Hello Everyone
We hope you all had a lovely Easter break and enjoyed some Spring sunshine! The children have all settled back into school and seem happy to be back.
Last week in Maths, we continued to work on telling the time using digital clocks to read o’clock and half past times and will soon move on to quarter past and quarter to times. It would be helpful if children could practise this in real life situations at home e.g. using the clocks on cookers, laptops or looking at timetables to consolidate their learning.
Also in Numeracy, we have been learning to divide by 2 and encouraging children to remember that this is the same as halving a number.
This week we have introduced our new topic – Hot and Cold Countries. Beginning with the polar regions, theĀ children have been looking at a globe and learning to recognise where the Arctic and Antarctic circles are as well as the equator and the North and South Poles.
Our PE days continue to be Tuesday and Thursday and will still take place outdoors. Please send your child to school in appropriate clothing depending on the weather.
Also as the weather is beginning to warm up a little, please ensure your child always comes to school with a water bottle.
Thank you for your continuing support,
Mrs Oliver, Miss Pringle and Miss Rafferty