Welcome back to the Primary 4 blog!
We hope everyone is looking forward to the holiday weekend. This week we have had a focused week on ‘Inspirational maths’. We have been working on challenges that help us to develop our skills in solving problems, being resilient and finding strategies to work through problems.
We have also been continuing to learn about the Vikings and have started to use an atlas to find out more about where the Vikings came from and why they came to Scotland.
In reading both classes have been focusing on a novel and have been exploring ideas of setting, genre and the authors’ use of language to convey this. The children have been taking part in various activities and group discussions.
In writing we have been developing our use of descriptive language including the use of adjectives and similes when writing imaginative descriptions.
This week the school photographer has been in and photographs have been handed out if you would like to purchase any.
Monday is our outdoor gym day
Thursday is indoor gym
Please make sure all children’s belongings are clearly labelled to avoid loss of property.
We would also appreciate if children could bring water with them to school.
Thank you for reading our blog. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to speak to us or write a note in the homework diaries.
The Primary 4 teachers!