A fun indoor snow experiment

If you want to stay cosy and indoors today but would like to try out a fun Science experiment, then copy and paste this link:



All you need is water, snow and bottles (or cups would work too!)

Share any pictures you take šŸ™‚ Happy Thursday.

Snow + Hot Water = Melting Experiments



Primary 5- Snow Fun

I hope you are enjoying a day to play in the snow!

Since we have recently been learning to tell the time I have another activity for you to try whilst you are out sledging. You could record your slowest and fastest speed going down hill, then calculate the difference between them both. You could then change positions on your sledge to see if the way you sit effects the speed at which you travel? A little experiment too.Ā  Think of the hypothesis before you set off and see if you are accurate. Could you do anything difference to vary the result? If you capture any pictures we would love to see them!

Stay safe!

Miss Farren

P5 Friday 9th February 2018

Hi everyone!

This week we have continued with our Scottish Wars topic and we began a group challenge. Within this task we had research for information on castles and burghs. We are learning how to read for information and write up what we learn in our own words. Itā€™s not an easy thing to do!

In Science we are learning about Solids. Liquids and Gases. There is a lot to learn as our initial ā€œWhat do we know?ā€ quiz revealed that we do not know much at this point. I am confident by the end our knowledge will have developed a good amount!

Basketball is our unit of work in P.E. We are now playing small team games and having a lot of fun doing so. It is not easy to remember all of the rules and score goals too!

Please remember that next week we are on holiday Monday 12th and Tuesday 13th. All return on Wednesday 14th February. Additionally, our BIG homework presentations are to be returned on Thursday 15th February. Presentations will take place over 2 days.


Enjoy your long weekend and we look forward to seeing you all after the small break.


Miss Farren and Mrs Jamieson

Primary 5 2nd February 2018

What a busy week we have had in Primary 5. In reading we continue learning about the Scottish Wars of Independence and what life was life for people 700 years ago. We are concentrating on extending our answers to include relevant details.

On Monday we celebrated Burns with an afternoon of poetry and singing. Our stage winners, Ryan McKie and Caitlin Oā€™Hara performed their poems to an appreciative audience. We were very proud of all our stars!

On Tuesday NYCOS worked with both classes and we sang songs and played coordination games. This was challenging for some- even the teachers!

Our topic work has involved lots of art this week. We have been learning about and creating our own Coat of Arms, we had to carefully select animals, symbols and colours that were personal to us. These will be on display at Parentā€™s Evenings. Feel free to ask us all about them.

Thursday we enjoyed P.E with Mrs Ferguson and students from Edinburgh University. Some pupils participated in a gymnastics show and have worked very hard preparing for today. Well done to them all.


Please book appointments for parents nights next week and we look forward to catching up with you all.

P5F have Miss Hutchison from Edinburgh University working with us for 5 weeks and we look forward to working with her.


Thank you

Miss Farren and Mrs Jamieson

Primary 5 week ending 7.12.17

Primary 5 have had a busy and exciting week!

In Maths we have been learning about the properties of 3D shapes and using our skills to make decorative cubes and pyramids.

Religious Education has taught us more about the Christmas Story. We consolidated our learning by writing scripts for our very own news report. Through working in groups we continue to learn the importance of team work.

On Tuesday many of us enjoyed a delicious Christmas lunch and then on Wednesday, Hopscotch Productions entertained us with the Panto, The Wizard of Oz. Lots of fun and laughter was had by all!

We have now finished our music block with Mr. Platt and began Art with Mrs Fox. This will continue next term on Wednesdays. P.E with Mrs Ferguson remains on a Thursday.

Our writing scheme is based on our class novel, Harry Potter. From creating our own wizards, maps and wands we are almost ready to transform our work in to a mini book.

Finally, an exciting day to be shared in Primary 5 as we finish the week with our Christmas Party!

We hope you have a lovely weekend.

Miss Farren and Mrs Jamieson

P5 update 29.09.17

This week in Miss Farrenā€™s maths set they have been learning to create maps using the 8 compass points. They were using Probots to demonstrate their understandings of maps and compass points.Ā  Ā Miss Jamisonā€™s maths set were learning about place value up to 100 000 and coordinates.

In P.E on Tuesday we have hand ball and on Thursday we have badminton with Miss Ferguson. We enjoy the lessons for lots of reasons!

