All posts by Miss Rodford

A busy week in Primary One

This week, we have been really busy working on our reading skills! Miss Rodford has been impressed with our blending skills!

We have also been working on our spelling skills and been practising blending three letter words!

We have also been revising our number facts for 6 and 7 and learning to count and write numbers up to 17!

On Thursday, we started a science investigation and we wanted to find out if plants would grow differently in different places or without certian things like water or soil.  We all made super predictions about the beans …

‘I think the bean which has soil, water and sunlight will grow because it has all the things it needs to grow’ – Hannah

‘I think the bean without water won’t grow becsue plants need water to survive’ – Rosie


March’s ‘Right of the Month’ – Article 12

March’s Right of the Month is  …

Article 12
You have the right to give your opinion, and for adults to listen and take it seriously.

It is important that all children get the chance give their opinions in decisions that involve them!
It gives you the confidence to speak out and know that adults are listening to you!
It can help you to make a change for the better either at home or at school.

Being able to give your opinion as a child is good practise and will help you to be able to make important decisions as an adult e.g. voting

There might be things going on in the world that you might agree/not agree with!

Things you can do at home …..
+ Watch CBBC Newsround
+ Look at news papers with your parents
+ Discuss news with your family and give your opinions

Super Book Day Costumes !!!

This week in Primary One, we have been learning how to find missing number in number stories to 7. We also have been learning how to use tally marks to create barcharts. We found out that our favourite fairy tale was Cinderella!

On Thursday, it was World Book Day and we all dresses up as a book character. Miss Rodford was impressed with all our costumes!!

In the afternoon, we thought about why bedtime stories were special!

I like bed time stories becuse they make me sleepy!

I like bedtime stories because they make me smile!

We also got another letter from the Friendly Dragon, who asked for our help to build a new castle. On Wednesday, we got into groups and designed a castle which we will attempt to build next week!

Well done Primary One! Super Work!


Measuring in Primary One

Primary One have been learning how to measure and they have been doing a brilliant job!!

We have been using different objects like cubes, paperclips and pennies to measure a variety of objects.

We have also enjoyed taking part in health week and thinking about why exercise is good for our bodies ! On Wednesday, we took part in gymnastics and on Thursday we learnt how to play handball! Handball was our favourite!

Well done P1!


Healthy Eating in Primary One

As part of the day for change activities, Primary One found out more about healthy eating and why we need to eat the right things. We made super healthy eating plates and designed our own superheros to help others.

In maths, we carried on working on our adding skills and have been talking about different adding strageties we knew e.g using a number line, counting on etc. We also started to learn about measuring different items using cubes !

On Thursday afternoon, we went for a walk to the Lanthorn Centre to visit Darren at the Church. We learnt all about what a Baptism is!

The babies wear a white dress – Kyle

The babies get a speical certficate – Mason

Have a lovely long weekend Primary One!!

Day for Change!

The RRS team would like to say a big thank you to everyone who brought money in for our ‘Day for Change’ . Everyone enjoyed learning about nutrition and how their money would help other people!

We raised £201.88p !!!! A huge amount!!

We will be able to help alot of children to get the help they need to be healthy!!

Well done!!




A super PATPAL morning

Miss Rodford would like to thank all the parents and families who came to our icount PATPAL morning. Primary One were able to show off all our super learning in maths. We were doing lots of adding and counting!

In week in maths, we have been concentrating using money to buy different items and looked at how we could make different values to !

We have also been thinking about what makes a good learner …

We try hard – Sarah

We listen to our teacher – Hannah

We never give up – Rosie

On Thursday, we planted some magic beans … I wonder how big they will grow !!!

Super work this week Primary One!

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Marvellous Maths in Primary One

This week, Primary One have been impressing Miss Rodford with their adding skills! We have been working hard finding different ways to make 4 and 5.  We have been using our fingers, cubes and singing number stories songs!

Did you know that there are 6 ways to make 5?

We have also been working using different coins to pay for items.

Well done to Hannah and Jamie Wilkie who were very brave a stood up in front of the whole school to recite the Scottish poems that we have been learning.

On Thursday, we listened to the story called ‘The disgusting Sandwich’ and thought about when we have felt the emotion disgusted!

‘I feel disgusting when I eat Mayo’ Kayla

We also made super disgusted faces out of paper!

Super work Primary One!!!!

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Getting ready for ‘A Day for Change’ on the 6th of February!

The RRS team are going to organising a fund raiser for UNICEF on the 6th of February! 

It is called  ‘A Day for Change’ 

Our challenge is simply to collect as much loose change as possible. Taking part is this fundraiser is an  opportunity to teach our children about nutrition and raise vital funds to help keep hungry children around the world safe and healthy.

The children only need to come in  dressed in blue and bring in £1.00!

During the day, children will be finding out more about nutrition and UNICEF as a charity. 

Where will the donations go ….

  • Just £3.50 could provide a class of 30 children with vitamin A supplements to stop blindness, and deworming tablets to help them absorb nutrients
  • £5 could provide life-saving therapeutic milk to treat a severely malnourished child for five days
  • £8 can supply high-energy food for a malnourished child for one week
  • Just £16 could provide critical vitamin and micro nutrient supplements for two toddlers for a whole year
  • Raising £50 could provide education on nutrition and child feeding for 250 mothers or care givers of children under two
  • £150 could provide training for one county health worker on how to provide life-saving treatment for children with acute malnutrition.

Article 24
You have the right to the best health care possible,
safe water to drink, nutritious food, a
clean and safe environment, and information
to help you stay well.

Please help Bankton to raise as much money as possible !!!

Beanstalk making in Primary One

This week in maths Primary One have been learning the addition and subtraction number stories to 2 and 3 e.g. 2+1 =3, 3-2 =1. We have been working on using different strageties to help us get to the answer such as using our fingers, cubes and number lines.  We have also been putting our adding into a real life context e.g. buying items in a toy shop.

This week, we gave out reading books which is very exciting! Primary One have loved reading and answering questions about the book. We are looking forward to our families coming to to see us read on Monday!! In sound we have been building sentences and blending our sounds together to read words.

To start our new topic, we wrote a letter to say how we were going to help the Friendly Dragon to rebuild Fairy land. We also started to make leaves to make the Bean Stalk for Jack!

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Article 29
Your education should help you use and develop
your talents and abilities. It should also help
you learn to live peacefully, protect the environment
and respect other people.