Primary 1 Home Learning 21.04.20

Good morning Primary 1,

We hope that you’ve all been enjoying this lovely sunshine and are still managing to find some time to exercise and play outside! It was lovely to see some of you enjoying spending time outdoors with your family during the Easter holidays on the Learning Journals. Thank you for continuing to share your home learning experiences with us.

We would like to suggest that you choose one or two activities from the home learning grids to complete today if you are able. You can access the links to the literacy, numeracy and interdisciplinary learning grids and resources on the school blog and in the messages section on your Learning Journals. Please make sure that you still make time for playing, exercising and helping out around the house too!

This week we are focusing on the fairy tale ‘The Enormous Turnip’. You can access the link to the audio clip on BBC School Radio here: The Enormous Turnip is a great fairy tale at this time as it symbolises the importance of team work and people coming together. Ask your child to close their eyes and listen to the story. Imagine what happens in the story at the beginning, middle and end of the story and think about how they all manage to pull the enormous turnip out of the ground. After listening to the story, retell the events in your own words to an adult. During your story you could try acting out some of the events, role playing some of the characters or you could even use some props. If you have time, you could ask an adult to film you retelling the story and share it with us on the Learning Journals. We would love to see how you get on with this at home!

You could even learn and include this fun song about Farmer Ben ploughing his field (try singing it to the theme of The Grand Old Duke of York):

‘Oh, I have a field to plough!’
Said busy Farmer Ben,
So he drove his tractor up the field,
And he drove it down again.
And when he was up, he was up,
And when he was down, he was down,
And when he was only half way up,
He was neither up nor down.
‘Oh, I have some seeds to sow!’

We look forward to seeing all of your hard work on the Learning Journals. We will continue to look for examples of some of the best work across Primary 1 to share and celebrate on our school blog!

Thank you again for all of your support at this time. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us on the school blog or on the messages section of the learning journals. We are happy to support you in any way we can.

Primary 1 teachers

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