Miss Jamisonā€™s class in writing were creating newspaper reports about invasion and the Battle of Hastings.

In Miss Farrenā€™s class for reading they were focusing on adverbs and verbs which are techniques used by the authors to make exciting writing. In Miss Jamisonā€™s class for reading they were doing invasion about King William.

The big homework for all of P5 is making landmarks from Great Britain. The work is due on Friday 13th of October

Both classes were focusing on ā€œeeā€ sounds in spelling. The children recorded dictations to help them understand how to write the ā€œeeā€ words.

Both classes were doing a display challenge in groups about Great Britain. Each group was given a country from Great Britain to describe in groups of 4.

By: Julia, Iona, Michal and Lana (P5F and P5J)

Primary 5. 15/09/17

Happy Friday Primary 5,

Throughout this week we have concentrated on ā€˜aeā€™ sounds in spelling. We looked at the 5 sounds and practiced using the words in various contexts. At home children should reinforce their learning through read, say, cover, write, check and then by selecting 1 activity from the ā€˜Pick ā€˜nā€™ Mix Homeworkā€™ sheet.Ā  Pupils return this homework on Fridays.

It was numeracy week in Maths. We therefore explored big numbers, place value, dot patterns, mental strategies and data handling. The work is challenging learning and encourages pupils to be successful learners who are beginning to confidently explain their understanding.

Our Great Britain topic has centered on Geographical features. We have a very good understanding of Atlases and how to use them correctly. We identified major cities, landmass, airports and rivers then marked them on our own maps. Our next steps is major landmarks. We are also learning to work collaboratively with others.

Reminder: Thursday is indoor P.E day. We have been very pleased that mostly all the children are remembering to bring appropriate kit and footwear. Well done.

Finally, we hope you have an enjoyable long weekend and maybe the weather will be kind to us. Pupils resume on Wednesday 20th September.

Thank you,

Miss. Farren and Mrs. Jamieson

28.08.17 Primary 5

Welcome back too Primary 5!

We hope you had a lovely, relaxing summer break. It has been a busy and enjoyable first week for us in class with lots of creative tasks ongoing as we continue to learn more about one another.

Last week we had a focus on our Class Charter and our understanding of why we need rights and responsibilities. The children worked hard to complete a jigsaw puzzle design to highlight that we are all together as one in school.

The children also created wonderful ā€˜All about meā€™ silhouettes filled with many of their favourite things and personal information. These are now looking great and are on display in class.

Our Shanarri focus this year is Achievement. We refreshed our memories about Ā each area of the Shanarri wheel and discussed the importance and relevance of each. We will continue working on this display this week.

The ‘Meet the Teacher’ session is on Wednesday 30th August 4.30pm-5.30pm. Please come along and see all the great work the children have completed already.

This term the children will have Music with Mr. Platt on Wednesdays and P.E with Mrs. Ferguson on Thursdays. For more information regarding homework please read the P5 Newletter which you can collect on Wednesday. If you cannot attend we will send it home on Thursday.

We hope you have a lovely week,

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

Miss Farren and Mrs Jamieson

Primary 7 3rd June 2016

This week has been busy and exciting for Primary 7! We have been working cooperatively in groups to complete a Bulgaria Challenge. Throughout this activity we are learning about Bulgariaā€™s traditions and history. Challenges help us develop our ability to compromise and work with people we may not always choose to work with. Each member within the group has their own responsibility. This might be as a facilitator or a time keeper but we all have an important role to play.

Also this week we have created a script for our leavers assembly. We cannot believe it is only a few weeks away but we are very excited to showcase an exciting trip down memory lane. Please remember to order your tickets ASAP as leavers assemblies are very popular as you can imagine!

Mr Shanks worked with half of us teaching us how to use an app on the ipads called Garage Band. We were taught how to use the app effectively and the final product was we created our own music! It was very cool! Continuing with a musical themeā€¦We are now GUINESS WORLD RECORD HOLDERS. 27 of us attended Livingston Football Stadium on Thursday along with Miss Farren, Mrs Harding and Mrs Auld. There were 476 pupils from across West Lothian participating in the event and we played a drumming sequence for just over 6 minutes. We were shocked at how strict the judging criteria were but we were thrilled when they announced that we had broken a new record! Miss Farren was extremely proud of all who attended the event, the behaviour and enthusiasm was fantastic, we were a credit to our class and school.


Next week please remember to submit final copies of My Life So Far.

