Primary 1 Update 23.5.16

Hi Everyone,

We’ve got another busy week ahead in Primary 1 this week. The children are very excited about our farm visits starting this Tuesday. P1MO and some of P1D will be visiting Craigie Farm this week and P1C and others from P1D next Tuesday. Please can we remind children to wear sensible footwear and a waterproof jacket and bring a packed lunch to school that day. There will be the opporunity to order a school packed lunch on the day, however we will be leaving early so a hot lunch will not be available that day.

Also this week, we have our rescheduled Sports Day on Thursday – hopefully the weather will  be kind!

In maths we are continuing to work on subtraction along with improving mental agility and our knowledge of mathematical language.

P1MO are practising hard for their assembly on Monday 30th May. We hope some of you will make it along.

Letters and forms went out this week for the Beach Trip in June – please check your child’s bag and send back as soon as possible. Please don’t hesitate to ask teachers if you have any questions.

Thank you for your continuing support,

Primary 1 Teachers

Primary 1 Update

Hello Everyone!

Hope you all had a good Easter break and great to see everyone back and ready for our last term in Primary 1! In maths last week we had a focus on clocks and telling the time and children enjoyed making their own clocks. This week we will be investigating capacity whilst continuing to develop mental strategies for calculations.

The children and teachers were delighted Brambleberry joined us before the holidays and have enjoyed gettting to know him. Brambleberry did not come prepared for the wet weather we have been having and this week we will set the children a challenge to create a waterproof coat for Brambleberry! In science they will carry out an investigation to see which materials would be best suited for his jacket.

In language, the children are continuing to learn phonic patterns along with new vocabulary introduced through reading books. In writing, the children put in a lot of effort to prepare different sections for The Ugly Duckling book which will be shared with many European Schools. Please remember that The Ugly Duckling front cover competition is due on Monday.

P1D are working hard to prepare their assembly which will take place next Monday (25th April).


Thank you for your continuing support,

Primary 1 Teachers

Primary 1 Update 8.2.16

Hello Everyone,

Primary One are really enjoying their Dinosaur topic and 2 of the classes had a fantastic trip to Dynamic Earth last week. P1C are looking forward to their trip on Thursday of this week. Some photos  of the highlights are attached!

Also this week we look forward to welcoming those who can make it to parents night on Wednedsay or Thursday evenings.

The school photographer is in school on Tuesday this week so please make sure children are smartly dressed in school uniform.

We are continuing with addition in maths this week as well as learning about the language of measure through our topic comparing sizes of dinosaurs, feet, bones etc.

Thank you for your continuing support,

Primary 1 Teachers

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