It’s the start of another exciting and busy week in Primary 2/1.
In numeracy, P1 will continue to work on the numbers to 10, focusing particularly on writing the numbers 1-5. 2 and 5 are always very tricky so it would be great if you can also help your child at home with this. P2 are continuing to work with the numbers to 20 and beyond. We are getting familiar with how to make them, write them, recognise them and count backwards and forwards.
In reading, P1 will be starting with wordless books where we will talk about the detail in the pictures and relating the stories to our real life experiences. P2 will be working on using the sounds we know to help us read unfamiliar words and we will be developing our sequencing skills by putting the parts of the stories in the correct order.
We will be reading ‘The Smartest Giant in Town’ in class this week and discussing what we have learned from the story about being kind and inclusive. We also use the story as inspiration for art activities.
Thanks for all your support so far this year. The children have settled in really well and have created a fun, happy and welcoming environment in the classroom.
Please remember to send in a filled water bottle every day and gym kit on a Tuesday and Wednesday. Children should wear their gym kits (suitable for outdoors) on these days.
As always, if there is anything you would like to discuss, please telephone the office and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Thank you,
Mrs Muir and Mrs Steel.