This week we will be looking at the 5x table and our maths homework covers the 2s, 5s and 10s. Please encourage your child to do this on their own and use concrete materials if needed (such as lego pieces). Please also let us know if they struggle with the work.
They also have their weekly spelling words and reading too.
On Tuesday we are lucky enough to have a visit from Tesco Football who will be working with our children, developing a variety of skills. Please ensure they bring their PE kit to school.
Many thanks for the pledges you have returned regarding ‘Smoke-free Homes and Cars’. There is still time to fill this in and return to your child’s class teacher.
A confirmed date for your diary is our P3 Banquet which is taking place on Friday 16th March 11:15-12:15. You will be sent an invitation but because of the large number of children we can only accommodate one person from the family.
Also don’t forget our Knights and Castle Assembly on Tuesday 13th March. Next week we will send home any words they need to learn.
Many thanks for your continued support!
Have a good week.
Mrs Smith & Mr Gordon