week beginning 17.4.17

Welcome back to the Primary 4 blog!

We hope you have all had a lovely holiday and are looking forward to our final term of Primary 4.

This term our topic will be mini-beasts and our community. We will be learning about vertebrates, invertebrates, food chains, insects and lots more. We will be studying a wormery and also be observing the transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly.

In language we will be focusing on the writing of Enid Blyton. This year celebrates her 75th anniversary so we shall be looking at her style of writing, her characters and how she develops her stories to keep the reader’s interest. We will be creating our own famous five novels throughout the term. If you have any of her Famous Five books that you would be happy to lend us, please send them in.

We are keen for parents / carers to hear children reading aloud when completing reading homework. Children will come home with a reading book within the next week. This will be given alongside a letter with the assigned pages for each week and some ideas for discussions and questions to ask your child during and after reading.

This term is very exciting as it is also the term where we will prepare and perform a show along with the Primary 5s. There are lots of different roles in the show like acting, singing, dancing, instruments and sound effects. Please keep an eye out for any lines or costumes that your child has to prepare for.

We are happy to see you all back from your holidays and hope you are excited to start all these new topics!

The Primary 4 teachers


homework this term will be spelling, reading and optional maths activities (these will not be sent weekly and instead be completed online using a username and password. These will be sent home next week). Also your child may or may not have lines to learn for the assembly.

Indoor P.E is on Monday

outdoor P.E is Tuesday

please ensure all clothing is named

Multisport festival is on the 28.4.17 – please look out for letter

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