Good morning everyone,
We hope you are all well today and looking forward to a new day of learning from home. I wonder how many of you are doing Joe Wicks – have you been able to spot the differences or answer the quiz questions he has been asking? If you would like a shorter wake up activity you could maybe try some of these favourites we use in class to get us moving! These are also useful to get you moving in between activities when you get a bit fed up of sitting still!
Today, you can continue choosing a Literacy, Numeracy and Across the Curriculum activity. Here is a a Powerpoint to help you with your research on arctic animals:
If you would like to try out an additional Science and Technology activity, we are sure you will find this video from the Glasgow Science Centre on Monday really interesting. It is all about the European Space Agency’s Rover that is due to be sent to Mars in 2022. Use your new knowledge of what makes a good rover to build your own and send us photo if you can!
We look forward to hearing about your learning and seeing any photos. If you have any questions please just ask on the blog or Learners Journal and we will get back to you quickly.
Mrs Oliver and Miss Rafferty
That’s super!! I’m glad you enjoyed the video. You should now try and write some facts about your favourite animal!
Hope you’re working hard,
Miss Rafferty
Hello Miss Rafferty, I was just watching the video about Arctic animals. My favourite animal is the wolverine. I wished I had a pet wolverine.
Hello Harris,
I am good today, thank you Harris. Hope you are well too! I’m glad you managed to create and complete the assault course. If you could screen shot the video and post it as we can use that for evidence for our RRSA. The animals cams are brilliant, it’s great that we are able to see them live. It is great for us as our topic will look at animals in hot and cold countries.
Oh that’s exciting that the amazon delivery man is bringing you more activity books. Missing all the boys and girls too!
Keep working hard Harris- Miss Rafferty x
Good morning Miss Rafferty. How are you today? My assault course was really fun yesterday, mummy timed me, and daddy filmed me. It’s a shame I cant send the video to my learners journal. I did it a few times, and tried to beat my previous time. I have been watching the animal cams at the zoo, and I am going to write about it later in the week. I have done some spelling this morning and have finished the maths quiz on bbc bitesize. The Amazon man is bringing me more spelling and french books today too. I really miss seeing you and all of my friends. Enjoy the sunny weather. Love Harris x