Hello everyone!
I hope you are all getting out in the snow and having lots of fun. I have attached some activities the Upper School could have a go at if you have some “snow free” time. Stay safe out there!
Mrs Murray
Hello everyone!
I hope you are all getting out in the snow and having lots of fun. I have attached some activities the Upper School could have a go at if you have some “snow free” time. Stay safe out there!
Mrs Murray
P7A have enjoyed completing a variety of activities and challenges during Scottish Maths Week.
“I really enjoyed it when we had to make marshmallow cubes.” Findlay
“I enjoyed making the tessellations because you had to be precise.” Ben
“I really enjoyed doing the Sumdog competition.” Cammy
“I found it very interesting when we got to create our own Pascal triangles.” Xander
There is a FREE ATHLETICS open afternoon taking place at the James Young H.S on Friday 20th January from 2.00-3.30pm. The club is aimed at P4-P7 pupils and is a fun club focusing on running, jumping and throwing. This will give children the opportunity to try out the sport before committing to joining the club and paying for the block. If you would like any further information and to book your child a space you should contact Kim O’Connor, Active Schools Coordinator on email: kim.o’connor@westlothian.gov.uk or Tel: 07917078448.
Last week p7 in science were investigating the structure of the earth.
We researched the different layers of the earth’s structure.
We found out there are 4 different layers. Â The inner core is the hottest part of the earth, outer core still extremely hot. Mantle, the thickness of the mantle is 2900km thick and the crust is the thinnest layer. Â It is the layer we live on and is between 50-60 km thick.
We decided to make plasticine models of the structure of the earth. Â We even tried to match up the continents on the crust!
Inside the models they were different colours representing each layer, inner core,outer core, mantle, crust. We cut the models in half to see the inside of the earth.
This is what it looked like after.
We made labels from our research that gave  information about each layer.
If you want to learn about each layer, go on the websites we went on…….WHY NOT!?
or…..if you learn better through music, how about testing your knowledge with this song…
Blogged by Beth Kinroy and Lucas Stenhouse
If you are please send me a wee message in the comment box below.
In anticipation for any snowy days, the children at Second Level are well-prepared for any closures! All children have (or will be given in the very near future) their Glow log ons, a home learning activity grid and a selection of websites you may wish your child to complete at home. The activities vary in challenge and offer a range of different approaches to the curriculum.
Paper copies of log ons, the activity grid and websites can be found in your children’s homework diaries. Or you can click here!
P6/7 had a fantastic time applying lots of skills at the Sky Academy in Livingston. We created an in-depth and highly professional news clip highlighting the plight of endangered animals across the world and the actions we can take to save them. Sadly the clip is too big to upload on this blog but each child was lucky enough to receive a USB wristband with the clip stored on it. We will show off our hard work in assembly next week. We also have a responsibility to ‘keep the magic alive’ for other prospective journalists!
We’re P6/7, reporting for Bankton Primary. Good afternoon!
This week P7 went to Sky Academy and had a SPECTACULAR time!
P7 made their own news report with the help of the Sky Academy team.
We have been using our listening, teamwork, co-operation and being a responsible citizen and representing Bankton Primary School.
P7  want to thank all the Sky Academy staff who trusted us with their expensive equipment, such as their £60,000 cameras and also their editing computers.
Special thanks to our helpers,Chris,Camy,Leanne and Alan!!!!!
P7 had their own tour around Sky so when they are older they will know choices there are for jobs there.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THANK YOU SKY ACADEMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Blogged by Conner Douglas-Martin, Liam Leadbetter & Niamh Shaw
On Friday 28th October all the girls in P7 and P6/7 participated in a sports event at JYHS.
Here are some of the things we did there:
Followed by some pictures.                    Here are the girls who went!
We all really enjoyed themselves thanks to JYHS.
Blogged by Rachel Watters & Amy McMillan
In the first week of this term, we got a special chance to do some amazing artwork about Tradition Tales after watching a Pantomime in school. Â We got to do:
Here are some pictures of Princess And The Pea artwork
People said they really enjoyed it. They got to use chalk pastels to make their masterpieces.
Here are some pictures of Pumpkin Carriages…
People also said they enjoyed this. They got to use crayons and paints to stick glitter on. People enjoyed putting the glitter on the pumkin. The p7s really enjoyed this one!
Here are some pictures of Knobbly knee art…
People said they enjoyed this. They got to use tissue paper to make their character come to life.
Here are some pictures of Giant Art…
Miss Lovett enjoyed this one a lot!
Here are some pictures of the 3D scenes…
People got to use their art skills to make a normal picture into a magical 3D scene.
P7 Bloggers: Beth McGregor and Sophie Dalziel