Last week primary 1 welcomed a visitor into their classrooms. Brambleberry, a forest elf from Perthshire, came to our school to escape his enchanted forest which is being spoiled by littering. The children have enjoyed showing him their work and listening to him talk about his enchanted forest. This afternoon the children enjoyed creating fairy houses for Brambleberry and his friends to live in. The children worked very hard with their buddies to create these houses and the finished products look great! Thank you so much for providing boxes and materials for this project.
In maths we have been learning about data handling. The children have learnt to count using tally marks and this week have interpreted and created their own pictograms. Please continue to practise counting forwards and backwards to 30 and adding and subtracting within 10 at home.
In phonics we are learning the ‘wh’ sound this week. please continue to practise at home and to learn the common words in the blue jotter.
Reminders: PE is on a Thursday for both classes. Please remember to bring a named PE kit to school.
Water bottles should contain only water and should be named.
This week the children have maths homework as well as ‘time your climb’, common words and a reading book.
Thank you for your continued support
Miss Christy, Mrs Oliver and Mrs Harris