Primary 1 w.b.20.2.17

Thank you to everyone who brought in their ‘Big Homework’ task this morning. The model dinosaurs look amazing! We look forward to hearing how they were made later in the week.
Our trip to ‘Our Dynamic Earth’ last week was very successful. The children took part in an excellent workshop learning about different dinosaurs and looking at models of fossils. We also had a chance to look around the exhibition, the children loved touching the iceberg.
This week we will be continuing our dinosaur topic. The children will be completing a poster challenge to show their learning over the term so far.
In maths we will be focusing on numbers to 20. The children will be ordering numbers forwards and backwards and finding the missing numbers in a sequence. Thank you for your help at home with this.
-Indoor PE will be on Thursday.
-Please make sure your child comes to school with a named water bottle each day.
Thank you for your support
Miss Christy, Mrs Harris and Mrs Oliver

Primary 1 w.b. 6/2/17

Primary 1 are now well into their dinosaur topic. Last week the children learnt about the triceratops. They researched information from a video, wrote a fact file and created a triceratops mask using a paper plate. We look forward to showing you all this work at parent’s night! This week we will be learning about the pterodactyl.
In maths, the children are continuing their work on subtraction. The children are using number lines, cubes and fingers to help understand the process of taking a number away and this week we will be learning the facts of 4 and 5. We have also been revising the numbers 0-20 during our maths lesson. The children have made huge progress reading these numbers and finding the number before and after.
* P.E. is on Thursday. Please make sure that your child comes prepared with a PE kit and indoor shoes.
* Parent’s consultations are this Tuesday and Wednesday.
* Please return your form for our trip to dynamic earth as soon as possible.
* Big homework went home last week. Please bring your finished dinosaur model to school on the 20th of February.
Thank you for your continued support
Miss Christy, Mrs Harris and Mrs Oliver

Primary 1 w.b. 30.1.17

Primary 1 had a very busy week last week.
In maths, the children have started learning about subtraction. We have been looking at the concept of taking objects away and this week will begin to complete written sums. As part of this learning, we are revising numbers 1-20. The children are putting the numbers in order on a number line and are finding the number before and after. Any work you can do at home to practise numbers 1-20 will be helpful for your child.
In science we have begun learning about electricity. The children were very interested to learn and talk about the dangers associated with electricity in the house. We all created safety posters which you will be able to see at parent consultations.
This week we will be continuing our work on dinosaurs. We will be researching and writing about the triceratops. We will also begin our next topic in health, looking at medicine and how to keep our bodies safe.
P.E. – outdoor PE is on a Monday and indoor PE is on a Thursday.
Homework – today a ‘big homework’ task will be going home in your child’s homework diary. Please check your child’s diary for more information.
Thank you for your continued support
Miss Christy, Mrs Harris and Mrs Oliver

Primary 1 w.b. 23/1/17

Primary 1 did a good job last week learning and reciting their Scots poems. Well done to Frazer, Heather, Connor and Amber who presented their poem to the whole school in the new gym hall. They should be very proud of their achievement.
We were very excited to have Google Expeditions at our school last Monday. The children experienced a virtual visit under the sea to explore marine life.
This week we are continuing our interdisciplinary topic on dinosaurs. We will be writing a fact file about the Diplodocus and creating our very own fossils.
In Maths we will be starting our focus on subtraction. Pupils will be exploring the concept using concrete materials.
Please ensure that your child brings named gym rubbers to school to wear in class. We are hoping to keep our gym hall clean and so outdoor shoes will not be allowed in. Please can you check that your child’s shoes fit properly and that the straps stay on!
Outdoor PE will be on a Monday so please ensure that your child comes to school with a warm jacket and shoes they can run in. Indoor PE will be on a Thursday and children need a PE kit for this.
Thank you for your support
Miss Christy, Mrs Harris and Mrs Oliver

Primary 1 w.b. 9/1/2017

Welcome back after the Christmas Holidays. We hope that you all had a lovely break.
We had a good first week back. The children began to learn about Dinosaurs, the interdisciplinary topic for this term. An egg was delivered to Primary 1 for the children to look after with a note from Professor Rex. We decided that it was a dinosaur egg and so the children have started learning about dinosaurs so they can look after the egg better.
In maths this week we will be learning about the months of the year and about clocks and how to read the o’clock time. Any help you can give your child in learning the months of the year and spotting clocks around the house would be greatly appreciated.
This term we will be doing outdoor PE on a Monday and indoor PE with Miss Inglis on a Thursday. Please remember to bring a named PE kit for these sessions.
Homework will resume again this week. The children will be getting 2 Scots poems home with them today. Please choose 1 poem to learn by Wednesday 18th January. Each child will recite their chosen poem in class on this day. One child will be selected from each class to perform in front of the school on the Friday.
Every child took home their inside gym rubbers for Christmas. Please remember to bring indoor shoes back into school as soon as possible.
Thank you for your continued support
Miss Christy, Mrs Harris and Mrs Oliver

