Since we are not able to work together in school today I’ve put together some things you can to do to get into the spirit of World Book Day! You can choose any from the list and you can work on your own or collaborate with others……I’m sure you are in touch with each other!
- There are 3 departments at Bloor’s Academy, Music, Drama and Art. Think about your skills and talents. What department would you be in and why?
- At Bloor’s Academy, the pupils have to wear capes in different colours to show what department they belong to, blue for Music, purple for Drama and green for Art. Design a different item (instead of a cape) for your Bloor’s Academy uniform to show what department you belong to. What do you have at home that you could use to make your design in real life? Take a photo so that you can share when we’re back in class!
- Bloor’s Academy is an old and spooky building with towers, stone spiral staircases, echoing corridors and doors that haven’t been opened for years. Have a look around at home and see if you have any materials you could use to make a model of Boor’s Academy. Boxes and cartons would work or, Lego. If you don’t want to build a model, you could draw your version of Bloor’s Academy.
- Charlie had a tough first week at Bloor’s Academy. Imagine you are Charlie and write a personal
diary for the first few days at your new school. Use your Emotion Works cogs to explain how you are feeling about your new life and why.
- Charlie Bone has an unusual talent. When Charlie looks at photographs, he can hear the people in the photos talking and the sounds happening around them. Choose a photograph that you have at home and write down what Charlie would hear if he looked at your picture, voices and sound effects!
- Mr Onimous is a mysterious figure in the story so far. He pops up randomly with his three very mysterious cats, ‘The Flames’. If Charlie Bone was made into a film, I think Mr Omimous and the Flames would have their own music. It would play when they were about to appear and when they were on screen. Write your own words for an ‘Onimous and Flames’ song. You can compose your own tune or fit the words to a piece of music or song you already know.
And, if you’ve worked too hard on all of that, relax, sit back with a mug of hot chocolate and enjoy two super ‘Biggest Book Show on Earth’ films with authors and illustrators sharing stories.
There are outdoor ideas and Maths activity links in my post from yesterday if you missed it!
See you all soon.
Miss Kennedy