All posts by N Hocknull

Update on P6 learning this Week…

We were learning flags from countries around the world. We had had to answer a fun quiz.  Amy

We made a 3D hand in our Science Pupil Voice group.  Ellie

We were making characters for animations in our Pupil Voice group.  Jaime

We had a visit from the West Lothian Council tobacco team. We learned a song, played games and learnt facts like there are 4000-5000 chemicals in a cigarette.   Jamie.G and Amy

We are translating the Twits into Scots words.  Daryl

The Busiest 3 Days Ever!

Peer mediators (PMs) carried out some training on how to listen and solve problems in the playground. We will be starting up soon.    Euan

This week we worked on identifying different types of maps. An ordinance map is used by cyclists and people who like to walk.    Amy

Today we were learning about the Eatwell Plate. We made a power point about it.   Jaime

We have been learning about the countries in Europe. Our new topic is Europe!    Daryl

Watch out Alan Sugar!

We have two entrepreneurs in the school! Jack from P4 and Mael from P4/5 decided to make a comic book selling business to raise money for Jak’s Den and the school.

They worked very hard to make the comics at home and sell them at lunch time in the small hall.  The comic was about a minion called Indiana Bobby who thought he was Indiana Jones! They decided to charge £1 for large comics and 50p for smaller ones.

We are all very proud of Jack and Mael and Mrs Stewart can’t wait to put her feet up and read her comic during the Christmas holidays!


P6 Write About the Learning Pit

P6 have been busy learning about the learning pit. We wrote a description of what the learning pit means to us, then we voted on the best description. We chose Beth.K, Arran and Kalanah’s. Here it is……

The learning pit is a place where it helps you learn and gets you out of a hard situation. When you are stuck in the learning pit you might feel frustrated, confused, annoyed, sad, angry, miserable or depressed. You may have a feeling that you have hit rock bottom and you can’t do it, but all you have to think is “I can’t do it…YET!”

You can use strategies to get out of the learning pit. Things like asking a friend, using surroundings, WAGOLL (what a good one looks like), us the 4Bs (brain, boards/boxes/books, buddy, boss), thinking or asking a teacher.

You need to use a growth mindset to think, not a fixed one because you need to keep trying and trying. There are lots of sayings to help you get out of the pit. For example, “the learning pit will lead you to success” and “it’s ok not to know but it’s not ok not to try.”