P2/3 Update

Christmas Jingle Enterprise

We have been busy little elves making Rudolph decorations, candy cane mice and reindeer dust to sell at our Nativity. So mums, dads, grans and grandads please bring along lots of money to buy some of our enterprise crafts.

 Nativity Rehearsal

 Today Primary 2 and Primary 2/3 took part in their first rehearsal with the primary 1s and everyone read out their line loudly and clearly and sang out loud like little angels. We were really proud of our children confidently saying their lines that they had been learning in class and at home – thank you to the parents for assisting with this! Believe me when I say it, a show not to be missed. Tickets are selling fast, so don’t miss out.

Snow Day Activities for P2/P2&P3 and P3

I Spy Winter Walk

Go for a Winter walk with an adult. Play I spy. How many words can you find that start with the same sound? Can you write any of these words in the snow?

Story Telling

Build a snowman.

Can you write instructions to tell a friend how you built it? Draw a snowman picture or take a photograph of your own snowman.

Shape treasure hunt

Look for 2D and 3D shapes outside and inside. Can you draw these shapes or make shapes with snow.

 Science Investigation

Collect containers of snow. Keep one container outside, one inside and one on a radiator. Which will melt first? Why? How much water is left in each container?

Please see the websites below for games and activities:

Christmas Games and Activities


Christmas Colouring and Puzzles




Please click on the links and then paste into your search box.

Above all, don’t forget to enjoy the snow. Play outside as much as possible but remember to wrap up warm and keep safe. Have fun!

Class Dojo Champion

Our class champion was Regan  with a fantastic total of 33 points. (Photo to follow)



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