We love having the children all back in class. They have all settled really well and are enjoying seeing their friends again. Thanks again for all your support with home learning over the past couple of months.
In maths we have working on being able to share amounts equally and are now learning about halves and quarters of shapes. In writing we are focusing on a new genre – report writing. Of course, we still need to ensure we include full stops, capital letters and use our sounds to help us spell but we are also trying to write in the correct format for a report. The primary 2s in particular will be working on including a heading and separate sections with subheadings. In reading we are continuing to develop our skills in asking and understanding questions and are completing comprehension activities including putting parts of the story in the correct order.
In addition to numeracy and literacy, we have been spending time discussing our emotions and how we feel being back at school and have been playing games to help us with our listening skills.
Our PE days will continue to be Tuesday and Thursday for the moment and we will let you know if this changes. Thanks for sending your child to school all ready for PE on these days. Thanks also for providing a full water bottle every day.
Homework will be issued on a Monday on Seesaw. The children will also get a new book home on a Monday and should take it to school every day. We will collect them back in on a Friday.
As always, if you have any questions, please get in touch,
Mrs Steel and Mrs Muir.