A Fun Week

We have had great fun in P1b this week.  Louise really enjoyed learning her new sounds.  Iain really liked his homework this week.  Emma had great fun glittering a ring for our ‘ng’ sound.  Andrew said he has really enjoyed maths this week when we have been practising our number bonds for 7.  Ava has really liked our toy work about pushing and pulling.  She told us that she pushes with her feet when she plays on her trampoline.

Next week we are really looking forward to taking part in the nativity.

Bankton Primary Celebrates the work of our Pupil Support Workers

The 29th November marks the national day of celebration of the work of Pupil Support Workers. In Bankton Primary we are very proud of the amazing contribution made by our Pupil Support Workers and were happy to celebrate this at the end of our St. Andrew’s Day Assembly. Mrs. Smail, Mrs. Little, Mrs. Reilly, Mrs. Oliver, Mrs. Thomson, Mrs. Campbell and Mrs. McDevitt were presented with flowers and escorted by P.6 pupils to a special tea party which had been set up in the Pupil Support base. Each class had made a card to thank the ladies for their contribution to learning in the school and these were brought along during the tea party. Thank you to all staff and pupils for helping to organise this event.

The Tea Party
P.2 Pupils arriving with their card
The Thank You Banner

A week in the life of p6!

P6 have had a very busy week! On Tuesday we went to West Lothian College to work with the students and learn touch rugby.  When we were walking there it was very rainy.  Despite this, (connective courtesy of Katie!) we still had a great time.  Louis loves going to the college because it means extra PE time.  Kylie enjoys going to the college to work with new people.  Rian likes to learn new things and working with Jack.  We learned touch rugby skills like passing back, using two hands to pass the ball and how to intercept the ball. 

We are also still learning about the creation of Earth.  Dylan really liked finding out about the Big Bang.  We have also been busy making models of the structure of our earth.  Did you know, there are 4 different layers of the earth?  We do!  They are the crust, the mantle, the inner core and outer core.

 P6 were also checking up on their spelling this week too. Shaun was very happy because his spelling has really improved since August.  We are all working hard on our spelling.

We were also involved in a cluster event at the Lanthorn this week to celebrate St Andrews Day.  Sean really enjoyed talking about St Andrew.  Chloe liked going to see what the other schools had been finding out about St Andrew and to watch our own school perform.  We are proud to be Scottish and living in Scotland even though our wish for World Cup wins may take a while to come true!  Megan thought it was cool to sit in a section of the saltire on the floor with the saltire cross in-between everyone. 

We were really happy to make cards and celebrate the pupil support workers on Friday this week.  We want to thank Mrs McDevitt for always refereeing the football, Miss Campbell is always there to care for us when we need help, Mrs Reilly always helps us and supervises us in the playground, Mrs Oliver helps us in the lunch hall, Mrs Thomson helps us keep the garden looking great, Mrs Little helps us in the library and Mrs Smail looks after everyone going to Roosters.  Bankton would not be complete without them!

 Next week, we are looking forward to going back to West Lothian College for athletics, the Christmas lunch and presenting some of our structure of the earth work to the rest of the class to teach them about rock groups.  Not musical rock groups! We’re talking about sedimentary rocks, metamorphic rocks and igneous rocks….more information on that next week.

Launch of P7 Commonwealth Transition Project

Today, all the P7’s from all the JYHS cluster primaries were invited along to JYHS for the exciting launch of the commonwealth games transition project.  The children met Mrs  Hatch, the headteacher of the JYHS and were also introduced to Mr Bell who is co-ordinating the project.  The P7’s from Bankton represented their school very well and enjoyed meeting children from the other P7 classes.  Everyone has come back talking about some new friends that they have made and about how much they enjoyed their morning.  Now the challenge of creating a travel brochure for their assigned countries will begin!  Everyone is looking forward to the next transition event.  Well done P7.

Primary 2’s weekly review

One of our girls, Zoe was representing the school at a Gymnastics competition, she says “I was hoping that I would win a medal and I did – I got second place! I won a shield for the school.”

We learned about St. Andrew:

“Someone brought his bones to Scotland” – Alexander

“I learned that St. Andrew died on a cross.” – Ryan

We learned more about road safety –

“It is safe to cross the road when the green man is on” – Alfie

“You can cross the road at the lollipop lady.” – Brooke

In writing we have been learning about connectives, Isabel can remember some: “and, but and because”

And of course we’ve had fun practising our songs for the nativity.

Primary 4 have been busy!

This week primary 4 have been extremely busy! Please read some of our comments below about what we have been doing!

Christmas Enterprise:

‘We have been making Bouncing Snowmen.’ Lily

‘We have decorated bookmarks to sell.’ Ciara

‘We worked together with P3/4 to shop online for materials to make things to sell to our parents.’ Beth K

‘Our class has been making reindeer food and instead of sugar crystals we used glitter.’ Kian


‘We looked at what dissolves and what doesn’t dissolve.’ Robyn

‘We did a little experiment. We had two glasses of water and put sugar in one and a pea in the other. The pea didn’t dissolve.’ Kalanah

‘We learned that cocoa powder dissolves in hot water.’ Jaime  

‘In science the words soluble and insoluble. It means it can dissolve if it is soluble and insoluble means it can’t dissolve.’ Euan


‘We learned about Ebenezer Scrooge and did some writing about him. At the start he was grumpy and hated Christmas and at the end he was happy and joyful.’ Sophie

‘We remembered to think about our VCOP superheroes- Violet Vocabularly who helps with wow words, Captain Connective who makes sure that you join two short sentences and take away a full stop and add a connective. Also, you  have Dr. Punctuation who makes sure you’ve got stuff like fulls stops, capital letters and question marks when you need it. Incredible openers make sure that the start of our sentences are interesting and you don’t just use the same word all the time. ‘  Nikita

Thank you for reading!

Primary 4

Award Winning Gymnasts

On Thursday afternoon, Mrs. Ferguson took two girls from bankton to Craigswood Sports Centre for a gymnastics competition. Brooke Jack, P.3/4 and Zoe Black, P.2A were proud to represent Bankton Primary school in this competition.

Brooke said:”I tried my very best and I was first. I won a gold medal and a shield for the school. I felt very proud of myself”

Zoe said: “I enjoyed the competition and I was proud of myself for winning a second place medal and a shield for the school. I am really good at my floor routine.”

Mrs. Ferguson was very excited about their win and the girls shared their news at assembly.

Well done girls!

Brooke and Zoe proudly show off their trophy.Medal Winners - Well done Bankton Girls!

Fun Highlights this term!

Hallowe'en smiles all round
This trio terrified me!

Two of our fun highlights this term have been the fabulous but spooky Hallowe’en Discos. P.1 to P.4 enjoyed lots of spooky games including ‘spooky corners’ and knights and castles, while the P.5 – P.7s loved the Zombie Conga and Thriller Medley. The costumes were amazing so well done to all parents for creative thinking! I have only chosen a selection of photos, but others will be used on the big screen as highlights of the term.

Ella and Lucy practise their scary faces!

Another fun highlight was the P.1 / P.7 Pudsey Picnic as part of our Children in Need fundraising day. P.7s loved joining in the games and dancing. They also helped to organise their buddies for the picnic. Spotty costumes were worn by everyone – even the teachers were ‘spotty’. £279 was raised for this worthwhile charity. Thank you to all parents and families who contributed.

Bethany and Cole make London Bridge
'Buddy Dancing'
Organised for games

P. 1 would like to thank all of their P.7 buddies for another fun highlight this term.

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