Primary 2 have been learning about cold countries. We have been investigating the landscape found in cold countries. Children were able to identify icebergs, glaciers, frozen lakes and snowy mountains. We will be conducting a science experiment with ice to see what conditions make it melt.
All of the boys and girls have been given a Scottish poem to learn off by heart. We have been practising these in class but we have also asked the children to practise performing them in front of their family. We will do our poem recital on Wednesday 23rd January in class.
In numeracy we have been using our counting on skills to help us solve missing addends. The children have been working very hard explain their strategies and using the tools in the classroom to help.
The children wrote fantastic stories last Thursday about packing for a holiday. They tried hard to construct sentences properly, use adjectives to describe what they were packing and also shared their feelings about going on a holiday. Super writing P2!
On Monday the children were given new reading books and new activities to complete in their “share it” books. This is due back on Thursday 24th January.
P.E reminders- P2R Tuesday and Wednesday
P2M Wednesday and Thursday
Miss Rafferty and Mrs Muir