keeping safe. We have loved seeing some of the work you have done at home on the Learning Journals. If you have not yet posted then please do over the next few days. It is a great way for you to share your hard work and for us to stay in contact with each child. If you have forgotten your password or haven’t used this platform before, please email the school office and one of us will sort you out! Alternatively, you can post a comment on the blog and we can help you with any queries you have there.
You should still have your ‘Home Learning’ pack given out last week and we encourage you to keep working through the activities there. Our plan is to issue a new set of learning grids (similar to the Homework sheet) each week on Monday, but please don’t feel any pressure to have completed all of last week’s work by then. We are trying to be as flexible as possible because we appreciate that every household will have different conditions to work within.

Today’s suggested learning activities are:
Reading – We are keen to continue developing the children’s reading skills whilst they work from home. There are a few online resources which provide access to e-books and we will be sharing these with you over the next few weeks. Today have a look at starfall (link below). The book we would like the children to read is ‘Mox’s shop’. Most children should be able to read the words in this book and so we encourage you to sound out the words and only play the audio if there is a word that you get stuck on. After reading the book draw a picture in your yellow jotter showing your favourite part of the story and try to write a sentence describing what is happening. My favourite part was when Mox dropped the eggs all over the floor! Remember a sentence needs a capital letter, finger spaces and a full stop. Parents please don’t worry if spelling isn’t correct, at the moment our main objective is to build the children’s confidence having a go and hearing some sounds in words. If you are supporting please encourage the children to write their letters correctly. You might also like to play the ‘ot’ and ‘og’ games next to the story?

Maths– In maths this week we have been learning to split a number of objects or a shape into halves and quarters. If there is a particular activity your child enjoyed doing throughout the week why not try it again. Think about when we use halves and quarters in real life. For example, when making lunch you might cut your sandwiches in half, or if there are 4 people in your house you might give each person a quarter of an amount of sweeties after tea? Get creative and post your everyday examples on the learning journals. We might post some of your best ideas on the blog next week?! Make sure that you child understands that each part of the half or quarter must be the same (equal). Sometimes in class I do examples where I don’t share the objects equally and ask the children to say why it’s not fair! If you want to continue this learning, there are a few good games on Education City. Log on to the website and search under ‘subjects’ for numeracy. Then click on Early***. The games appropriate for the learning this week are called:
Half your cake and eat it
Half and Half
Half baked
At the moment Education City is struggling with the number of people accessing it. When I was planning this lesson I found that pressing ‘reload’ when the error message appeared allowed me to get on the page. If that doesn’t work then maybe try again another time. The games require children to be able to visualise splitting a group/ shape in half and this will be difficult for most Primary 1s at this stage in their learning. To support your child I would suggest using objects found around your house. For example, if it says select half of the cakes and there are 10 cakes I would get out 10 objects (coins, pencils, rubbers, bead etc) and 2 plates. I would ask the children to split the 10 objects between the 2 plates equally and then select their answer on the game.

Fairytales– Continue with your challenge to create Jack’s beanstalk. We have really enjoyed seeing the progress in these creations on the Learning Journals and are looking into ways of sharing your pictures with everyone. Once your beanstalk is made, why don’t you act out the story of Jack and the Beanstalk using toy figures in your house. You could always make puppets of the main characters by drawing them on paper, cutting them out and sticking them on sticks from your garden? If you need a reminder of the story the BBC has broken it up into 14 sections

Thank you for your continued support.
Please continue to post on the Learning Journals and comment under the blog to let us know how you are getting on.

Miss Christy, Miss Daun and Miss Cunningham

Primary 1

Good morning everybody!

We hope that you are all keeping well and are enjoying learning from home. It has been lovely to see all the creative activities you have been sharing with us on the Learning Journals. It is clear to see how hard you are all working!

