Primary 1 w.b. 25.3.19

We are now well into our ‘Fairyland’ interdisciplinary topic. This week Primary 1 are looking forward to some more letters from the dragon. They are enjoying reading lots of fairytales in class and playing with the ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ play activities around the classrooms. Today the dragon delivered some castle books to the class and the Primary 1s decorated them. They are looking forward to writing all about the dragon and the different Fairytales they read in the books.
In maths, we are learning about data handling by creating and interpreting pictograms and bar graphs. Tomorrow the Primary 1s are looking forward to creating a pictogram showing the Fairytales we read at home and in school. We hope the dragon is pleased by all the reading we have been doing!
Primary 1 had a fantastic time this morning on the PSA Eater Egg hunt. They enjoyed running around the playground looking for plastic eggs which they swapped for an Easter chocolate. Please see the photos below.
Reminders: PE is on Thursdays. Please ensure your child comes prepared for this with a named PE kit and water bottle.
Homework folders must be brought to school every day so that we can do reading.
Thank you for your continued support
Primary 1 teachers.


Primary 2 19/3/19

Primary 2 would like to say a huge thank you to PSA for funding some of our trip to the Zoo! Their contribution has brought the price per child down. The PSA have also paid for our Animal Man visit in the last week of term. He will come to school with a variety of animals for the children to handle carefully. We are all very excited!

Well done to Primary 2R for a fantastic assembly last week. All of the children did a super job at telling the parents what they have learned so far in our Hot and Cold Countries topic.

This week our specialist timetable is changing. We will no longer have music with Mr Shanks however the children will continue P.E with Mrs Ferguson (Thursday) and receive Art from Ms Fox (Wednesday).

Homework is due this Thursday and will be shared in class. Children received new reading books this week. Please remember to read it with your child regularly.

Permission slips and money for the Zoo trip need to be handed and Primary 2 will be taking part in the Easter egg hunt Monday 25th March so please remember to bring in £1.


Miss Rafferty and Mrs Muir

Primary 2/3 7.3.18

Welcome back Primary 2/3! Thank you to all the boys and girls who completed snow day activities, read and posted on the blog. The work some of the boys and girls brought in was fabulous! Brilliant effort.

This week in maths we are continuing with division by 2 and 10 with Primary 3 and Primary 2 are finding doubles and near doubles using rekenreks and number lines. Some of of children are even managing to answer some of our questions mentally which is fantastic.

Children will be continuing to read their reading books from last week. The children have also been given a non-fiction text to read this week. Encourage your children using the contents page and discuss the facts from the book.

In our topic this week we are learning about Roman slaves. Boys and girls have been finding out that their lives were tough and being a slave meant you belonged to somebody. Some of our children couldn’t believe all the work they had to do. We are also going to begin looking at Roman Gladiators and how they battled in the Coliseum.

We will be doing our planned Health lesson with our comfort toys this Thursday. Could the children bring their toys to help aid our discussion and circle time.

We have Craig McLean coming into school today to talk to the boys and girls about becoming a commonwealth athlete. The children are very excited to meet him and ask him questions about his career.

P.E- Wednesday

Homework- Reading

Easter Egg hunt letters need to come back asap with a payment of £1 to take part in the hunt and receive a chocolate treat!

Thank you, Miss Rafferty


Primary 1 w/b/ 27.3.17

This week we have a lot of Easter activities planned. The PSA Easter Egg Hunt is on Thursday 30th March. If you have not yet handed in your permission slip and £1 please do so as soon as possible so that your child can take part. On Wednesday we will be decorating a hard boiled egg in class. Please bring in an egg for your child to decorate on Wednesday. On Friday we will be attending a Church service to mark the end of term.
This week homework will be only reading. Please can you return any library books borrowed over the term before Friday.
PE will be on Thursday this week, please remember to bring a PE kit on this day.
Thank you for your continued support.
We hope that you have a lovely Easter holiday
Miss Christy, Mrs Harris and Mrs Oliver

Primary 1 w.b. 20.3.17

This Friday is Red Nose Day. Your child is welcome to come to school wearing red, white or black, or dressing up as one of the red nose characters. There will be a bake sale run by the primary 6s. Children can buy a cake from here on Friday. Throughout the week Primary 6s will also be selling red noses in class.
Last week Brambleberry came to visit the primary 1s. On Thursday we came in to a letter from Brambleberry telling us that his forest was damaged by litter. He has come to live in our enchanted forest in the classroom. We will be looking at the problems of littering to help him return to his home.
In maths we are going to be learning number names (one, two, three etc) up to 10. Please encourage your child to practise these at home.
Water bottles should contain only water and not juice.
Please make sure that your child has indoor gym shoes in school.
Indoor gym is on Wednesday for the next 2 weeks. Please come with an indoor kit on this day.
The PSA is organising an Easter egg hunt next Wednesday. This costs £1 to take part. Please send in your permission slip and money as soon as possible.
Thank you
Miss Christy, Mrs Harris and Mrs Oliver

Primary 3 21.3.16

Primary 3 had lots of fun at the Sports Festival on Friday at Deans Community High School. The children were working in teams playing games, practising football skills, playing dodgeball and throwing javelins. All the children showed great sportsmanship and gave 100% effort!

Tomorrow we have our Easter Egg Hunt which we are looking forward to. Children will be on the hunt for a golden egg!

We are wanting to decorate eggs and roll them down the hill on Wednesday afternoon, so could you please bring in a hard boiled egg? Thank you!


There will be no homework this week. We are attending Church on Thursday for our Easter Service.

Miss Rafferty and Miss Christy

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