This week we have been working hard in our assessment jotters to show our abilities across the curriculum. These will be in pupil trays this week at Parents’ Evening, and hopefully you will be able to see the progress your child has made between October and January.
We have started to look at electricity in Science. We are looking forward to building our own circuits and making different components work using batteries and wires. This week, we began by looking at electrical safety. The children’s knowledge on this was good and we had an excellent discussion. One thing we need to investigate is how birds can touch electricity wires without being electrocuted.
Next Monday, you will see your child’s spelling words and format changing. Children will still receive spelling words to be studied at home, however these will be based on a different sound each week.
This sound should be learned, and words should be written out across the page in look, cover, write and check format as normal. Activities will be expected to be completed alongside twice a week. This will show the children’s ability to transfer their understanding of the words, and knowledge of the spelling rule.
As of next Tuesday for four weeks, P4S will have another session of indoor PE on a Tuesday. Please ensure children have kit on this day. Reminders will be written in homework jotters.
Parents’ Evenings take place on Tuesday and Wednesday. Both primary 4 classes currently have student teachers. The student teachers will be in the room during the parent consultations in order to learn from them. If this is an issue, please do not hesitate to make us aware beforehand by contacting the office.
Tuesday 7th – Indoor PE kit P4S
Wednesday 8th – Indoor PE kit both classes
Thursday 9th – Outdoor PE kit P4D
Dress Down Day run by P.S.A – Please come dressed in love hearts, pink or red, or even just your best outfit on Thursday and bring 50 pence as a donation. All money raised will go towards providing resources for the school.
Friday 10th – Holiday
Homework due Thursday:
Children with their class talk information sheets due this day.
Spelling homework.
Reading homework plus one activity.
Hi Julia, yes, you do. You have the same words for the whole week and you do the activities with the same set of words every night that week. I hope this makes sense! If not, Miss Donaldson or I will chat to you tomorrow about it 🙂
Miss Donalson I am confused if we are suppose to do the same spelling on each day.