Category Archives: Nursery

Sand Play

The children in the nursery have had the opportunity to play with resources in a different way to help extend their play and enjoyment.

The morning children enjoyed looking at the pattern from their gym shoes with one child saying that she had a wavy pattern. The afternoon children enjoyed the texture of the sand with one child making sand angels.

Visit to the Post Office

The nursery children had the opportunity to visit the post office in the centre where they have to find out what happens to letters and parcels after we take them there. The children learnt about how the ladies have to measure the post to ensure that the correct money is paid for the postage.

We would like to say Thank You to Caroline for letting the children visit.



Nursery Welcome

We would like to take this opportunity to welcome our new children and returning children to our nursery. We have had a busy few weeks in the nursery and the children have settled in well. We will have regular updates on this blog on what the children have been learning about.


Playing in the rain

This afternoon just like many afternoons this week the nursery children enjoyed playing outside in the rain. Many children enjoyed going down the slide in the waterproof trousers as it was made faster by the rain. Although some children managed to go down without waterproof trousers and go a wet bottom.






Teddy Bears Picnic

To end this year the nursery children had a teddy bears picnic and they invited the primary 1 children to join them. We did lots of teddy dancing and even teddy throwing.  This was a nice way to end the year as Mrs Morrell is retiring and Mrs Ramos is leaving for university to study primary teaching. Primary 6 and 4/5 even made Mrs Morrell’s day by performing a flash mob for her. We are sure that both Mrs Morrell and Mrs Ramos will have an exciting time ahead of them and will always remember the children at Bankton Nursery.

Morning Nursery Sports Day

This morning  the children enjoyed taking part in their sports day. They participated in a quoit race, egg and spoon race, running race  and obstacle relay race. The younger siblings had a running race and there was parents race where the mums and dads had to go backwards with a quoit on their head.

Morning Nature Play

A part of  outdoor learning the morning nursery children visited the Lanthorn woods and they had the opportunity to investigate and explore a specific area. They enjoyed going on a bear hunt and even found slugs home. The children even managed to find the number 7 post which was hiding in amongst the bushes.

Nature Play

This afternoon the nursery children had lots of fun playing in the Mid Calder woods where they had lots of opportunities to explore and investigate the natural texture found in the woods.

Max “I like jumping in the leaves, it felt squishy.”

Ava J “We were building fires.”

Maddison “I liked playing with the sticks.”

Freya “I liked playing with the leaves. “

Eco Week in the Nursery

As part of Eco Week the nursery children have been learning about recycling from Joanne. She brought her large wormery in to the nursery and the children had the opportunity to hold a worm if they wanted to or just look at them. She spoke to them about how the worms helped to make compost which helps our plants to grow. A child even tried to keep a worm as Joanne left.