Primary 1 are now well into their dinosaur topic. Last week the children learnt about the triceratops. They researched information from a video, wrote a fact file and created a triceratops mask using a paper plate. We look forward to showing you all this work at parent’s night! This week we will be learning about the pterodactyl.
In maths, the children are continuing their work on subtraction. The children are using number lines, cubes and fingers to help understand the process of taking a number away and this week we will be learning the facts of 4 and 5. We have also been revising the numbers 0-20 during our maths lesson. The children have made huge progress reading these numbers and finding the number before and after.
* P.E. is on Thursday. Please make sure that your child comes prepared with a PE kit and indoor shoes.
* Parent’s consultations are this Tuesday and Wednesday.
* Please return your form for our trip to dynamic earth as soon as possible.
* Big homework went home last week. Please bring your finished dinosaur model to school on the 20th of February.
Thank you for your continued support
Miss Christy, Mrs Harris and Mrs Oliver