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Primary 1 w.b. 5/12/16

It was great to see so many of you at the Christmas Fair last Friday. Thank you for coming along to support the school.
This week Primary 7 children will be teaching their buddies traditional playground games as part of our ERASMUS+ project. The Primary 7s will be recording the games to send to our partner schools across Europe.
In maths this week we will be focusing on recognising and continuing patterns using 2D shapes, symbols and colours.
There will be no formal homework given out in the run up to Christmas, however, we will still be sending homework folders home. Please continue to practise key words and sounds with your child.
If your child has been asked to bring in any clothing to supplement their nativity costume please bring this in as soon as possible.
Thank you
Miss Christy, Mrs Oliver, Mrs Muir

Primary 1 w.b. 28.11.16

This week in Primary 1 we will be continuing to practise for our upcoming nativity. Some children may be asked to bring in a small item of clothing as part of their costume. If possible please send this in by next Monday (5th December). Tickets for nativity are now on sale. You should have received a letter about these last week. Please return request form along with payment as soon as possible.
Also this week we are very excited about our school Christmas Fair. The children will be completing a small enterprise craft to sell. If you wish to buy your child’s item before the fair then please send in £1 and it will be sent home with your child.
Thank you for your continued support.
Miss Christy, Mrs Oliver and Mrs Muir

Primary 1 w.b.21.11.16

We had a great week last week meeting and working with our ERASMUS+ visitors. The children performed 3 craws beautifully in our assembly and worked alongside some of the visiting teachers on Tuesday afternoon and Thursday morning. We even learnt a Slovakian song about poppy seeds!
Nativity practice is now well underway. If your child has a speaking part, please continue to practise words. Every child will dress up in a costume for the show. We have a good selection of costumes in school, however we may ask the children to bring in something small e.g. tights, a t-shirt to supplement these. Please check your child’s homework diary in the upcoming weeks for this.
This week we are continuing with addition in maths and will revise all sounds learnt so far in phonics lessons. Please continue to practise key words at home as these will help with reading books.
Thank you for continuing support.
Miss Christy, Mrs Oliver and Mrs Muir

Primary 1 w.b. 14/11/16

We have a busy week ahead in Primary 1. The children are very excited to welcome our European visitors as part of our ERASMUS+ project. The whole school will perform a Scottish welcome assembly on Tuesday. The children have been practising very hard to sing their song ‘3 craws’. The children will have the opportunity to meet the teachers during classroom visits on Tuesday and Thursday.
Rehearsals for the Primary 1 nativity are now in full swing. Speaking parts will be given to some children in homework diaries tonight. Please check whether your child has words to learn at home.
This Friday is Children in Need. Children can dress up in something spotty for a donation of 50p. Throughout the week there will be pins (2 for £2) and wrist bands (50p for last years and £1 for this years) on sale.
As we approach the busy Christmas period we will endeavour to continue some P.E. with the children, however at times this may not be possible due to hall availability/ other events.
Thank you for your continuing support
Miss Christy, Mrs Oliver and Mrs Muir

Primary 1 Update – 7.11.16

We have a busy week ahead of us in Primary 1 with preparations in full swing for the arrival of our Erasmus visitors next week. The children are beginning to learn a Scottish song to welcome the visitors and will be creating a Scottish gift to present to them. Also over the past week the children have been auditioning for parts in the nativity. All children in Primary 1 will take part, some may have words to learn. Please check your child’s homework diary to help them with this if required.
In Maths, we have started learning about the concept of addition using concrete materials. This can be followed up at home by combining 2 sets of everyday object e.g. pennies, sweeties, toys etc.
We are continuing to introduce initial sounds and blending these together. The children will be applying their knowledge in their new reading book and in writing tasks.
Thank you for your continuing support,

Mrs Oliver, Miss Christy, Mrs Muir.