From your learning pack, choose a literacy, numeracy and interdisciplinary activity to explore today. Make sure you help out at home and still have time to relax and play. It’s a great idea to get outside in the garden if possible so that you are still getting some fresh air. We will continue to post on the blog every morning with some further activities you can get involved with at home. We will also post a new online learning grid each week which you can access on the blog and on the Learning Journals. The activities have been designed to continue the learning we would be doing in the classroom. We thank you for all of the support with this!

Further activities

We are learning about fractions in maths (halves and quarters). Ask your child to draw a picture of a circle and a square. Can you fold these shapes in half? Can you fold them into quarters? Split a group of objects (this could be blocks/lego/stones from outside) into quarters using 4 plates. Do they divide equally? Or you could play the online symmetry game: and select ‘pictures’. Discuss how the shapes are equal on both sides and how each side shows half of the shape.

For literacy we are currently thinking about ‘wh’ words. Split the yellow jotter into quarters and write a ‘wh’ word into each box/ draw a picture. For example you could write the words ‘whip, whisk, whiskers and when’.

If you are interested in exploring a little bit of science, ask an adult to boil the kettle. What do you see coming out of the spout? Discuss that the water is changing from a liquid into a gas.

We would like to thank you again for all of your help in supporting your child’s learning at home. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us in the messaging section of your online Learning Journals or by posting a comment on the blog. We are happy to answer any questions you might have and support you in any way we can.

Have a great day!

Primary 1 teachers

Primary 3 Tuesday 24.3.20

Thank you so much to everyone who was working from home yesterday and was able to share some of the things they have been doing and learning about. Mr Woodward and I loved reading your comments. Hopefully today we will have less teething issues with our new way of learning, but it is quite exciting to see all of the new skills we are all learning in the process!

The word boost stories will be uploaded later today for you in the files section of teams. Turn on your speakers and enjoy a little story read by either myself of Mr Woodward.

Each day at 11am, Hobbycraft are doing a Kid’s Craft Club. Today’s craft club is colouring. They have colouring pages free to download, print and colour in. Take time out to do some mindful colouring and let us see the results if you choose to do this.

Education City had some problems yesterday too, with so many people trying to access it. Hopefully today will be better and perhaps you can try some of the multiplication and division games. Well done to Chloe who managed to send us a picture of her completed Maths sheet. It looks like you have been practising your times tables. 🙂

Your weekly spelling words were uploaded too along with the stories. Today, have someone read out the story to you and see how many words with your sound  you can hear, just as we do together in class.

Hopefully we will chat to a few of you later. Good luck today, have fun and stay safe!

Mr Woodward and Miss Smith


Please see the attached file for the Learning Grid sent home in the packs in digital version in the event you did not have time to pick up the physical pack.

Home Learning Grid







Here are your Number Talks for today, remember to choose the set you are most comfortable with!

For your reading this week can you access this website:

And from here the two classes have their own class log ins, there is a pink tab to class log in at the top of the page. Please copy the log ins exactly with spaces:

Mr Woodward’s class:

log in: Mr Woodward

password: Carmondean1           (the C must be a capital)

Miss Smith’s Class

log in: Miss Smith123

same password as Mr Woodward’s class

You will then need to go to your bookshelf and search for your own group’s book in the search bar. You may need to reload the page if it doesn’t work first time.

Mr Woodward’s reading groups should search for:

Group 5/6 – Special Days poems

Group 8: Minibeast Poems

Group 10/11: Castle Poems

Miss Smith’s Reading Groups should search for:

Group 7: Minibeast Poems

Group 10: Castle Poems

Group 11: Pirate Poems

Can you please check the comments section of this post for your books comprehension questions.

Primary One 6th November 2018

We have had a very busy and exciting week in Primary One with lots of play opportunities based around Halloween and Bonfire Night.  We have been making pumpkin and monster faces in the craft area and also some beautiful firework pictures using straws and brightly coloured paint.  Our Writing areas have also been busy, writing about spooky characters and thinking about words to describe fireworks.

We will be building on this, and the children’s experiences, in our Writing lesson this week by writing a description of a firework.  If possible it would be good to prepare your child for this lesson on Friday by talking to them about what fireworks might look and sound like.