It is also the Beach Trip on Wednesday and we will be hopefully enjoying some fun in the sun! Please remember that if it is a warm day then apply sun lotion before coming to school and you can send it with your child in their bags to apply themselves throughout the day. Staff cannot put the sun lotion on your child or supply them with lotion. A packed lunch will be required as we are away all day.


Have a fantastic weekend whatever your plans may be!

Miss Farren, Miss Clark and P7

Guinness World Record Challenge
Guinness World Record Challenge

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P7 drumming 26.05.16

Hi all,

Here are some videos from today’s drumming workshop. The full length video cannot be uploaded down to the file size being HUGE!. We will practice again tomorrow. Well done for all your hard work today!

Miss Farren


24.05.16 Primary 7

Back to normality in Primary 7 after our adventures in France!

This week in P.E we have enjoyed Judo taster sessions and learned a few new skills. We also continued to work cooperatively in Hockey and are playing 5 v 5 games. In Science we have enjoyed a very active lesson where we had to dissect a flower then create a labelled poster to demonstrate our knowledge.

For those children participating in the drumming for excellence workshop, can you please familiarise yourself with your pattern of music and bring you music to school every day next week. We have rehearsals and our final workshop coming up.

Our Prom Committee have now begun working with Mrs. Gilmour to organise the theme for our celebration evening. It is all getting exciting in Primary 7.

Next week we have a visit from DCHS to look forward to. They will be teaching us Science and showing us some new ICT sites. We are all looking forward to this.

A big thank you and good bye to Miss Walker who has been teaching P7F recently. She is now off to complete her studies and we wish her lots of luck for her future in teaching!

Happy long weekend! See you all Tuesday!

Miss Farren and Miss Clark

13.5.16 Primary 7


Well as you know, primary 7 went a little animal daft this week and were involved in various animal activities throughout the week. We concluded the week with an animal movie of their choice and some animal origami before Free Time Friday. The children requested “The Jungle Book” so we spent the morningĀ singing and dancing to the music. Children have now completed their animal fact files which look fantastic – well done for all your hard work everyone!!

Overall, we have had a very fun and busy week. We are looking forward to Monday and hearing all about France when everyone comes back together.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend,

Miss Walker and Primary 7.

11.5.16 Primary 7

Good Afternoon

We had a very busy morning today and the childrenĀ undertook a variety of activities relating to animal food chains. First of all, children designed their own “super animals” which had to be adapted to suit their environment. We had glow in the dark honey foot lemurs with bat wings and sharks with scorpion tails to name a few – very creative! We learned about how energy flows throughout food chains and the importance of having a top predator. The children engaged in food chain drama to showcase their understanding of food chains and the consequence of removing one species from the chain (lots of lions and gazelles in the classroom)! We also had a lot of discussion regarding the impact of humans on our wildlife. The children were then givenĀ time to continue with their research projects (animal fact files) which are lookingĀ fantastic – excellent work everyone!

This afternoon, primary 7 had lots of fun in P.E where they played basketball and spent the last hour out in the sun playing games and organising events for sports day.

It sounds like those in France are having a fabulous, busy time! We would like to ask you about your time at the theme park and what your favourite rides were?

All of primary 7 say HELLO and we hope you have a fantastic day at the theme park!!

Miss Walker and Primary 7

10.5.16 Primary 7


So lovely to hear from those in France. Today in school we learned about animal adaptations and began a new mini challenge where we are creating animal fact files. We hope to continue this and complete these throughout the week. We then spent our afternoon out in the sun assisting primary 1 with sports day preparation and then playing rounders with primary 3. We all had great fun!!

Primary 7 would like to say hi to those in France. We have worked out that “Il fait chaud” means “it is hot”Ā but we have no need to be jealous as the sun is shining here too šŸ™‚

We have some questions from the class:

What activities are you getting up to after dinner time?

What time are you going to bed?

What time are you having to get up in the morning?

We hope you are having a blast and miss you all loads! Looking forward to hearing all your stories when you get back.
Miss Walker


Primary 7 9.5.16

Hello everyone!

Just a wee update to let you all know what the primary 7s are up to in school this week.

Today we began our new mini topic – Animal biodiversity and adaptations. The children learned about the 6 main animal groups; mammals, reptiles, birds, fish, amphibians and insects. We learned about their key characteristics and how we can identify them. The platypus proved to be difficult! We also used classification keys to identify a series of invertebrates and also made our own keys to identify a group of insects.

