Snow day @bankton

Some ideas for today boys and girls:

1. Build a fabulous snowman ⛄️

2. Go on to World Book Day Webite for lots of great activities

3. Logon to your Sumdog

4. Write a snowy story or poem to share with me back at school ⛄️

5. Draw/paint a snowy landscape picture – bring it in for my Superstar wall!

6. Cosy in with your favourite book – remember Badger the Mystical Mutt!

Mrs Ferguson

World of Work

Primary 1b worked really hard during our World of Work Week and enjoyed dressing up as different jobs.  Can you guess the jobs we do?!

We were also very lucky to have Mrs Whiteman come in to tell us all about her job of Support Worker.  She told us all about what she does in her job and shared some of the skills that she needs to use.  We asked lots of good questions and thoroughly enjoyed her visit.  Thank you for coming into speak to us.

Clay Faces

The nursery children enjoyed participating in some art work in the outside environment at the Lanthorn woods. They made some clay faces on the trees using natural materials for the different features they found in the woods.

What’s the Time P1b?!

In maths, we practised matching number names to pictures and numerals – our sounding out skills are helping us to do this.  We have also been working hard to form our numbers neatly and correctly and have been using our number lines to help us do this.  We worked on our number stories to 5 and used our screening cards to hide some cubes so that we could use different strategies to work out how many were hidden.

We have also began learning to read o’clock times on both digital and analogue clocks.  We made our own clocks to help us with this.

In topic work we received another letter from the dragon and he even bought us one of Cinderella’s glass slippers.  We had a challenge to make another shoe for Cinderella and had to work with a partner and follow a design brief to do this.  Our shoes had to measure 10 cubes long, have a strap and they had to include some sort of pattern.  They look fantastic!

Out in structured play we used the construction to build a castle for the dragon and enjoyed playing snakes and ladders and dressing up in the role play area.  We also got very creative and enjoyed using a variety of media to create our own masterpieces.

Finally, we enjoyed using our skills in the gym hall to work together with P1a to complete a variety of Fairytale circuits.  We were doing step ups on the bench and pretending to climb the beanstalk, we were jumping the hurdles and pretending that we were on our horses, we balanced quoits on our heads for our crown training, we threw beanbags in the hoops and pretended these were Jack’s magic beans being planted, we balanced and walked across the bench pretending that this was the bridge from the three billy goats gruff.  It was soooooooo much fun!

Successful Learners in P1b

In maths this week we have been working hard to work out all the stories of 5 using lots of different concrete materials including cubes and magnets.  We made our own number stories of 5 craft and used paper fish to help us!  We have also measured using non-standard units such as lollisticks, cubes, paperclips and match sticks.

In literacy we have been spelling words, generating rhyming words and working hard to slide our sounds together to help us to read simple words.

Well done to everyone for working hard to learn and recite their Scottish poems.  Francesca was selected to recite her poem at our Scottish assembly and represented P1b really well.

Finally, great fun was had in the structured play area.  We had construction which we used to build beanstalks, we had dressing up, we practised our turn taking skills when playing snakes and ladders and enjoyed getting very creative at the art table.

Sneak Peek at our Week – P5/6

On Monday, we did some spelling. For spelling we wrote our spelling words in our literacy jotters and some groups watched their videos for this week’s spelling zone. Next we did maths. First we did our multiplication square. Then we did some revision on 2D shapes. We had to name the shape that was on the smartboard and how many corners and sides it had. We learnt some new shapes and what a group of shapes were called if they have 4 sides and corners. The group is called quadrilateral. After break we had PE with Mr. Muldon. We did gymnastics. It was fun.  We read our fantasy class novel “Magyk” which is about a boy who finds a baby on the street and takes it home with him. We are enjoying it so far!

On Tuesday, for maths we did some more revision on 2D shapes. After that we got given a shape sheet each to cut out and stick in our jotter, then we had to name it and write the properties of it. We read some more of our class novel ‘Magyk’ . Some people went to choir practise with Mrs Drummond and others stayed with Ms Kennedy to do handwriting. For handwriting we focused on the letters ‘or’, ’ar’ and ‘re’. After that the choir came back and we were designing a vehicle to travel to the centre of the Earth in our sketch books for art. It was too wet to go outside for daily mile so we read some more of ‘Magyk’ instead before music with Mrs Drummond. In music we were practising some songs for our upper school show.

On Wednesday, first thing we listened to some poems. Then we started writing a fantasy scene for writing. Using SEWT (Special Effects Writing Techniques) After break we did some more writing. After lunch we heard a few more poems before some people went to choir. Everyone had to vote on one person to say there poem in front of the whole school. Brooke, Alex, Cole, Carlos and Tiana all got 3 votes but Ms Kennedy still had to do her vote and she voted for Alex because she had the best expression so she said her poem ‘A Dug, A Dug’ in front of the whole school. The choir also sang some songs at our Burns Day. After our Burns Day Assembly we had a quick philosophy session with Mrs Hocknull.

On Thursday, first thing we did vocabulary building where we had to look at a picture and describe it using some adjectives.  Next we did a new number talk called ‘Where’s poly?’.  Then we did a reminder on 3D shapes. After break we did some reading comprehension and then class novel before lunch. After lunch we went to the library and people picked some new library books to read at home. Then we came back to class and did our spelling. We did partner work in spelling.

On Friday, first thing we were finishing off our writing. Then we had assembly, after assembly we started to finish off our properties of 2D shapes and finished it off after break.  Lastly, we had our reward time.

“My favourite part of this week was practising for the school show” By Darcy

“My favourite part of this week was cutting out shapes and writing the properties of shapes in maths” By Caiden

“My favourite part of this week was listening to the Burns poems” By Morgan

“My favourite part of this week was designing a vehicle to go to the centre of the Earth” By Kai Hamilton

Bloggers this week are Brooke Lockhart and Lewis Fraser

Egyptians !!!

This week, we have been busy learning all about Egyptians and we used this knowledge to write super stories about a tomb discovery. In Art, we started to make paper mache death masks. We have also been researching Pharaohs such as Tutankhamun.

We have also been learning the Robert Burns poems and well done to Sarah for standing up in assembly to recite ‘The Red Red Rose’.

In maths, we have been learning about time such as quarter past, quarter to. We have also been putting this knowledge into every day situations.

Well done Josh for getting ‘Star of the Week’ for your super story about the ‘Tomb Discovery’

Well done P4


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