Happy New Year!
We hope you all had a lovely break over the holidays. It was great to see all the children again yesterday and they all seemed very excited to be back with their friends.
New topic
We have a lot planned this term. Our new topic is going to be ‘Hot and Cold Countries’ and we will be investigating why there are hot and cold climates, which animals live in hot and cold countries and looking at some of the geographical features of hot and cold climates.
We have started a programme called Word Boost which has the aim of developing and expanding the children’s vocabulary. Every week we will look at different interesting words which we call ‘boost’ words. Why not see if your child can remember some of their ‘boost’ words?
Scottish poem
We will shortly send home a Scottish poem which the children will be learning to recite in class. Please could you help your child to practise the poem at home?
Homework will be issued on Monday 14th but we have issued reading books this week.
Things to remember:
Indoor PE is on a Wednesday with the PE specialist and outdoor PE is on a Tuesday (Miss Rafferty’s class) and a Thursday (Mrs Muir’s class). PE kit can be left in class from Monday – Friday if that is easier than remembering it on PE days.
Please ensure your child has a water bottle with them every day.
Thanks for all your support,
Mrs Muir and Miss Rafferty.