All posts by Mrs Thomson

Jeans for Genes

The nursery have been very busy as we have joined in with ‘Walk your Wig Off’ and have been fundraising for Jeans for Genes.  We are proud to announce that we raised £60.70 and would like to thank all of the nursery families for all of their support.100_7957 - Copy        100_6219100_6217 100_6216

Building in the nursery

Over the last week we have been looking at building and construction.  Some of the children went for a walk and saw the building work near the Lanthorn park and wondered what was happening.  They went to ask in the Lanthorn and we are beginning to talk about the different plans they have.  We will let you know when we know more!



Our colour of the week this week is blue.  We have been using blue paint in our art activities and are looking forward to wearing our jeans on Thursday (p.m. group) and Friday (a.m. group) for Jeans for Genes day.  We are also joining the rest of the school by taking part in  ‘walk your wigs off’ on those days too.  What a busy week!



A Busy Week in the Nursery

We have really enjoyed welcoming some of our new nursery children and their families this week.  Everyone has settled into nursery life really well and our returning children have been especially helpful showing their new friends all of the different areas of the nursery.

We were very excited this week when we found a bucketful of dinosaurs with a letter from Harry asking if we could look after them while he is on holiday.  We have been busy reading some of the Harry and his Bucketful of Dinosaurs stories and put out a dinosaur land for them to stay in.  The stories have given us even more ideas of things we can do about dinosaurs and we look forward to continuing with this theme next week.

Exciting experiments in P1/2

This week in P1/2 we have been predicting and experimenting with fruit.  We started with thinking about what fruits might sink or float and gave reasons for our answers.  Next we looked at all of the different fruit we were going to use and made predictions about whether they would float or sink.  Then came the exciting part!   We tried putting them all in the water to see what would happen.  We were particularly surprised to see that grapes didn’t float!

Ryan was our star of the week as he even took time at home to experiment with some of the fruit and brought them in for us to try too (we hadn’t thought about trying a plum!).  Jamie also enjoyed our experiment.

Niamh has enjoyed our reading work this week, particularly completing her comprehension work.  James and Andrew have enjoyed our handwriting this week (P1 were revising the differences between b and d and P2 were continuing practising the common words).

Arran has enjoyed revisiting addition and subtraction in maths this week.

I hope everyone has an enjoyable weekend.

Working hard in P1/2

Primary 1/2 have had a busy week.  We have been continuing with our castles topic and had a go at working in groups to build a castle using the different construction materials we had (Lego, cubes, wooden blocks etc.).  Once we had finished them we had to test how strong they were.  We decided we would throw a ball at them to see how strong they were, Mrs Thomson managed to knock down quite a few!!!  Our next step is to decide which materials were strongest and see if we can build some that will stand up to Mrs Thomson’s attack!


P1/2 had a very busy week!

This week we have been filling in more of our vowel house sounds when we were learning about the sounds ‘oi’ and ‘igh’ and have been sounding out lots of words with these sounds in them.

We have been using our take away skills to answer questions that were written in words instead of just numbers.

Niamh enjoyed doing some Scottish activities with Mrs Ferguson.  James enjoyed his language work this week.  Ryan had great fun at our first tennis taster session.

Next week we look forward to learning some new sounds and we are going to learn more about castles after getting a letter from Sir Helpalot last week.

P1/2 Have had a busy week!

The highlight of our week has to have been our Christmas party where we had a very special visitor!  We had great fun playing games and dancing with our friends.

We have been completing lots of different Christmas activities and are looking forward to taking home all of our surprises on Monday (maybe don’t look too closely in their bags that day!)

Now that our nativity is over we have been rehearsing for the carol service next week when some of us will be reprising our nativity roles to help the whole school celebrate Christmas.  We have been working hard to remember the new songs and all of the different places we have to sit.  Mrs Ferguson, Mrs Lloyd and Mrs Thomson are very proud of how well we are doing.

Primary 1b Update

This has been a short week but we have been very busy!  We have been looking at even and odd numbers
in maths.  Lily and Oskar enjoyed making their
‘Even Steven’ posters for this. 

Rachel enjoyed using her cutting skills to make an animal
mask for Handa’s Surprise.  We are going
to use them for some drama work later on.

Ava enjoyed swapping her book in the library.  Caiden has had lots of fun with playing with
his friends this week.