All posts by Mrs Sinclair

P2/3 Update

Christmas Jingle Enterprise

We have been busy little elves making Rudolph decorations, candy cane mice and reindeer dust to sell at our Nativity. So mums, dads, grans and grandads please bring along lots of money to buy some of our enterprise crafts.

 Nativity Rehearsal

 Today Primary 2 and Primary 2/3 took part in their first rehearsal with the primary 1s and everyone read out their line loudly and clearly and sang out loud like little angels. We were really proud of our children confidently saying their lines that they had been learning in class and at home – thank you to the parents for assisting with this! Believe me when I say it, a show not to be missed. Tickets are selling fast, so don’t miss out.

Snow Day Activities for P2/P2&P3 and P3

I Spy Winter Walk

Go for a Winter walk with an adult. Play I spy. How many words can you find that start with the same sound? Can you write any of these words in the snow?

Story Telling

Build a snowman.

Can you write instructions to tell a friend how you built it? Draw a snowman picture or take a photograph of your own snowman.

Shape treasure hunt

Look for 2D and 3D shapes outside and inside. Can you draw these shapes or make shapes with snow.

 Science Investigation

Collect containers of snow. Keep one container outside, one inside and one on a radiator. Which will melt first? Why? How much water is left in each container?

Please see the websites below for games and activities:

Christmas Games and Activities

Christmas Colouring and Puzzles

Please click on the links and then paste into your search box.

Above all, don’t forget to enjoy the snow. Play outside as much as possible but remember to wrap up warm and keep safe. Have fun!

Class Dojo Champion

Our class champion was Regan  with a fantastic total of 33 points. (Photo to follow)



P2/3 Weekly Update

Christmas Enterprise

Today we held a secret ballot in class to choose the winning name for our enterprise project from the following suggestions.

  • Christmas Bits and Bobs – Mrs Sinclair
  • Christmas Carol – Charles
  • Christmas Jingles – Samantha
  • Christmas Enterprise – Regan
  • The White Elf- Josh

Our winning name was ‘Christmas Jingles’ by Samantha.

 Star of the Week

Nicole for handing in money she found in the playground. (Photo to follow)


Class Dojo Champion

Our class champion was Ella with a fantastic total of 36 points. (Photo to  follow)

P2/3 Weekly Highlights

We had lots of fun in class this week.  At the beginning of the week we had mindset workshops.

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This week we have been revising 2d shape and went on a 2d shape hunt around the playground.

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 Coca-Cola and Mentos Experiment

Our Prediction: the cola would explode

We carried out the experiment which proved our predictions to be correct.  The whole class had lots of fun and I heard words such as ‘awesome’, ‘cool’, ‘fun’ and ‘amazing’ to describe their feelings about the experiment.

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Star of the Week

Lily who has been trying really hard in class, taking part in class discussions and producing lovely work.

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Class Dojo Champions

I’m delighted to say we had a draw in class this week.  Both boys had a fantastic total of 26 points.

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P2/3 Weekly Highlights

Last week some of the boys and girls impressed me with ordering their lunch tray in French as well as saying ‘hello’ in Mandarin.

We enjoyed the Robin Hood panto and here are some photographs which show some of our favourite parts.

Samantha –  My favourite part was when Dani chased the Sheriff of Nottingham’.


Ella – My favourite part was when Maid Marian hit the Sheriff of Nottingham with his hand.


Lily – My favourite part was when the Sheriff of Nottingham locked Maid Marian in the dungeon.

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Halloween Activities

We had lots of fun designing ‘Our Frankly Scary Frankenstein Posters’ based on the style of Pablo Picasso.

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We had lots of fun dooking for apples and Mrs Sinclair was pleasantly surprised to see that we have a new class member who seemed to be a little too old for P2/3.


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Our Star of the Week was Joseph for not getting upset when a friend accidentally bumped into him. Joseph’s reply brought a tear to my eye when he said ‘It’s okay Aaran, you’re still my friend’.

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Class Dojo champion to be announced tomorrow. Watch this space!


P2/3 Happy Holidays!!!

In Maths we have been learning the Months of the Year. We really enjoy singing along to this song to help us remember the months of the year.

We read Katie Morag Delivers the Mail and Kayla brought in her dad’s mailbag to show the class. Some of the class thought it was made of soft leather and some others thought it made of plastic because it felt rough.

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Big Writing – Our Trip to Inchcolm Island.

Star of the Week

Aaron Kennedy – For using the ‘Stretchy Snake’ strategy to help sound out tricky words during Guided Reading Time. (photo coming soon)

Class Dojo Champion

Our weekly champion was Joseph with a fantastic total of 46 points and Lily coming a close second with 41.

joseph class dojo

You have all worked very hard this term and I hope you have a restful October break. Mrs Sinclair

P2/3 Update!

Star of the Week

Instead of having a ‘Star of the Week’ I decided to have ‘Stars of the Week’ for our class as they were fab role models as representatives of Bankton Primary School on our school trip.

Stars of the Week


Charles loved gathering shells on the beach.

Andre loved the abbey.

The rest of the class loved the seals, the beach and the boat ride.

Class Dojo

Our weekly champion was Samantha with a fantastic total of total of 52 points and Aaron K coming a close second with 51.

Class Dojo


During our ‘Guided Reading Sessions’ we have learned two new reading strategies i.e. ‘Eagle Eye’ and ‘Stretchy Snake’.  Please ask your child how these strategies can help them to read.


A Busy Fortnight in P3

During the past couple of weeks we have had lots of fun designing, making and painting our shields as well our Roman Armour. Look out for them at Parent’s Evening.


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Our teacher always put us through a fast pace warm up which means we are tired out before the main part of the lesson.  We were practising shooting into the basketball net and some of us managed to score a basket unfortunately Mrs Sinclair didn’t.

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World Book Day

As you can see from our photos we had lots of different characters in our class today.     Well done P3, you look amazing!


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