Hello everyone
Our first full week back in Primary 4 has been a great one so far! The children have continued to adjust very well to our new class and school routines and Mr Woodward and I have been very impressed with their work ethic and their super manners – keep it up Primary 4! 🙂
This week we have began to revise areas of Numeracy such as addition, subtraction and times table facts. The children have impressed us with their numeracy skills! We will continue to revise known facts for the next few weeks to ease the children back into learning at school.
In Reading, both classes have began reading a new class novel. P4C are reading “Ottoline and the Yellow Cat” while Mr Woodward’s class are reading “The Legend of Spud Murphy”. The children will complete activities related to their reading book in class and will receive no reading book home this term. We will continue to hear the children read in class regularly. Please also encourage your child to read at home for enjoyment.
Our PE days will be Monday and Friday. Children should come to school on these days dressed for PE in appropriate clothing for the outdoors. If the weather is very bad we may not be able to do PE on our scheduled PE days but we will endeavor to ensure we get outside on another drier day of the week instead (as happened this week).
Tomorrow your child will come home from school with a P4 newsletter with much more details about your child’s learning this term. Please look out for this in your child’s bag.
Thank you for your support. Have a lovely weekend!
Miss Clark & Mr Woodward