Primary 1 w.b.31/10/16

We hope that you all had a good October Break. It now seems like a long time ago! We have had a busy first week back. The children have begun practising for the Nativity and have learnt some of the songs and read through the script. We will begin casting in the next few weeks and appreciate any help you can give your children learning songs and lines at home.
Last week we spent some time consolidating learning on the sounds learnt so far and blending these together to make short words. We will continue to learn new sounds this week and appreciate all your help at home with this.
This week we will also be sending home key words boxes with the first 5 words we have introduced. Please help your children to practise these. New words will be added throughout the term.
In maths we are beginning to work on the concept of addition this week using concrete materials and resources.
Thank you for your continued support.

Primary 1 w.b. 3.10.16

Last week was very busy for Primary 1! Throughout the week the children’s work was put into their learner’s journey to show their learning so far in the year. The children made a great effort in all their work and should be very proud of themselves. You will be able to see this jotter at the upcoming parent’s evening.
In Science Primary 1 have been focusing on their senses. They are aware that they have 5 senses and have enjoyed learning about the sense of smell and touch in class. We will continue looking at the remaining senses this week.
Thank you for all your support at home learning sounds and practicing number formations. Please continue to practise all sounds and numbers at home. During this week we will also be issuing word boxes with common words along with a list of suggested activities to practise at home. Children have been taking home a school library book on a Monday to read at home with an adult. Please make sure that this book is returned on a Friday, there is no need to bring it every day.
P.E. is on Monday – please remember to bring named shorts and T-shirt.
Please can you bring clean junk (yoghurt pots, plastic bottles etc) in on Tuesday to make musical instruments in class.
Thank you for your support
Miss Christy, Mrs Oliver and Mrs Muir

Primary 1 w.b. 12/9/16

Primary 1 had a very busy week last week. The children are working hard on their new sounds (s, a, t, p, i, n, m and d). This week they will be learning g, o and c. Please continue to practise all of the sounds learnt so far at home. You will find sound cards in your child’s homework folder.
In maths we are continuing to work on number formations and understanding the value of each number up to 10.
This week we will be talking about babies and the changes the children experience as they grow older. Please remember to send in a baby photo before Wednesday.
Next week the children will be off school on Monday (19th) and Tuesday (20th). No formal homework will be issued but please continue to practise sounds and number formations. We have noted below a few websites/ games which your child may enjoy.

Thank you for your continued support
Miss Christy and Mrs Oliver

Primary 1 Update 8.2.16

Hello Everyone,

Primary One are really enjoying their Dinosaur topic and 2 of the classes had a fantastic trip to Dynamic Earth last week. P1C are looking forward to their trip on Thursday of this week. Some photos  of the highlights are attached!

Also this week we look forward to welcoming those who can make it to parents night on Wednedsay or Thursday evenings.

The school photographer is in school on Tuesday this week so please make sure children are smartly dressed in school uniform.

We are continuing with addition in maths this week as well as learning about the language of measure through our topic comparing sizes of dinosaurs, feet, bones etc.

Thank you for your continuing support,

Primary 1 Teachers

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Primary 1 week beg 25.1.16

Well done to everyone for learning their Burns Poem!! You all were super.

This week the children will be performing a Scottish song for the school’s Burns afternoon. The winners of the poetry competition will also recite their poems. Please ensure your child has on the correct uniform for this event.

In Maths we are continuing with subtraction facts within 5. In our topic we will be researching different Dinosaurs to create our own Fact Files.

We are very excited about our upcoming trip!! Could we please remind Parents/Carers that the trips to Dynamic Earth are coming up. Please could you hand in your money and the completed EE2 form for this specific trip as soon as possible.

Thank you,
The P1 Teachers

Primary 1 week beg 11.1.16

Happy new year!

Welcome back to school! Hope you all had a lovely holiday and are excited for the New Year. This term our topic will be Dinosaurs. We will begin our topic this week and use this to develop our writing and researching skills. We will also use this as a theme for Art, Drama, Music and Technology.

In Numeracy we will continue to develop addition and begin subtraction. We will continue to develop an awareness of numbers and their place value along with problem solving mental maths strategies. We will also focus on telling the time and measuring length this term.

We would like to remind parents that indoor P.E with Mrs Ferguson will take place on a Thursday. Please ensure your child has appropriate gym wear and check that gym rubbers are well fitted. We would also like to remind you that children should not bring juice in their water bottles for P.E and class time.

The Burn’s Poetry Competition will take place on the 22nd of January. Please help your child to learn one of the poems given. There will be winners selected from Primary 1 to perform at the school assembly on that day. Please have your poems ready for the 21st so that we can choose the winners from each class. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask one of the teachers.

Thank you for reading,
The Primary 1 teachers

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