This afternoon, we created signage for the school leavers’ assembly. This involved making signs as well as stars to decorate the stage. Ā Tomorrow we will continue with our new mini topic and learn about animal adaptation.

The children have some questions they would like to ask those who are in France:

How is the weather?

What is the food like?

Finally, the children would like to say “we hope no one was sick on the ferry and that you all have an amazing time!”


Miss Walker

29.04.16 Primary 7 update

This week Primary 7 have been busy preparing work that we will showcase at our Leavers Assembly. Children have been working together to write a song and have also wrote letters to their favourite members of staff.

It was our last session of P.E with Deans Community High School this week. I think it is safe to say that this was a very positive experience for all pupils.

30 children took part in the first drumming workshop of this term and will continue working with Miss Farren each week to ensure we can play the new composed piece of music for 5 minutes in syncā€¦ (No pressure at all!) They will each receive a copy of the music patterns and can practice these in their own time. Click on the links below to see our progress so far!

Thank you to all the children who returned their My Life So Far project. Many have been completed to an exceptional standard. Both Miss Clark and I enjoyed reading them and they even brought a wee tear to our eyes. Can those who have not handed inĀ their projectĀ please do so next week. Thank you.

Have a lovely long weekend!!

Miss Farren and Miss Clark




Group drumming

.100_0936 100_0939

Primary 7 update 22nd April 2016

Miss Clark has been off in Bulgaria this week and Mrs Gilmour has had an enjoyable week in Primary 7. Miss Walker has taught P7F most of this week whilst I, Miss Farren, covered P2.

In Maths both classes consolidated skills in Algebraic Expressions. Miss Thompson from DCHS was working with Miss Clarkā€™s class on Wednesday. Ā We will continue improving our understanding in algebra next week.

Miss Clark returns to us on Monday with lots of stories to share I am sure. Then itā€™s back to business and we start preparing for our leaverā€™s assembly (Eek!)

Our first lesson was to write a letter to our favourite teacher- hankies at the ready. Our next task is to write a song about our time here at Carmondean.

On Thursday some pupils have volunteered to take part in a Drumming for Excellence workshop. Letters will go out on Monday about this for those involved. Also, Thursday will be our last week at DCHS for P.E.

My Life So Far ā€“ Can all pupils bring in a close to finished copy of their My Life So Far on Friday 29th April so that we can check they are near completion before final submission in June. Thanks.

Finally, for any child going to France the office staff require essential documentation as soon as possible. Ideally before Friday!

Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Farren, Miss Clark and Miss Walker

Primary 7 update 29th January 2016

This week Primary 7 confidently performed and helped with the running of our successful Burnsā€™ afternoon. The senior challenge group had worked very hard preparing the running order and PowerPoint for the event and delivered clearly and enthusiastically to a large audience. Joy Koay and Aaron McKee maintained their high standard when reciting their poems. Well done to all.

We have continued to learn many more interesting facts about World War 2. We have now finished our gas masks and they will be on display at parents’ nights. We are working on questionnaires that the children will soon be bringing home. They have the task of interviewing an elderly relative or family friend who would be happy enough to share some experiences of the war days and memories.

In Reading we have started source work and novel studies. The source work focuses on the difference between fact and opinion and reliable and unreliable sources of information. Novel studies involve reading with a learning partner, completing a task in class, then following this up with a homework task at home. One set of books has yet to arrive therefore some children do not have a book home as yet. We hope however that homework will begin as normal next week and as stated in the newsletter, reading homework will be issued fortnightly.

The pupils will be shown next week how to access the DCHS transition page where they will find small tasks set by department teachers and they can ask questions about the school. This site is perfectly secure and moderated by staff at all times. The children can access the site from home using their GLOW user details.

Reminders for next week (1st Feb 16)

Indoor P.E kit is required on Monday and we are continuing our unit of dance.

Miss Thompson from Deans Maths department will be teaching Miss Farrenā€™s class on Wednesday afternoon.

School uniform standards are slipping slightly in P7 with some pupils wearing outdoor shoes inside. We understand that some pupils may go a week or two without suitable shoes whilst parents order new ones. Ā If there is a problem buying new shoes can you please inform the school.

Have a lovely weekend, stay cosy indoors!

Miss Farren and Miss Clark

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