In Phonics this week we have been focussing on the sounds f and o, looking at things that start with these sounds and blending sounds that we have learned together to make short words.

In Numeracy this week we have been continuing work on addition.  We will be formally introducing the + and = signs to the children and they have been using concrete materials to build the sums and find the answer.

Our Topic this term is Toys which the children are showing great interest in.  We will be changing the play areas of the classrooms to tie in with the Topic.  We have been creating toys to display on the walls of our role play areas which are being changed into toy shops.   We will be learning about the forces that move toys, how toys work and are made, and toys from the past.  We are lucky to be having a visit from the museum service who will help us to learn a little more about the toys boys and girls played with a long time ago.  We will be linking our Maths next week to our toy shop and learning about money.  It would be useful if you could talk with your children at home about the different coins we have and maybe even let them have a go at paying for something in a shop with some coins.  We will also be asking the children to prepare a short class talk about their favourite toy to present to the class on 15th November-more details about this on the homework sheet.

Finally- it’s that time of year again-Nativity!  Children now know the part that they have been given in this years nativity and if your child has words to learn they will receive them with the homework tomorrow (7th November).  Please try and practise these as much as possible.


Wednesday 7th- New homework issued.

Monday 12th- We will be doing Outdoor gym on Monday this week due to the hall being used.

Tuesday 13th- New reading book issued.

Thursday 15th- Class talks about favourite toy.

Please remember to bring book bags every day as we may get time for extra Reading practise.  Children should have bottles every day containing water only.

Thank you for your continued support.

Miss Pringle, Mrs Oliver, Miss Christy and Mrs Steel.



Primary 1 3rd September 2018

The children are continuing to settle well into school and are now becoming more familiar with the routines of the classroom.  This week we will be learning s and i in our phonics lessons, continuing to learn songs and actions to go with these.  We will be focusing on finding things that start or end with the sounds that we are learning and the correct formations of  the letters.

In Maths this week we will be learning how to correctly form the numbers to 5 in jotters and on whiteboards.  We will also be singing counting songs and counting forwards and backwards together to 20, starting at different numbers.  In small groups we will be looking at the structure of numbers to 10 using ten frames and rekenreks,  We will be using these regularly in our Maths lessons so this is a good opportunity for the children to become familiar with them.

We introduced our topic ‘Our School’ last week and the children recorded lots of things they knew about school and what they would like to find out in our floor books.  This was a great chance for the children to contribute their ideas about what they would like to learn and have a chance to shape some of the areas in the classroom.  So far we have added registers and teacher’s diaries to the writing table along with labels so the children can make their own stickers which they are really enjoying.  We have been looking at clocks, money and timetables for the day in the Maths area and have been designing and building schools with our blocks.  The children have been enjoying getting ready for school in the home corner by packing lunches and schoolbags and pretending to do homework.

This week your child will get their first Home Learning sheet.  This will be issued on a Tuesday and you will have two weeks to complete it.  There will be some starred activities which we ask that you complete with your child.  The other activities are optional and you can do as many or a few as you and your child prefer.  Anything that has been done can be recorded in their Home Learning book for us to have a look at together back in class. This homework will normally be posted here on the blog but if you require a hard copy this can be arranged. Alongside this, your child will get a new reading book every Tuesday.  Initially these books will be wordless- please encourage your child to discuss the book and the characters and talk about their favourite part. Each book will have an extended story included that can be read to them and will aid discussion.  We ask that you read along with your child at least twice a week and that your child brings their Reading book to school every day.


-P.E will be on Monday (indoors) and Tuesday (outdoors).  We do not require gym kit for the first few weeks, we will inform you when the children will be starting to change.

-Children should have a bottle with them each day to drink from-these should contain water only.

-Please ensure all clothing is labelled.

-Bring Reading book to school every day.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to speak to one of us at the end of the day or call the office and we can get back to you.

Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Pringle, Mrs Oliver, Miss Christy and Mrs Steel

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