P2/1 had a great week last week. In maths we have been learning how to tell the time using both analogue and digital clocks. We were impressed with how well the children have done with this, both in class and when doing their home learning activities.
In reading we are continuing to work on our comprehension skills. We are asking and answering questions about the stories we are reading, discussing the characters and using the texts to help us answer questions. Thank you for all your support with reading at home.
We started to learn about the Easter story last week and will continue this week to learn about Easter and how it is celebrated. We are going to have lots of fun making Easter crafts!
PE continues to be on a Tuesday and a Wednesday so please send your child dressed in PE kit on these days. Don’t forget that we are not in school this Friday. We hope you have a lovely Easter break when it comes!
Mrs Muir and Mrs Steel