All posts by Miss Rodford

Christmas is coming !

P1a have been busy writing letters to Santa ! We had to think about why we had been good this year!.

We had to make sure our writing was neat and tidy so that Santa could read it.

Have a look at our super Santa letters!

We also had great fun finding out about each other’s favourite toys. The children did a great job standing up infront of the class to speak about their toys.

We have also been learning about how to sort information on a arrow diagram.

Well done P1a

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Wonderful work in P1a

Pla have been busy this week learning all about number stories to 2,3 and 4 !

We have been using our fingers to help to reminds ourselves about these facts!!

We have also been doing some wonderful writing and spelling ! We have been challenging ourselves to write words using set 1 and set 2 sounds. Miss Rodford thinks that our spelling is getting much better.

P1a have also been learning all about road safety. We have some top tips to stay safe when crossing the road ….

1. Keep your feet behind the kerb

2. Look left and right

3. Listen for any traffic

4. Hold hands with an adult

5. Cross when you can see it is safe

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Another busy week !

P1a have been very busy this week. We have spent alots of time practising for our nativity! We have also been working hard on our sounds and spelling three letter words. Some of us are even starting to blend the sounds together to read words! Our sounds this week were oa, w and ng. In, maths we have been doing lots of subtraction and learning about size ! We enjoyed sorting items into tall and short !

‘My bead string is long’ Chloe

‘I sorted the ribbons into long and short’ Cye

This week, we also learnt how to count up to 10 in Manderin !!!

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Last week in P1a

We were very busy learning how to count up to 20. We were practising writing our numbers to 20 and using objects to count.

We also started to learn how to subtract with cubes.

In sounds,we learnt about the ‘ai’ sound and we made name trains. We did some super writing all about Dogger. We had to write about something we had lost.

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A busy week in P1a

P1a have been busy this week learning how to write and build three letter words. We are getting much better at spelling words !!

We have also been learning about 3D shapes and we enjoyed going on a shape hunt. What 3D shapes can you spot at home?

We played the feely bag game to guess what shape we could feel.

I learnt about a cube – Jack B

I learnt what a cone was – Chloe

I learnt about a cuboid – Ryan

A sphere looks like a ball – Kian

Can you tell an adult some of the 3D shapes we looked at?

We started to practise our nativity and Miss Rodford and Mrs Lloyd have found it tricky to decide what parts to give out!!! We are such good actors!!

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Panto Time

P1a loved watching the panto of ‘Robin Hood’. We loved the songs and all the dancing.

‘I liked all of it’ Fraser

‘I liked the songs’ Cole

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We also learnt how to speak some Manderin. We learnt how to say hello and goodbye in Manderin.

Hello is Nin Hao

Goodbye is Zài jiàn

We also looked at some traditional Chinese objects.

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We are also going to have some students from West Lothian College, who are going to take us for P.E. They are going to be teaching us lots of new games.

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Enjoy Halloween this weekend !!!!!


Last week of term !!!

P1a have been busy learning all about patterns this week. We can continue shape and colour patterns.

We have been doing lots of practical activities like making pattern bead strings, printing patterns and colouring in the colour patterns.

We have also been doing lots of science this week about water. Did you know that water can be a solid, liquid and a gas.

We explored ice and water and looked at how they were different.

The water is wet – Fraser.

The ice is chilly – Chloe

I liked the ice – Kayleigh

Well done P1a

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P1a’s Learning this week!!

We have been busy this week learning how to add two numbers together e.g. 4+2 = 6.

We been using objects and our fingers to help us to do this.

The P1’s have also been learning to build words with the sounds that they know. We have also been learning our sight words she and he.

We have also been working very hard at our handwriting this week!

For our harvest topic, we made super shape tractor pictures and finger paint trees.

Look at our super learning . . . .

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A busy week in P1a

P1a have been busy this week learning how to add two numbers together e.g. 2 and 4 makes 6.

We have also enjoyed going on shape hunts around the school – We found lots of triangles, rectangles and circles.

In sounds, we learnt the b and f sound. Can you remeber what colours they are?

We have also been learning all the set 1 sight words – The, the, A, I, is. We have been practising writing the words!!!

It was great to see so many parents at the Open Day ! P1a loved showing off their learning !!!

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