All posts by Mrs Lloyd

Technology Project Well Under Way

First of all, thank you very much to all the parents who have been raiding their blue bins and collecting their junk items in order to help us with our technology project.  We have collected an impressive amount and this has enabled the children to experiment with lots of different sizes and shapes when planning and designing their houses.  The building of the houses for daddy pig is now well under way and the children are developing their team work skills in order to construct their houses which they hope will be strong enough to withstand the big bad wolf (aka Mrs Lloyd with a hairdryer!).  Here are some photos which let you see the children hard at work.

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Farewell and Good Luck to Paige

P1a were sad this week when we said goodbye to one of our classmates who is moving onto another school.  Paige was a fantastic member of our class who we will all miss but we know she will be a great addition to her new class.  Mrs Lloyd and P1a all wish her and her family well as they move onto pastures new.  We made Paige a card to wish her luck and Yixuan brought in a lovely little chick which his mum very kindly made for Paige.  Best of luck Paige!


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Technology in P1a

This week, P1 have begun their technology project based around the ‘Three Little Pigs’ fairytale.  The children have been split into groups and have already had discussions in their groups about what they could make their house out of to protect the pigs from the big bad wolf.  The children recorded their ideas on their planning sheet and will soon begin constructing their houses.  They have come up with the brilliant idea of using a fan to act like the big bad wolf and the challenge is to make a house which will not be blown down!  Thank you to all parents who have sent in some junk for us to use.  Good luck everyone – the big bad wolf will be huffing and puffing very soon!

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Fun in P1!

Primary 1 have been very busy this week with fun lessons planned by Miss Hewit.  On Tuesday the children enjoyed listening to the story of Hansel and Gretel before making gingerbread houses using real sweets.  The children really enjoyed this experience and although they were tempted, they managed to stick the sweets onto their houses rather than eating them!!

Today, Miss Hewit led a measuring lesson.  The children were involved in a variety of activities including ordering items from smallest to largest, drawing pictures of their families – ordering them from tallest to smallest and measuring a variety of items using non standard units including lolly sticks and footprints.  The children really impressed Miss Hewit and Mrs Lloyd with their measuring skills.  Well done everyone!

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P1 Fun in the Structured Play Area

This week P1 have been busy extending their learning of our Fairyland topic.  In the structured play area this week, the children were drawing detailed pictures of a fairytale of their choice – Jack and the Beanstalk was a firm favourite!  The  children enjoyed using their imagination when playing with the castles in the small world area and they really impressed Mrs Lloyd with their writing at the literacy table where they worked hard to write a speech bubble for the Gingerbread Man, sounding out their words really carefully.  At the maths table, Miss Campbell played dominoes with the boys and girls and was impressed by how well the children were able to match symmetrical butterflies.  Finally, in the role-play area the children were challenged to act out a favourite fairytale to see if Mrs Lloyd could guess it.  During this time the wolf could be seen trying to blow down the little pigs house, Goldilocks was caught eating the bears porridge, Cinderella lost her glass slipper and the evil queen was asking the mirror who was the fairest of them all!

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Fabulous Artists

Over the last couple of weeks we have been looking at the story of ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’ in P1a.  This week the children drew out the bears from the story.  Some people decided to draw Daddy Bear using a big piece of paper, some people drew Mummy Bear using a medium sized piece of paper and some people drew baby bear using a small sized piece of paper.  The quality of the art work is outstanding and the pictures look even better now that they are coloured in and have some porridge oats added to them!  We did make a bit of a mess while producing this work but it was definitely worth it for the finished effect.  More pictures to follow when the Goldilocks display is finished………

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Our Last Tennis Session

P1a thoroughly enjoyed their last tennis session and showed coach Eoin how much they had learned over the last four weeks.  The children showed off their fantastic listening skills and worked well in their teams to get warmed up.  Good skills were shown using the racquets and balls and great progress has been made over the last four weeks with much improved racquet and ball skills being demonstrated.  Well done boys and girls.

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P1a and P1/2 thorougly enjoyed the game-a-thon organised by P6 pupils last week.  The primary 6 pupils did a super job in planning games for the younger children to take part in.  They worked really hard to set up the hall with all the required equipment and demonstrate each game to the children before setting them off.  Music was played during the activities and the children really enjoyed themselves – a popular favourite was the funny races.  Well done to all involved and thank you to all the parents and carers for your kind donations towards fundraising for Team Jak.

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