Happy New Year! We hope you had a lovely festive break. This term we have lots of exciting learning to look forward to. We will be starting our new topic ‘Titanic’ and in science we will be learning about how the human body works.
Every pupil has chosen a Burns poem to recite to the class in 2 weeks time and have been given a copy to take home. As well as practising in class please can you help your child to practise and memorise their poem at home. Two children from each class will be chosen to recite their poem in front of the school at the Burns Assembly.
PE – Reminder about PE kit
Please ensure your child has PE kit on the following days:
Monday – Outdoor PE kit
Tuesday – Indoor PE kit
Tuesday – Indoor PE kit
Wednesday – Outdoor PE kit
Outdoor kit may get muddy and we will go outside in most weathers so old, warm clothes please! It is vital that everyone brings their kit so please help your child to remember.
We hope you have a lovely weekend and thank you for your support.
Mrs Muir, Mrs Smith and Mrs Kelly
Happy new year YAY 2016
yay 2016
happy new year